Trans-Tasman: Key the smile & wave PM

Written By: - Date published: 7:17 am, November 30th, 2010 - 65 comments
Categories: john key, Media - Tags: , ,

In the annual Trans-Tasman ‘roll-call‘, amongst the normal love-struck schoolboy prose that we expect from the Trans-Tasman when referring to any National leader, is this judgment on the PM:

“Key needs an agenda, not just the consensus he is building around personal trust.”

In other words:

‘smile and wave is all very nice and good, John, but don’t you think you should do some actual work? You know, build that brighter future you promised?’

Meanwhile, Key is spending two hours today digitally smiling and waving on Stuff. Yawn. I’m sure it’ll give us real insight and display deep thinking. I’m sure we won’t just get trite responses from Key’s PR people.

All the same, go along and ask some tough questions: it’s about time he faced some. Vernon Small’s running it, he’s a good journo, so you can be confident he won’t just let through the patsies.

65 comments on “Trans-Tasman: Key the smile & wave PM ”

  1. Carol 1

    Is Stuff going to do live chats with the leaders of other the other political parties?

  2. ghostwhowalksnz 2

    Key is spending 2 hours on stuff digitally smiling and waving ?

    The perfect way for the beehive staff to veto the questions like they do on talkback

    Why go for the pretence of having an impartial media behind the stunt.
    After all Key has his own channel on Nationals website,( which no one reads)

    National has all ways pushed heavily that its PMs are a ‘man of the people’ ( Sunday night regulars at Antoines, yeah right). So Keys efforts are nothing new, but they are getting better at it.

  3. smhead 3

    How about TT’s view of Goff:

    “Election victory is still remote. Goff has shown more confidence this year, stronger speeches. But still sounds a bit robotic – fails to connect. Mana a big disappointment.”

    You also forgot to mention Eddie what else TT said about John Key:

    “He is probably NZ’s most popular PM ever, as comfortable on the world stage as he is on the streets of home.”

    Oh yes and TT gave Key 9/10 compared to Goff’s 6/10.

    Thanks for playing select-a-quote eddie.

  4. smhead 4

    What word did I use to put my comment in moderation?

    [None. You share an IP subrange with someone else in moderation. Sorry. Lprent might have a look if he notices this. — r0b]

    • smhead 4.1

      Thanks for looking into it rob.

      [lprent: All fixed… ]

    • lprent 4.2

      Haven’t seen that particular person for a while. I had to block 5 IP ranges to exclude whoever it was (and I have my suspicions about the identity).

      Removed the auto-moderation on the IP. Go forth and comment.

  5. Jeremy Harris 5

    I asked him on Radio Live the other day why I shouldn’t move to Aussie if he won’t raise the retirement age when Aussie’s baby boomers will cover 60% of their own retirement, and ours only 12%, due to comp super and they earn 30% more…

    Answer: “Don’t worry about it mate, it’ll be better here I promise”…

    I have to justify not making the move to my future kids and he needed to do better than that…

  6. Daveski 6

    Surely some reflection for Labour from this.

    Key needs an agenda, not just the consensus he is building around personal trust.

    Agree with the criticism but the compliment shows how out of touch Labour’s theme of trust was or rather than Key couldn’t be trusted.

    Perhaps a bigger worry is that a number of the Nats are finding their feet while at the same time Labour is looking in need of rejuventation.

  7. BLiP 7

    Top probing question for our wondrous PM thus far:

    Alex asks: Do you perfer normal chips or kumara chips?

    • AlbatrossNZ 7.1

      I think they’re picking up.

      “Matthew asks: According to your tax cut website, your personal tax cuts from the October 1 ‘tax swap’ are $12,600 a year on your PM salary alone. How is borrowing that money to give you a tax cut adding value to New Zealand?”

      • Lanthanide 7.1.1

        With a complete dodge and non-answer by Key:
        “John Key: Tax policy is designed to achieve two objectives – firstly to raise enough revenue to pay for the govt’s spending requirements, and secondly to put in place the right incentives for people to work and generate investment. By lowering our personal taxes, we are not only narrowing the wage gap between NZ and Australia, but we have re-weighted the investment proposition in New Zealand’s favour.

