Where were you then (and do you care?)

Lots of comments continue over the leaders debate. One of the bits that made it through the usual dinner time madness in my household was the section on the Springbok tour. It reminded me of this video clip. In it, Key was all over the place, before adopting that favourite technique, tell everyone what they wanted to hear. And yes, this was from a man who has said he was ‘always interested in politics’

In last night’s debate Key did it again. Despite being at university, intensely interested in politics, the mesage was ‘the Springbok tour just wasn’t an important part of my life’.

For those of you for whom this was not a defining moment – I understand your questions about “why all the fuss?”. But if you were interested in politics, wanted to be PM from when you were a child, told your girlfriend even – wouldn’t you have been at least a little more engaged in the issue that rocked the nation while you were a student on campus?

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