Written By:
- Date published:
8:09 am, November 2nd, 2016 - 178 comments
Categories: us politics -
Tags: donald trump, hillary clinton, us politics
In order to free up Open Mike and Daily Review for other conversations we are asking that all discussion, posting of links etc on the US election go in this daily dedicated thread rather than OM or DR.
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A poll now has trump in the lead.
I wonder what the Clinton camp will come out with today? The way this election is going nothing would surprise me.
Link to the poll please.
Clinton response:
Probably the ABC/Washington Post Tracking Poll which has Trump by +1 with all the main runners included and Clinton by +1 when it is just Trump/Clinton.
However there have been State-wide polls released for just about everywhere today which has Clinton on 323 EV to Trump’s 215. Clinton still leading in Florida, North Carolina, Colorado and Nevada all of which Trump will need to win.
PA was the other rust belt state Trump was targeting with 20 EV (eliminating the need for Colorado & Nevada) but Clinton is now 8% point clear (Johnson has 6%).
The ABC/WaPo poll is very suspect. Two weeks ago it was calling Clinton +12. Now Trump is tied?
Then this belongs here as well:
This US election answers the question as to whether voters are easily manipulated.
Voters might be forgiven for nominating Trump given the high level of dissatisfaction with the political establishment, but the evidence that something more disturbing is going on is abundant. Exhibit A is that his supporters have told pollsters they believe only Trump can be trusted to give them the truth. This is so laughably misguided it’s hard to know what to make of it. Every time he opens his mouth the fact checkers catch him lying.
To put the recent polls into perspective, on Monday, 538 gave Putin’s candidate a ~21% chance of winning. He’s now at 27.9%.
Today’s story detailing the links between these Russian and US fascists may change that.
You mean the one where the FBI failed to find any conclusive or direct link between Mr. Trump and the Russian government?
They found more-or-less the same lack of evidence regarding HRC’s emails. It hasn’t stopped the denizens of drivel from messing themselves over it.
It’s the optics.
With HRC’s emails the FBI found several dozen email conversation chains which contained classified or secret materials which went through her private insecure server.
She then lied about it in her testimony to Congress.
All these facts are on the public record.
You’re pretending to care about facts. How cute.
“contained classified or secret materials”
Which werent classified at the time, largely because they came from public sources.
One of the” Secrets” was minutes of meeting between israel and palestine negotiators- which was published in an AlJazzerah doco.
The so called Palestine Papers
‘It is the largest-ever leak of confidential documents related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, thousands of pages of diplomatic correspondence detailing the inner workings of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.”
One of her aides sent this to Clinton- and absurdly it became TOP SECRET-afterwards
Others were things like Drone attacks which we read in the papers or see on TV -yet is above Top Secret to become Special Access Secret
This was clarified back in Jan
Statement by Director Comey on July 5, 2016, relating to whether or not Hillary Clinton’s emails contained materials which were classified AT THE TIME that the email was sent or received:
Which is still repeating what I said.
Fact : No emails had classified headings at the time she received them- their were 3 which had C for confidential inside the text.
The reason they didnt have the classified headers were because they were from open sources.
You are just repeating nonsense. NO emails had classified markings. None. ( except 3 mentioned above at the lowest level)
You dont understand anything about ‘classified at the time’ or later ‘up classified’
The example I gave about secret meetings, ‘ minutes of meetings’ were inherently secret- even if they came from a TV station.
A newspaper report that just refers to a Yemen drone strike is innoucous enough but is up classified as the drone program across international borders is still secret, even if you dont have operational details ( which would make it a secret from the very start)
You should get Putin to provide details on US security classifications
The LA times Tracking Poll has Trump up by 4! Sample size 3145
LA Times ‘tracking poll’ is a sort of hybrid between random sampling which is the gold standard and self selecting online poll which is rubbish.
They require their pool of voters to regularly return to ‘revote’ and its heavily weighted to make it seem like a ‘radom poll’ which matches the voting population’
LA Times has been consistently over weighted to Trump
Clinton holds five-point lead as FBI looks at more emails: Reuters/Ipsos poll
I am always concerned when these reports do not include the breakdown of how many registered Dems/Reps/Indeps were included in their poll work.
Unskew the polls!!!
