Weekend social 09/11/2012

Written By: - Date published: 2:00 pm, November 9th, 2012 - 12 comments
Categories: weekend social - Tags:

Christmas truce 1914Weekend social is for non political chat. What’s on for the weekend, gigs, film or book reviews, sports, or whatever.

No politics, no aggro, why can’t we all just get along?

12 comments on “Weekend social 09/11/2012 ”

  1. felix 1

    Hey Chalupa if you’re around, the latest episode of your favourite show is out.

  2. lanthanide 2

    In Port Douglas. Cane toad racing tonight. Kuranda forest + sky-rail tomorrow. Great barrier reef snorkelling Monday. Total solar eclipse from hot air balloon Wednesday. Back home Thursday.

    • r0b 2.1

      Niiiice! The Reef is just brilliant (13 years ago my wife and I did 2 days training in Cairns then 3 days on a dive boat out there). The rest of it sounds like fun too!

  3. McFlock 3

    Working this weekend. Swearing at computers so they give me the answer I want, not the answer to the question I asked 🙂

  4. Ennui in Requiem 4

    Went to movies last Friday, The Intouchables (French movie about a quadriplegic and care giver) thoroughly recommend, best for a long time, raised the spirits.

    Went home and told the chickens, they laid extra eggs (maybe coincidental…), little horrors had broken into a part of the garden reserved for crops…their crops full it turned out. So this weekend, plant more, exclude them and feed them chickweed gathered round the traps. Good time to earth up spuds and plant zucchini.

  5. Anne 5

    Thanks for the updates EiR. Keep em coming.

    I have an outside aviary – all budgies. The largish variety. Had 25 at it’s peak a few years ago but old age, sickness and a few mishaps have reduced them to 8 at this point. I have two young uns who keep the others on their toes. The young female is a little ratbag. She waits for the oldies to settle down for their afternoon siesta (all in a row) then she runs along the perch sideways and pushes them all off. She particularly likes climbing all over my head and picking at the skin behind my ears. It’s unusual for a female to be so tame (normally only the males) but this one is exceptional.

    • Ennui in Requiem 5.1

      Avian fiends, one and all. Mine do it on a larger scale (body size wise)…..peck, push, flap, squawk!!!!!!! Compared however to the way Standardistas pluck feathers they are models of good behavior and social tolerance. Budgies are fabulous team players and very entertaining. Do they ever go broody?

      Thanks for encouraging my spiritual appearance, I go no further, its the Week End Social only for me, so much better.

  6. Anne 6

    Do they ever go broody?

    If you install nesting boxes they go mental. Spent half my life stopping the females tearing each other to pieces or having a go at a neighbouring female’s chicks. Jealousy knew no bounds. Gave up the breeding business a couple of years ago.

  7. rosy 7

    Our last weekend with a young visitor from NZ – will be walking in the autumn woods and swimming. Also a visit to the Museum Hundertwasser.