
I upgraded the site tonight. There have been a lot of security fixes since we pushed a test site together in August 2007. It was only meant to be a trial (as I keep saying plaintively to the posters), and it sort of got away on us.

This version is meant to be much more secure, and considerably faster. But I’m confident that the post and comments will ensure that doesn’t show up on your side. Verbiage seems to fill the space available – especially in an election year.

The biggest visible differences are in the Dashboard for the posters and anyone who logs in. That is because I wanted the site to look much the same, at least for now. Getting the similarity has deprived me of some needed sleep because I needed to move hacks to css.

I know about the missing selection of posts in the top right, but let me know in here if anyone sees any problems. It seems to work in all of my browsers. But the first set of comments in here will be a final test for common browsers.



Update: Internet Explorer version 6 has problems with the layout on the reCaptcha. This will not be fixed until tuesday. If you are using Internet Explorer before version 7, you should upgrade or move to a better browser anyway – help your developers.

I’d suggest Firefox or Safari. Both confirm to the standards a lot better than any Internet Explorer.

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