Yip. CV is a parody of himself.
One election, two sets of rules:
“Different rules for the Donald: An unfair set of standards apply only to Hillary Clinton”
Clinton is, more than ever, the #TBT (or TimeBeforeTrump) candidate, a throwback to an era of campaigning when a modicum accountability was expected. Meanwhile, there is no such expectation for Trump.
The letter of James Comey, the FBI director, regarding the discovery of additional emails related to Clinton’s term as secretary of state illustrates the point. Trump has been allowed to get away with practically hundreds of grievous trespasses that would have doomed all other presidential campaigns. Yet this letter, which contained almost no specifics and which might turn up exactly nothing, appears to be precipitously shrinking Clinton’s lead in early tracking polls. And it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.
Fold into the mix the fact that Trump is facing a civil trial on accusations that he raped a 13-year-old girl, and his poll numbers somehow just 3 points worse than Clinton’s damn emails? And by the way, the latest story has nothing to do with her “home brew” server, since the computer in question doesn’t belong to her. Nor did Comey imply there was any wrongdoing. Nor did Comey reveal how many emails are copies of what the bureau already possesses. Nor did Comey say that any emails were sent by Clinton herself. Nothing. The extent of the story was we have emails. That’s it.
Even if there’s nothing behind some of the more exotic stories about possible Trump-Russia links, there’s still plenty of solidly documented stuff to be concerned about.
Lucky for him Joe McCarthy’s not still around. Or is the latter not really needed.
The Repugs are actively rigging the election in plain sight. It’s just called voter suppression.
.The problem for Trump is that his band of followers are whinging old “lost sheep” former employees. There wives are getting work.
. You would think the men could at least stop sucking their thumbs and go out and do something for their families.
. Oh No. Trump will suckle them at his breast.
The then-thirteen (yes, 13) year old girl who filed rape charges against Trump earlier this year, said in those court papers that the threats to silence her included reference to a 12 year old girl who had then disappeared. The witness to all the events was a girl who worked at the premises at that time. That witness says the 12 year old was also raped by Trump, before she (was) disappeared:
The rape case is due to be heard on 16th December.
There must be some statute of limitations that has expired which explains why this is only being pursued through the civil courts. Otherwise those witnesses are surely incriminating themselves:
Seth Meyers summarises it.
Samantha Bee figures it out. Trump can’t read!
There’s a fair chance he’s dyslexic.
Interesting comment. A quick google didn’t turn up anything. So why do you think he might be dyslexic?
Saying “Trump can’t read!” is far too extreme. Saying “Trump might be dyslexic?” is a lot more reasonable. I’d suggest the chances of someone being a billionaire and not being able to read is pretty much vanishingly small.
Also, among business owners and entrepreneurs, there is a much higher incidence of dyslexia than amongst the general population – in one study in the US, 35% of business founders call themselves dyslexic, vs 15% of the general population.
You do realise Bee’s piece is a comedy piss-take on how conspiracy theories start, right?
Yes, and I’m saying you can take her comedy piss-take and turn it into a more believable conspiracy theory by saying he’s dyslexic, because all the same evidence fits.
Ok, but then it seems to me that would also be mocking people who actually are dyslexic, and perpetuate a stigma against dyslexics. By blatantly going so far over the top by saying Trump can’t read it successfully mocks Trump and conspiracy theorists, but seems to me it avoids mocking people who actually can’t read (because it’s so far OTT).
+100 …thanks grim
…there are so many great brave Americans who have not been afraid to speak truth to power
“great brave Americans”
He sounds completely unhinged rather than brave
I’m sure they see themselves as; “great brave Americans”, it just strikes me as strange that any here would agree with them:
well quite frankly it interests me how many here seem blind to the corruption of the Clintons and the USA under their administration….and every time it is pointed out and exposed the messenger is either ignored or vilified or ridiculed…little different from the mainstream media imo
NOT the mainstream media:
‘And the Weiner is! Hillary Clinton and the obedient lapdog media’ by Robert Bridge
+1 on the blindness to verified Clinton corruption. MSM isn’t really being called out either. There’s also a bit of Russophobia around too.
The Russophobia is at an 8 out of 10 level – but it is the Putin hate which shines through.
