Weekend social 27/02/2015

Written By: - Date published: 2:21 pm, February 27th, 2015 - 35 comments
Categories: weekend social - Tags:

Christmas truce 1914Weekend social is for non political chat. What’s on for the weekend, gigs, film or book reviews, sports, or whatever.

No politics, no aggro, why can’t we all just get along?

35 comments on “Weekend social 27/02/2015 ”

  1. tracey 1

    my partner and I are off to the nz/aust cricket gala dinner tonight. i understand key and abbot will be there… hope i can still eat. tomorrow we are nzc guests for the match. havent been excited about a game for years but I am about this one.

    • tc 1.1

      Enjoy, Abbott is getting a few last junkets in before he is rolled for Malcolm. Keen to hear what the food was like having whanau slaving away producing it.

      • Tracey 1.1.1

        Ok, ordered the fish…

        It was snapper… flesh side down in tomato sauce, lots of tomato sauce… fish tasted very fishy but mostly of tomato sauce. “celebrity” Chef should stick to being a celebrity, he wrecked the snapper. I had diplomats at my table who were, well, very diplomatic, but thought it was crap too.

    • Tracey 1.2

      Have left room. Key is reading his blokey jokey speech and the white male crowd is guffaw in. .. am sitting with aussie foreign ministers employees…

      Prawns and white bait entree was fabulous.

      • gsays 1.2.1

        hi tracey, hope you have a good time at cricket.

        i will have the tranny tuned in from 2pm for what, i think, is the most anticipated nz one dayer in a generation. i promise i will not mention your prediction re the english one dayer if you dont. 😉

    • lprent 1.3

      i understand key and abbot will be there…

      Abbot was over at John Keys favourite restaurant in Parnell last night. At least I presume they were. There were a hell of a lot of police and police bikes with flashing lights hanging around. Some obvious bodyguards hanging around outside the chocolate shop next door.

      Who really wants to run around with all of that fuss?

      I remember Helen Clark as PM pulling the dratted 50cc motorcycle out of the garage and pottering off to gym.

      My question is – what in the hell are these guys compensating for?

      But that is political – please ignore it..

      • Anne 1.3.1

        Not the one she put- putted around on in the 70s???

      • Tracey 1.3.2

        We are told that terrorism is a real risk in NZ.

        Here is how I could have caused damage to prominent kiwi and aussies on friday night…

        Invited to gala by email, waited for tickets. never came. Rang friday and was told could pick them up at sky convention centre at dinner.

        arrived on green carpet, was asked for tickets. Told the lovely woman we were picking them up inside. She waved us to the desk. Desk entered name, couldn’t find it. Tried again. Said “just go up to level 5 and they will sort out your table. Went up to level five and mingled and had a drink and snack. Still no record of us so they showed us to a table. Half an hour later official party arrived. Never asked for ID. Clearly there was NO expectation of ANY security risk to either PM…

  2. Hateatea 2

    It is Children’s Day on Sunday with various activities around the country. This is the lead in to National Foster Care Week.

    If you have friends who are foster carers please offer them some recognition for their much needed work on New Zealand society’s behalf. (hint: some babysitting so they can enjoy a date night / movie/ child free coffee might be well received but I am sure chocolates, flowers or wine wouldn’t be turned away either 🙂 )

  3. The Fairy Godmother 3

    What should I do about white butterfly caterpillars on my cauliflower. They are growing next to the beans so I don’t want to put on anything toxic yo bees.

  4. greywarshark 4

    Thinking about Key and flag design and countriesand inglorious history in general. Everything that Eddie Izzard knows on this.

  5. gsays 5

    go the nz cricket team.

    if yr an ozzie and you know it….

    • Murray Rawshark 5.1

      Can they both lose? We gave up a shitload of privacy with this World Cup used as a lame excuse. My opinion of cricket is that some drunk poms were sitting in a pub, having a competition to invent the most ridiculous game possible. Cricket won, they left the rules on a few beer coasters, but the retarded inbred offspring of a leading Tory family came across them and didn’t realise it was all a joke.

      • David H 5.1.1

        So then what about the other useless sports? Tennis, Golf, Rugby,

        • Murray Rawshark

          Nothing wrong with Rugby League, or even soccer. Good proletarian pastimes. Corinthians was the first British professional soccer club, allowing workers to play. The biggest club in SĂŁo Paulo is named after them.

          Tennis, golf, and rugby union have all been tied up with support for oppressive regimes and racist tours. Fishing is good 🙂

  6. mac1 6

    I’m attending a different function to that of the cricket. 16 hours walking around a track in the Relay for Life. (Note the word ‘relay’ for I won’t be walking all of that! We have a team of nine members).

    The event is a fundraiser for the local Cancer Society. I will be walking in the Survivor’s lap, being now treated and clear for four and five years from two separate cancers.

    There’s not much more important than a big game of cricket, but this is one of them- joining with our community celebrating life.

    And celebrating the work of the Cancer Society, the skill of all the medical personnel and the Welfare State.

    Bless them all!

    • Jenny Kirk 6.1

      Good on you Mac1 – hope the sun shines. Enjoy the walk.

    • Murray Rawshark 6.2

      Have a good walk and fuck cancer.

      • mac1 6.2.1

        Thanks both, Murray and Jenny.

        With regard to ‘fucking cancer’, there has been this month some great news regarding drugs that attack cancer cells by using the immune system. This is one link that leads into this area.


        We have a gorgeous day here, to be enjoyed. Life is rich and full and good.

        • mickysavage

          Yep I had a very little cancer, a basal cell carcinoma on my arm (nothing serious) that was treated with this stuff that attracted white blood cells to the area and got them to deal with it. Took about 4 weeks and it went completely. I thought at the time that there must be a similar approach to attack cancers that are more invasive.

  7. mickysavage 7

    Dang I am sure the cricket has taken five years off my life …

  8. b waghorn 8

    There was a discussion here awhile ago about the lack of cicadas this year, I can assure any one interested that there a plenty at the Whangapoua camp ground.

    • They seem really late this year. Christmas was a lot quieter then usual, but the neighbourhood is humming round here now (North shore, Auck).

      • Anne 8.1.1

        Yes, noticed them for the first time about a week ago (North Shore). There seemed to be something missing before. Now I know what it was.