Written By:
- Date published:
7:38 am, November 14th, 2011 - 4 comments
Categories: accountability, brand key, election 2008, election 2011, john key, leadership, national, you couldn't make this shit up -
Tags: lies, lying, triple bonus points
Youve got so much choice in terms of lies and deception from 08 like EFA, F&S, anti smacking are all evil and we will repeal them. ……yeah right.
I don’t have Kiwirail shares, no, hang on I think I might have 50000. Oh, so ackshully I did have 100000, but didn’t realise…..
I never saw the contract for the BMW’s. Oh, but I was briefed on it, oh, that’s right…..
But its a dinnamic environment, the GFC is to blame & thats a private billboard, I’ll sue you if you print it.
… and this little cameo.