Putin the tyrannical mafia dictator with dead eyes.
All the magazine covers – Putin as The Joker, Putin the Vampire, Putin the Hitler, Putin crazy in a strait jacket, Putin the puppet master.
A diverse spectrum of people and groups support each side,
Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign has received more than $20,000 in donations contributed by members of the Ku Klux Klan, a prominent member of the hate group said Monday.
“For the KKK, Clinton is our choice,” said Will Quigg, California Grand Dragon for the Loyal White Knights
they’re out in force today
It seems that recently he’s come to hold some other…ahhh…interesting views.
He’s a troofer’s troofer.
His preferred career is apparently as a fiction writer. He should stay with that. Oh, wait..
I posted an Alex Jones interview with her yesterday, but here she is with a different interviewer.
Once all votes end up at a centralised computer the tampering happens. A predetermined percentage of the vote is allocated to the winner, determined not by democratic election but in advance by those who seek to install the president of their choice.
In other words as long as Hillary Clinton is running, she wins.
does this method of final counting/collating of regional votes electronically …”fractional voting”…have implications for New Zealand?
….and last Election?…especially with ‘early voting’ , the results of which were counter intuitive to many?
IMO it means that we must NEVER go to electronic/internet voting, and that our paper voting systems have clear physical audit trails available at all times.
Hey look at that! CV mk2.0 has actually written something with which I wholeheartedly agree. It is not just actual vote fraud that must be avoided to retain any semblance of democracy, but also even the appearance of such fraud.
Always a pleasure, Pasupial.
No proof. Hint guy sitting in his darkened garage saying Conspiracy!
As far as Im aware US voting is decentralised down to the County/City level. the voter rolls are done at State level
Looks like Clintons taking lessons from NZLabour
“Clinton campaign officials have dismissed a poll suggesting that Donald Trump may have taken the lead in the final days before Tuesday’s election, insisting they see no evidence of a negative impact from Friday’s new FBI email disclosures”
Sorry, I linked to the wrong video, but this covers the issue and directs to more info should you want to view it.
Hillary Clinton and the Global Shale Gas (fracking) Initiative
If you believe that Sec. Hillary Clinton is now publicly against climate change and for the environment, you should know that in office she pushed countries around the world to adopt fracking by massive energy companies.
Mother Jones has more in a piece titled How Hillary Clinton’s State Department Sold Fracking to the World
I wonder if any of the energy corporations concerned also donated money to the Clinton Foundation?
Way better to throw your lot in with Donald “Climate Change is a Chinese Conspiracy!” Trump
Well, I don’t like Trump’s position on climate change.
But I am pointing out above how Hillary Clinton used the office of Secretary of State to push the big corporation fossil fuel fracking agenda around the world, even as she now says on the campaign trail how concerned she is about climate change and the environment.
As Sec of State that is kinda her job to promote US interests around the globe so your just using weasel words when you say she “used” the office of Secretary of State.
As to fracking her and Trump probably have the same energy policies I would wager (except Trump is climate change denialist) so basically I have no idea what you are trying to say,
I’ll break it down – Clinton = bad, trump = good. The rest is padding.
Just trying to show you what you can expect from Hillary Clinton in high public office, based on what she did the last time in high public office.
Sure Clinton = bad, we get your lines they are repetitive.
I think you might like my next one, then. I found it just for you.
Like/unlike you’ll keep churning them out cos that is all you’ve got – I’m not worried – used to it from you – it is boring and you are desperate and grasping but that is typical for trumpeters so all good.
But that’s why you waste so much space, you silly little cucumber! We already know.
We already know that were it not for Sanders she’d most likely be campaigning in support of the TPP right now.
We already know that she’s economically right wing and supports free trade.
We already know that she supports drone strikes the world over.
We already know that she’ll be confrontational with China and Russia, particularly in emerging Arctic sea lanes and other geopolitical flashpoints.
We already know that Sanders would have been a much better president.
We already know that like most elected officials these days, her policies in office will have half an eye on post-political income streams.
We already know that her husband is probably a rapist.
We already know that, being a lawyer, she’s probably been involved in transactions that were convoluted and possibly illegal. That’s just lawyers for you (present readership excepted of course 😉 ).
