Written By:
James Henderson - Date published:
11:08 pm, February 27th, 2012 - 16 comments
Categories: accountability, national/act government -
Tags: murray mccully
As controversy swirls over Murray McCully’s leaked emails and the government’s secret position on “restraining China” and McCully is nowhere to be found to answer questions, John Key says “I have absolutely no clue where he is“. Funny, cause he was the one who approved McCully’s travel. Seems a lot of ministers are taking to hiding when the heat comes on.
In just the last four question times, 10 ministers being asked questions on notice didn’t bother showing up. Some of them were definitely at Parliament, they spoke later in the day, but they hid when it was time for them to be held accountable for their actions as ministers. Craig Foss was particularly obvious – he got slaughtered by Clare Curran (which is something like being mauled by a shih tzu) and was nowhere to be found the next day.
Then there’s Key himself. He made a ‘joke’ about Lloyd Morrison beating him in a wine auction at a private school on the night of the Pike River explosion. Key offhandedly mentioned he had been informed of the fatal explosion before he decided to go to the auction. Naturally, Pike River workers’ families are pretty pissed off to suddenly learn that this is how Mr ‘whatever it takes’ reacted when he learned of the disaster that killed their men. But when TV1 asked Key for more comment, no-one from his office was available.
So, where is McCully?
Who will be the next minister to hide when it’s time for them to front up?
Is this the more accountable government that Key promised us?
Where is the media holding the wrecking crew to account. I ain’t holding my breath.
It seems the more Key lies to their faces and cheats on them, the more the Gallery love him and try to please him. Is there an unhealthy syndrome at play here?
They just want to be like him.
“So where is McCully?”
If he still possesses the “special powers” he granted himself last year he might have flown home to mars.
At this rate in a couple of months none of the governing parties will be turning up to Question Time at all.
Not saying he isn’t cause I have no idea but how do you know McCully is overseas?
What other reason would he have to be away from his job at Parliament ? His portfolio doesnt cover internal affairs other than sport.
Heaps of shit is going on so he’s just staying home? I thought that was the whole point of the rest of the post? Ministers go missing in action when stuff is happening doens’t mean he is overseas
“Where is Wally”? isn’t half so good as “Where is Murray”? I think we should all make this a giant Treasure Hunt (Murray labelled a “treasure” LOL) and whoever locates the scruffy little oik gets a prize. Just haven’t decided what the prize should be. Any ideas?
How about the winner gets his “special powers” for a day.
Or winner gets to choose his next destination. Like send him to Fiji, think he’s popular over there.
You mean like the special power to give himself a really bad hairdye job? I like the Fiji idea Fender, but, as Murray is really Elton John in a Ronnie Corbett disguise, I think he wouldn’t condescend to frolic in Fiji!! Mind you, Murray/Elton always did love a uniform…………………….
The hairdye job is really special, and it may have been done in an effort to divert attention from his puppy-dog-just-peed-on-the-carpet eyes, or his rather red (pisshead?) nose.
He should have recieved a cape when he got his rugby world cup special powers. SuperMurray the great guy who sacks staff to fund a swimming pool in Tokyo. What next ffs.
I saw him last week stepping out of a portaloo on a waitakere building site. It’s possible it was his tardis because there is one just like it down the road here that doesn’t seem to belong to anyone.
During the run up to the election,none of the nat ministers could be found for interviews or
meetings with the public.
All press releases were handled by joyce,the whole process was handled by joyce.
It is no suprise that ‘by gully its culley’ has gone walkabout and sent away in disgrace
until the heat dies down,then he will re-appear claiming it wasn’t his fault,it was
an office worker that got it wrong,but i dont know which one.
National’s penchant for dealing with adversity is hiding in a bunny hole,until
its old news and there is another issue to take its place.
Loved Shearer’s comment in parliament when wondering where this minister
was, calling him “McCurry” is he in india then,a place far,far away from danger.
‘Found Him” he has just come out of a ‘souped up’ swimming pool in Japan,courtesy of the
nz taxpayers to the tune of a $1mill ‘do up’ he isn’t happy though the water is too hot.
Yep, that hot water plays havoc with his badly dyed hair!!