        It may be true at the moment that the Govt is borrowing to fund its deficit for a variety of factors, but that’s not always the case.”

        • Lanthanide

          Moderator: Sarah asks: How much of the National Cycleway has been built and how many jobs created?

          John Key: Off the top of my head, it’s about 200 jobs so far.

          Exact kms I don’t have to hand, but the important thing to note is that we’re about to embark on the major construction phase over summer.

          It’s my expectation that by the end of 2011, the cycleway will have 18 different tracks, totalling over 2000 kms, with well over 500 jobs created.

          I guess because National created these jobs, they are “real jobs” and sustainable, not the fake unsustainable jobs created under the last Labour government that evaporated during the recession.

          • Bored

            Hooray, hurrah, the mighty “John Key Memorial Cycleway” yeah yeah (metaphorical cartwheel whilst clapping)…….ready in time for the end of oil. John the Great, visionary extraordinaire…..why am I waiting?

      • BLiP 7.1.2

        Yep, good question – stink answer. I might have to have another look, this might get interesting. No doubt Clueless has a gaggle of minders answering the questions but at least Vernon Small is letting through a few curly ones.


        Sarah asks: What is your favourite tv programme?

        Matt asks: What 3 items can you not live without?

        Richard asks: Vegemite or Marmite?Ford or Holden?

        This might be better hosted on the Woman’s Weekly site.

      • bbfloyd 7.1.3

        it’s a con job… i asked a question 5 minutes ago on patsy wong and it hasn’t shown yet… there have been several asked after me that have… patsy questions.

        • Lanthanide

          You think that everyone question that gets asked, get through? Chances are the moderators aren’t even reading all of the questions that are submitted because there are too many.

          I am sure they are deliberately choosing some soft, people-interest type questions. I wouldn’t even be too surprised if they inserted them themselves.

          captcha: screen

    • Jim Nald 7.2

      How about Blue Chip?
      SFO is not pressing charges, citing lack of evidence.

  8. Greg 8

    Helen Clark – the ‘oh God my eyes, don’t look at it!’ PM.

  9. BLiP 9

    Heh! Two hours – more like 45 minutes. Still, as far as Clueless is concerned, less is best.

  10. Jim Nald 10

    I will be polite …

    Dear John Key

    For Fiddlestick’s Sake, please drop the GIMMICKS ! ! !

  11. randal 11

    he cant drop the gimicks.
    thats all he is.
    a gimmick from the folks who brought you don brash last time.
    he has never made anything or invested in business.
    all he knows how to do is to talk other people out of their money but in this gig he doesnt keep it he just doles it out to his mates.

  12. gobsmacked 12

    The fluffy questions can be revealing too.

    He never reads books. No other leader in the Western world would say that. Even Dubya had to pretend he did.

    The great irony is: Key is popular, not because he is ambitious for New Zealand, but because he isn’t. He is the personification of intellectual mediocrity and absence of curiosity. This makes a lot of people very comfortable.

    Thanks for not challenging us to do better, John!

    • Jim Nald 12.1

      ”I have no interest in going to the United Nations, or holding any other elected positions”
      – woteva. it’s clear that no one who can think would want you.

      • Colonial Viper 12.1.1

        Is getting on the Board of Bank of America or the World Bank an elected or unelected position?

        • Jim Nald

          appointments by cronies don’t count
          this would surprise donkey, but there are standards

      • Bored 12.1.2

        Pity that Jim, I would just like him to f**k off somewhere else. (After he has handed on the cycleway to a competent minister…whoops foiled again)…..

        • Colonial Viper

          Maybe the cycleway could be contracted out to the Chinese? No minimum wage requirements, or worries about weekends. And Key could boast that he got it done for a fraction of the budgeted cost. What’s Pansy’s number again?

    • Lanthanide 12.2

      Yes, I also thought that one was revealing, and a bit surprised.

      He says he doesn’t have and down-time during the week and so doesn’t read books, but he does watch Desperate Housewives and Grey’s Anatomy.