You don’t need to incompetently parrot partial recollections of other rwnj’s convoluted fantasies about her, we already know that she won’t be the best possible president.
But she’d still be a better president for the US and the world (including NZ) than a petulant, impulsive, stupid, avaricious, narcissist who seriously proposes things that no sane candidate would even joke about. Things like ditching the nuclear nonproliferation treaty, targeting known innocents in drone strikes as vengeance against suspected terrorists, and launching political prosecutions against his opponents.
Those are the two options facing american voters. That’s reality. No stein, no sanders. The next president will either be Clinton or Trump.
Maybe I should crosscheck to see if the “United States Energy Association” has previously donated to the Clinton Foundation, or paid big money to either of the Clintons for speeches.
What do you reckon the chances are?
The chances of you lying about it are 100%.
A single google search revealed this from the Trump/Russian backed organisation “Greenpeace”
And there’s the lie. That article doesn’t mention the Clinton Foundation, or speeches by Clinton once.
So AOB was right – the chances of you lying about it were 100%.
You choose to avert your eyes from how much money Clinton has been getting off big gas and oil.
However other people can read for themselves to see the truth of how deep she is in with the fossil fuel industry.
Oh, and whoops – call me a liar as much as you like but here is the truth about the Clintons my good friend
Yep and yep but mr mcflock hit it right on the head, and I am a rwnj
Nah, you’re a semi-literate cretin.
+100 CV…that woman is so corrupt
And I note Bernie STILL hasn’t withdrawn his support for her nomination. At least now all his supporters can redirect the energy they once had hoping he would make a difference into something else that may eventually make things better. Or perhaps even great again.
Yeah, it’s so surprising how Hillary’s strongest supporters are people that have actually worked with her. Or done business with Trump.
Yeah i noticed that too. It’s almost like they are using their brains instead of their bias.
Why is it a surprise, Andre?
Have you managed to miss the band of perverts, pedos and thieves, arms dealers, war mongering murderers and environmental destroyers occupying the USA?
Having your head in the sand will do that!
The cosmos shapes subtle choices.
Some detail on one of Trump’s more …interesting…supporters.
Interesting read
Devastating: Leslie Wimes, the president of the Democratic African-American women’s caucus [FL.] says: It’s over now as far as the [Floridan] African-American community is concerned.
Watch the interview if you want to get a feel for the message. According to Wimes, Hillary Clinton’s campaign has made a critical, unrecoverable error.
To my mind, this is *exactly* what Donald J Trump means when he says at his rallys that Hillary Clinton takes the African American vote for granted. And according to Wimes, African American turnout – which was absolutely critical to Obama’s 2012 win – is going to be a disaster for Hillary.
yes something similar said here about the African American vote either actively disliking Hillary Clinton and/or being apathetic about voting
“The significance of battleground state North Carolina is among the topics for Max and Stacy in this episode. Max also chats to the four-time former mayor of Pittsboro, NC about Obamacare, Bernie’s role in a Hillary Clinton administration, and more.
In the second half, Max interviews author and journalist Tim Shorrock about the ‘Asia Pivot’ and Hillary’s North Korea policy.
Apathetic, you say.
Wiles’ negativity towards Hillary Clinton’s engagement with the Florida African American community may be proven wrong in due course.
The Russian Connection – Olbermann:
I thought that by US tradition, McCarthyite paranoia about ‘reds under the bed’ is supposed to come from socialism hating Republicans.
Transparent fascist shill pretends fascists are socialists.
If you truly want to examine the seamless melding of corporate, political and military power, then turn around and look straight at the Clintons.
You got caught out lying about them again, I notice. McFlock nailed you to the floor.
LOL. Now, about the melding of political, corporate and military power: that is the very definition of the Clintons operating method.
Why do you tell so many lies? It looks like a pathetic attempt at self-aggrandisement.
Reminder. YOU brought up fascism, not me.
You shilling for fascists guarantees that it’ll come up on a regular basis.
Who defines fascism as “the melding of political, corporate and military power”, other than you? And don’t say “Mussolini”, because it’s very likely that’s a fake quote (I figured I’d save us both some time by doing basic googling for you).
By a conventional meaning of the term, trump is literally a fascist.
