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- Date published:
8:00 am, May 3rd, 2018 - 9 comments
Categories: Donald Trump, International, Media, obama, rumour, scoundrels, useless, you couldn't make this shit up -
Tags: donald trump, korea, nobel peace prize
You may have seen the – should we call it news? – floating around about a prospective Nobel Peace prize for Donald Trump. If you missed it, there’s some stuff here. And here. And here too. And there’s this. And this. My initial reaction was to see it in the light of all that rubbish about Oprah Winfrey running for the White House next time around.
But then I gave it a second or two of reflection and wondered why the guy who signaled a willingness to bring a modicum of peace to a part of the world isn’t the name being bandied about. Or why the guy he spoke to isn’t being credited with laying the ground for a possible calming of tensions. (Kim Jong-un and Moon Jae-in respectively)
Further to that, it just started to hurt my head when I tried to understand why the President of the country that’s been the principle source of all the tension in Korea should be a nominee, or potential nominee, or potential recipient.
But then, well there was Obama.
And there was also France pushing hard to have the prize awarded to ‘heroic Jihadists’. Twice. In the end they – the ‘heroic Jihadists’, not France – picked up the Right Livelihood Award and the Tipperary Peace prize.
Strange world.
So yeah. What the hell, give the Nobel Peace Prize to Trump. And throw in a Eurovision Song Contest prize. Actually, I don’t think there is any prize for winning the Eurovision Song Contest. So how about we award him an inaugural European singing chocolate peace fish along with a Swedish medal, a swish certificate, and be done with all this nonsense?
IF this is worthy of a prize, may I suggest the Leader of the ROK?
I dont think a peace prize is for those that threaten ‘fire and destruction’ first, as always Trumps mouth gets away from him.
“The U.S. leader, who last month[Aug 2017] vowed to rain “fire and fury” on North Korea if it threatens the United States,’
‘In first U.N. speech, Trump threatens total destruction of North Korea’
According to RNZ this morning Trump doctors statement that his hair was real was drafted by Trump. He went along with it in the cause of peace.
I reckon he deserves the peace prize.
Always helps to have a piece of a peace pie on the eve of starting a new war. Hot onthe heels of Votel of Centcom and Pompeo of CIA visiting Netanyahu we get false disclosures of Iran breaking its nuclear deal and now the shifting of blame for 9/11 to Iran has begun in earnest. For the neocons 9/11 is the gift that keeps on giving. Any bets on how soon an ‘event’ creates the ‘necessity’ for a military strike on Iran?
better news is that hot on the heels of the meeting of the korean leaders was the tanking in the stock market of such death dealers as northrop, general dynamics, etc. trumps owners are NOT pleased. the export of weapons of mass destruction is now the u.s. 2nd-3rd biggest export.
All this megalomaniac ever wants is prizes and compliments so if it stops him firing his nukes off I say give him the silly prize.
Meanwhile, he’s caused yet another foreign policy disaster! Impeachment cannot come soon enough – this kind of humiliation for the USA would never have happened under Hilary!
The CIA are going to have to shift a whole lot of drugs to pay for this.