When you remove nuts & bolts, things tend to fall over

It doesn’t take an engineer of somebody with a deep understanding of the Laws of Physics to work out that if you remove essential elements that hold together a physical structure it is likely to fall over or collapse. The same universal principle applies to infrastructure. And to essential services. And to democracy.

The coalition government thinks it can avoid this principle by gutting the Pubic Service in the back-offices only without it affecting front-offices and public-facing services. This is disconnected thinking.

The coalition government thinks that if it repeals a whole load of law & regulation things will be hunky-dory. As if removing road cones makes roads safer. This is just potty thinking.

Any business knows that if you want to keep the business running well or running at all that upkeep of equipment is essential. This government wants to run this country as a business but obviously doesn’t know or understand even the most basic principles.

Investing in New Zealand, its people, and in future generations needs to go a lot further than heavy subsidies for ECE and $3 school lunches. A penny-pinching zero-sum dance of veils in a room full of smoke & mirrors is what constitutes The Plan of this coalition government. It’s not even tragicomedy.

Piece-meal cherry picking doesn’t make for a nutritious meal. This government is stomping around like a child on a sugar-rush in a candy store. It makes promises that it cannot keep and it should never have made in the first place. Because they were dumb promises only intended to lure voters.

It is unfathomable that support for the coalition government hasn’t nose-dived yet possibly because it has experienced only very slight turbulence so far, mostly self-inflicted because of the hot air from their own brain farts.

It only takes one nut to screw up for this unhinged coalition government to topple over. That moment can’t come soon enough and my sincere hope is that it will only take a feather or a butterfly to trigger it and not a major event such as a natural disaster or a pandemic. May it go down with a whisper so that we can all breathe a sigh of relief.

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