“Look at MEEE ! ……look at MEEE ! I love it when you do that. Proves what a bastard the New Zealand Labour Party is……”
That was back in the good ole days when the USSR actually pretended to be a socialist country, trying to spread its influence. These days its a nasty authoritarian hard-right country trying to destabilise western democracies.
Again, this kind of commentary is best suited for old school Republican McCarthyites and Reaganites complaining about the “missile gap” and the “Evil Empire.”
Mr slogan complaining about slogans – oh my head hurts now – must be the deep state machine haarp waves.
Olbermann notes that whether or not Trump has received financial or other reward from that country, he is, in effect, acting as a Russian agent.
I suppose that FBI director Comey interfering against Hillary Clinton less than 2 weeks before the election means that he is, in effect, acting as a Russian agent as well.
In fact, anyone who opposes Hillary Clinton (including poor old C.V. on The Standard) is, in effect, acting as a Russian agent.
BTW – any word on whether or not Chinese Government hackers prefer Clinton or Trump?
You are a stooge not an agent there is a difference.
Trump is compromised and is Putin’s plaything and that dead eyed dude holds the cards.
Don’t get sucked in by western colonial propaganda, Marty Mars. Russia and China, along with the United States, will be the major powers of the 21st century. Time that everyone get along to avoid future wars, military and economic.
Yeah and one day the sun will explode.
For someone who avidly watches so much propaganda and spin you are quaintly out of touch with reality – please no more my tummy is sore for laughing so much.
Wow ! Deep……
Still on the decline with the comments, Marty
Greatness is in the midst of universal chaos
Some loose thoughts on possibilities… just ruminating.
If Clinton gets in a fair proportion of the left will be paralysed – cleaving to ” give her six months” type lines or ” Bernie says…” nonsense.
If Trump gets in, the whole of the left will be galvanised.
If Clinton gets in, a lot of the really bad shit she can be expected to unleash will fall on people outside of the US who had no say whatsoever in which evil clown became the most powerful politician in the world.
If Trump gets in, his really bad shit can be expected to land primarily on the US population.
Maybe the US election is a further sign that the grotesque carousel of liberal social democracy is finally slowing to a stop?
In election after election and in issue after issue “the establishment” is being rejected and doesn’t appear to have anything to offer beyond some themed iteration of “project fear” …
You’re dreaming if you think Trump’s bad shit will be in any way contained in the US.
Well seeing I never said “contained” then, innit?
(fuck, I wish people would read comments before replying)
It would be remarkable if the next US President – whoever it turns out to be – did not spread liberal amounts of ‘bad shit’ around certain (large) parts of the globe.
If they didn’t they would be breaking with an as yet unbroken tradition, certainly in the 20th century and, to the extent that America’s growing power made it possible, in the 19th century (Haiti, the Philippines and on and on …).
In the last 60 years that ‘bad shit’ has had various euphemistic names: The Cold War, The Domino Theory (Vietnam et al.), The War on Terror (Reagan’s), The War on Drugs, The War on Terror II (G.W. Bush’s), The Gulf War (Bush Senior), Gulf War II (Bush Junior), The Arab Spring (more correctly, in hindsight, The Arab Cyclone Season), The War on ISIS (or whatever it’s called – maybe The War on Terror III) … and, now, presumably, The Cold War II.
Undermining, overturning and simply militarily removing governments is BAU for the US (as it is for less dominant regional and wannabe world powers – as we’re witnessing in Yemen and Syria currently).
Caught up in that BAU model are the local populations whose lives are the final receptacles for the ‘bad shit’.
‘Bad shit’ is part and parcel of being one of the world’s mafia Dons – and, of course, some ‘Dons’ are better than others; but they’re still all Dons.
The US election won’t change this constant policy direction.
You’ve actually got the one convincing point I’ve yet read for voting for Trump. However, I don’t agree that there will be space remaining where; “the whole of the left will be galvanised”. Unless he provokes a military-industrial coup, I fully expect a Trump presidency to be declared perpetual and heriditary, elections abandoned, and brownshirts on the streets to enforce the leader’s edicts.
I guess he’s cancelling those billions of climate change spending to fulfill his military spending promises.