      He also chose vegemite over marmite, and doesn’t have any interest in holding other elected office or working for the UN etc – so he really is just ticking off something from his bucket list.

      • Maynard J 12.2.1

        He can choose between vegemite and marmite, but had no position on apartheid.

        Taking on the tough decisions.

    • Vicky32 12.3

      He. Doesn’t. Read. Books. Incredible, haven’t the words!

      • bobo 12.3.1

        Why are people surprised about that ? Wasn’t it one of the reasons he got voted in that wasn’t intellectual like Helen.. (reading a book = intellectual vs reading a tv guide ) He certainly is our own little George W Bush..

        • Tanz

          How do you know that he doesn’t read books? Bill English has an honours degree in English literature, I believe, and perhaps Key is a reader, not an intellectual maybe, but he could still read fiction, etc.

          • gobsmacked


            He said so today, in the Stuff “chat” that we’re discussing. He hasn’t read even one book, in the whole of 2010.

            Of course, he could be lying. Let’s hope so.

            • Tanz

              In all fairness though, I remember early on when Helen Clark was PM, Paul Holmes interviewed her and went to her place, she showed him a stack of books, but said she didn’t have time to read them, one of them was ‘Smila’s Feeling for Snow.’

              Being PM is most likely a 24/7 job, is it not, in all fairness. I could imagine Key reading spy novels etc, who knows, I bet he does read.

              • Colonial Viper

                I could imagine Key reading spy novels etc, who knows, I bet he does read.

                NB reading “Garfield” in the New Zealand Herald does not count.

                she showed him a stack of books, but said she didn’t have time to read them, one of them was ‘Smila’s Feeling for Snow.’

                You remembered the title of a single novel mentioned by Holmes 10 years after he did the interview? Shucks it must be great to have such an awesomsauce memory! I bet you can also remember what you had for lunch the day the interview screened. Isn’t the human brain astounding.

                • Tanz

                  Sarcasm is the lowest form of humour, CV. The very lowest.

                  • pollywog

                    nah…i reckon racist jokes are !!!

                    so have you heard the one about the Tuhoe cannibals or the one about the honoured Pasifikan being asked if his papers were in order or the one about the Asian NZer who isn’t a real NZer ?

                    funny ?

              • felix


                It’s called “Miss Smilla’s Feeling for Snow”

                What on earth is your point?

          • Colonial Viper

            Bill English has an honours degree in English literature, I believe

            Really? Maybe he should re-read Oliver Twist in that case.

            • Tanz

              or Forster’s Three Cheers for Democracy? One Flew Over the Cukoos Nest? or maybe Sense and Sensibility?

  13. bobo 13

    John Key is a reality tv show that should have been canceled after its pilot.

  14. Tanz 14

    It’s hard to imagine the man as a high trader on Wall St. He’s so soft centred and pliable…or is that all a facade? Bill English for PM, because he is bright and handsome!

    • Colonial Viper 14.1

      I cannot tell if you are being serious or if you are kidding 😛

      • Tanz 14.1.1

        Serious, of course. He looks like James Cagney…nice. And he’s more right wing, Conservative.

        • bobo

          yep I agree English has the charisma of a man who been dead decades and the dance moves to match… no one can beat Hodgson when it comes to zombie crunk style..

      • Tanz 14.1.2

        Serious! He’s film star material, and Conservative, the real thing.

        • Jilly Bee

          Ah Tanz – where were you in 2002? Jeez Wayne that was a drubbing for Double Dipton if ever there was.

          • Tanz

            Wasn’t his fault. National had been in power for years, and as always, the public grew tired of them. Famalarity breeds, contempt, especially in politics. National/Labour always, nine years or so, if they’re lucky. He just had to carry the can, that’s all.

        • mcflock

          wow – your vote for Nat-MPILF is in.

        • pollywog

          yup…as a finance minister, he’s a great actor

          and conservative, the mans so risk averse i imagine he wears 2 pairs of undies…

  15. Pascal's bookie 15

    Also, what’s with eating turkey when you have the option of eating something pleasant?

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