When you wake up to the fact your paper is Tory

Hilarious reading through the Herald’s Your Views on election funding. Seems the Herald’s meek acceptance of the Government’s electoral funding plans has alerted a few of their readers to the fact they were duped by the paper’s blatant political advocacy for National last year.

Here’s what Jay of Swanson had to say:

I am gobsmacked that a party (the National Party!) that campaigned with the utmost bitter intensity against a law which this newspaper branded anti-democratic (which it was never intended to be, but a charge which suited the Nats political aspirations and gave their friends in the Herald carte blanche to run with it) has been barely tweaked and the current mob in power now seem to think that Labour kinda got it right!

But what is equally amazing is the matter of fact way that the Herald reports this without any of the emotive hyberbolic language that it used in its descriptions of Labour’s original bill…

Cindy of Titirangi’s outraged too:

What I really want to say is unprintable. But I agree with most commentors here especially Jay(Swanson) and others. Gobsmacked.

I feel misled by this govt and this newspaper last year telling us readers that the Electoral Finance Act would take away our freedom, rubbish. I believed them at the time athough it was really confusing.That we were being denied our freedom to participate in democracy by allowing this law. Lies!

The worst part of that is that this newspaper which is supposed to be impartial was supporting National and Act’s spin in their editorials and stories. If we can’t trust the media, and we can’t trust politicians like this Govt with a finance minister who can’t tell the truth, who in heaven’s name can we trust?

National’s latest change of mind about this Law, now that it’s government, shows me that this newspaper seems to think it’s a partisan newspaper. Are their editors in the pockets of the National Party? That’s what I think when I read this issue.

Reporters are supposed to report the truth not political kaka.Goes to show, best you read the Bill yourself, don’t rely on this lot.Remember John Boscawen and Hide were fronting this EFA issue last year twisting it all

And it goes on. It’s a great thing seeing people wake up to the fact their paper is Tory. Reminds me of a song by Billy Bragg:

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