Trump pledged to expand the Army to 540,000 active-duty troops from its current 480,000, increase the Marine Corps from 23 to 36 battalions – or as many as 10,000 more Marines – boost the Navy from 276 to 350 ships and submarines, and raise Air Force tactical aircraft from 1,100 to 1,200.
Trump said those numbers were based on assessments by the conservative Heritage Foundation and other groups. Heritage said in a report that it looked at the capacity needed to handle two major wars to determine its force-size recommendations.
Crooks and Liars published this…..
FBI Officially Goes Rogue, Dumps 15-Year Old Records Of Clinton Foundation Inquiry Online
After being dark since 2015, the FBI account which tweets out record dumps they place online began tweeting this weekend after Comey’s letter went public.
Through the weekend, the tweets were innocuous, but certainly ones that would garner some attention. Like these:
….so I checked the authors twitter account…and down the rabbit hole I went…
The tiny fisted fascist seems determined to salt the electoral process.
Don’t know if this has been posted but it looks like the media message is changing so not good for Clinton
Rather amusing,
I do not support Trump, but oppose Hillary and the Clinton crime family
Postpone the election: clean house, including Obama impeachment.
That is my opinion.
The election is not going to be postponed. For one thing, as of yesterday; 27,734,053, have already voted. This is not my opinion, this is a fact:
Obama impeachment? Tell us more.
So much energy ‘debating’ eachother when the actual problems are elsewhere
Perhaps the sense of helplessness at reaching those responsible for the evil is to big an obstacle to grapple with
Better to argue and throw insults at some other poor sap while wishing praying and believing the ‘winner’ might represent opportunity for ‘genuine change’
Each of us is a reflection of subjective photons.
NOT the mainstream media…Internet GONE WILD ! ( if even a smidgen of this is true it is dynamite!…US politics or any politics will never be the same again)
‘Anonymous Release Bone-Chilling video of Huma Abedin every American Needs to See’
…and Lionel’s take:
‘Hillary in Freefall: DikiLeaks, Weinergate, ComeyCon and Huma Benched’
previous Lionel takes :
‘Comey Is Correct, Hillary’s Panicking, Huma’s a Grease Spot and Weinergate II Moves On’
‘Weiner’s Revenge, Huma Goes Jimmy Hoffa and Hillary’s Toast’
Listening to Lionel – LOTUS for POTUS – is a pleasure.
You have a strange idea of pleasure CV. The; too libertarian to let himself be called libertarian, Michael Lebron’s half hour of his own face and flailing hands is too much for me. I imagine he is more effective as a radio talk show host, and in brief RT clips.
re speaking of Lionel and “pleasure”….Lionel’s music is a “pleasure”
Theme song: ‘Gipsy Kings – Nina Morena’
Closing Theme Song: ‘Soul Makossa – Manu Dibango’
The purported source links to O’keefe’s discredited fantasy factory.
It’s not the Anonymous channel.
Samantha Bee and Obama tell each other scary stories for Halloween.
released today 🙂
can you sumarise that?…i am scared to go in there in case they think I am a hacker and come and get me
Trump is no longer that goof ball, he is now seriously FUBAR!!
Let Samantha Bee clear it up for you
Are you scared yet – you should be —– here is part two.
Did you just block my IP…again? ah yes you have.
ooh that’s nasty. why because I posted a link to FBI gov page?
This site is compromised, not just biased.
( tried multiply browsers you dicks, knew you were gatekeepers, posting from proxy)
[not sure which dicks you are referring to, but non of the IPs you’ve used in the past day are in the black list. I note that the comment you are referring to is now visible. If your or anyone’s comments aren’t appearing and you haven’t had a note from a moderator, then the most likely reason is the thing where people’s comments randomly go into moderation. It’s happening to my comments currently too and there is at least one other regular commenter being affected as well as individual comments form people. Lynn will fix it in due course no doubt, but I’d suggest that instead of defaulting to a conspiracy theory and abuse, next time you inform Lynn and give him some information to work with – weka]
That’s some imagination you’ve got.
You seem rather gullible so you’ll love this….
I also have some contacts at Quinnipiac. I hear they’re all smoking up Bernie-grade weed. Fucking College polls
I’m gullible ok,
now would you be so kind as to state for the record that you are not gullible
+100 for that link grim
this is not a question of “gullible”…it IS a question of big corporates buying ‘democracy’…and taking it off the little guys ..creating a Banana Republic
$150 million is a lot of money from Rothschilds Asset Management to Mrs Clinton’s campaign
– 100 nah but good you are going for the mainstream conspiracy theories now kooky. In any other dimension trump would be seen as a corporate slagheap, or 1%er scum but in this zone he’s a friend of the poor and champion of the little people. Fools and their money will soon be parted.
Imagination is not required to spot a trend, less of the direct insults cheers, it’s not fun to watch you unravel.
At last . . . . An article that convincingly summarises where all this is/should be heading:
And the “Click bait” i.e. a quote from the above):
“I have not seen a single news report mention the phrase “obstruction of justice” yet, but I am convinced that there is a very good chance that this is where this scandal is heading. The following is the relevant part of the federal statute that deals with obstruction of justice…
Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsified, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under Title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.”
Trump’s a goner.
Over the course of decades, Donald Trump’s companies have systematically destroyed or hidden thousands of emails, digital records and paper documents demanded in official proceedings, often in defiance of court orders. These tactics—exposed by a Newsweek review of thousands of pages of court filings, judicial orders and affidavits from an array of court cases—have enraged judges, prosecutors, opposing lawyers and the many ordinary citizens entangled in litigation with Trump. In each instance, Trump and entities he controlled also erected numerous hurdles that made lawsuits drag on for years, forcing courtroom opponents to spend huge sums of money in legal fees as they struggled—sometimes in vain—to obtain records.
More gas lighting, accusing others of that which you do yourself, narcissistic trait, everything the Clinton campaign has accused Trump of, they have done 10 times worst, wait and see what Bill has been up to 🙂
Hannity lists out just a few of the USC Title 18 laws that Hillary Clinton is likely to have broken. They include:
Been there done that
Those sort of possibilities came up during the previous closed email investigation.
There was nothing in it. No intent or the documents were from public sources ( but later classified)
Even I can see through an idiot like Hannity- who is said to be in top 3 at Fox News ratings but translates to miniscule 500-600K viewers.
That translates to NZ viewer numbers of 8000 Thats not an error.
Source for US viewer numbers
My understanding is that most of these laws do not require “intent.”
For instance, accidentally leaving behind top secret documents on a bus seat will get you charged exactly the same. Although sentencing might take the circumstances into account.
Secondly, I have already debunked your materials were from “public sources” defence. From the FBI website:
Ahhh yes it is an error. You fucked up. For starters where did you get 500K to 600K viewers from?
And Hannity’s show has a viewership well above anything on CNN and MSNBC.
We love the “underrated” Hannity !
he’s sooooooooo underrated that any rating anywhere he is under by miles, nothing but daylight.
+100…thanx Murray Simmonds…very interesting ….and follows on from what Lionel ‘LOTUS FOR POTUS’ is saying above above…’Weinergate’
Who is Lionel?
Jesus. Trump must be looking at millenia then…
Things Trump has said about Elizabeth Warren – page full of stuff, all linked through to verify (they’re not nice). “Donald Trump’s Open Carry”:
Recently, the New York Times produced a veritable thesaurus of Trumpian twittery — every insulting tweet of The Donald’s that their researchers could find since he declared his candidacy. It’s quite a collection in which he goes after 282 people, places, and things in his uniquely abusive fashion. (Don’t even get me started on his tweets about Hillary Clinton; you’d be reading until tomorrow.) Here, instead, is a relatively limited list of his, a tiny entry of classic nastiness aimed at a peripheral character in this year’s election campaign, Senator Elizabeth Warren:
Does anyone here have the IT experience to assess this?
So on the one hand, you’ve got a; US cybersecurity firm hired by a Russian bank (run by a crony of Putin’s) unable to find conclusive evidence of communication. On the other, you’ve got some one who works with IT systems demonstrating that communication. I don’t know enough to go look at the activity logs myself, perhaps someone else here has done so?
I reckon Donald Trump was ordered by Vladimir Putin to electronically pass Russian porn provided through Alfa Bank (which Trump is in no doubt in hock to up to his eyeballs) to Anthony Weiner in order to compromise Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign by drawing attention to an old laptop that Huma Abedin used to use but which was in Anthony Weiner’s possession.
It’s the only logical explanation.
I’m more interested in the comment of someone who knows what they are talking about. Go spin your bullshit some place else.
Geeez man where did you bury your sense of humour this afternoon.
Under a large pile of quite technical analysis in a field (IT) that I have only the loosest grasp of. I still have my sense of humour, what I’m lacking is patience.
The Intercept says that the Trump empire regularly spams out hotel deals and the traffic between the two servers is a result of this spam and a Russian server trying to locate the source of the spam.
I have probably oversimplified but the tech stuff is discussed in the article.
Is the Intercept an accepted source here?
As long as Glenn Greenwald considers The Intercept worth writing for himself, I would suggest yes.
Thanks for the link Stillwaters. If I recall correctly, the main thing I recall from that Intercept piece is that; the anonymous source was unwilling to provide a complete activity logs to The Intercept analyst.
However, I fell asleep while reading another more technical take on it, and it has all gone a bit blurry now.
…here is someone who knows what they are talking about:
‘Debunking Trump’s “secret server” ‘
…” The evidence available on the Internet is that Trump neither (directly) controls the domain “trump-email.com”, nor has access to the server. Instead, the domain was setup and controlled by Cendyn, a company that does marketing/promotions for hotels, including many of Trump’s hotels. Cendyn outsources the email portions of its campaigns to a company called Listrak, which actually owns/operates the physical server in a data center in Philidelphia.
In other words, Trump’s response is (minus the political bits) likely true, supported by the evidence. It’s the conclusion I came to even before seeing the response…
The big story isn’t the conspiracy theory about Trump, but that these malware researchers exploited their privileged access for some purpose other than malware research…
In short, of all the sources of “DNS malware information” I’ve heard about, none of it would deliver the information these researchers claim to have (well, except the NSA with their transatlantic undersea taps, of course)…
I wonder what the Dumpffs think of Blackwater founder Erik Prince financing a pro-Trump super PAC.
Remember, to win Trump must win Florida but even if he wins Florida, he could still lose.
WTF – an investigation based on news stories and a book.
In August, around the same time the decision was made to keep the Manafort investigation at a low simmer, the F.B.I. grappled with whether to issue subpoenas in the Clinton Foundation case, which, like the Manafort matter, was in its preliminary stages. The investigation, based in New York, had not developed much evidence and was based mostly on information that had surfaced in news stories and the book “Clinton Cash,” according to several law enforcement officials briefed on the case.
thought I posted this before, why this is double interesting,
Palantir-Gotham used by FBI and NSA, previously used by Clinton foundation for internal audit, owned by Peter Thiel… mildly interesting don’t you think.
palantir – uses include detecting money laundering and child trafficking.
palantir/prism/resilient cities/strong cities ….
And now Thiel has come out in support of Trump…? Stranger and stranger. Although I suspect that he is simply hedging business bets.
Thiel has been a Trump supporter for a long time.
Remember who’s boss on Nov 8th. Chris Pine plays being your co-worker as if he was Congress.
I guess they didn’t meet Helen 🙂
Mike Moore: When considering why men are so opposed to Clinton due to their sexism, Moore said, “It’s the muscle memory of 10,000 years that’s in our DNA where we’ve run the show forever.”
“Next Tuesday possibly, hopefully, a woman is going to lead the most powerful country on earth,” Moore says. “In other words, the 10,000 year reign is over.”
How about Margaret Thatcher?
How about Queen Elizabeth (the first).
Although I agree that Hillary Clinton shouldn’t be opposed on her gender. But on her warmongering, disdain for national security protocol and corrupt self enrichment.
Moore would be better off confining his comments to 230 years of the history of the USA.
The Celestial Empire, at one of its peak flourishing periods, had a female emperor about 1300 years ago.
[Hi Anne (below), Although I despair that one of the world’s current democratic representative system has yielded the current two candidates, I hope your wish will be fulfilled!]
3 November 2016 at 9:13 am
Thanks Jim Nald. 😉
Certainly not ideal but the alternative… God help us.
It would be a day we will never forget. Let it be, let it be!
Chicago’s thuggish mayor Rahm Emanuel is
bad enough—but his terrorist father was even worse