Who’s in trouble in the USA?

Written By: - Date published: 7:24 am, October 30th, 2017 - 73 comments
Categories: Donald Trump, International, us politics, you couldn't make this shit up - Tags:

The next day or so could be the harbinger of major news in the US of A.

It is claimed that the first charges will be laid by special prosecutor Robert Mueller in the near future.  A Grand Jury has already approved the charges.  The question will be who and what charge.

From the Independent:

The office of Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller will on Monday make public the details of an indictment resulting from his probe into Russia’s alleged election meddling, according to reports – a development that sharply escalates the stakes for Donald Trumpand his administration.

While Mr Mueller has yet to make any public comment on possible charges, it was reported that a grand jury in Washington, working with the prosecutor, had approved the first charges to result from the ongoing probe, which has looked at possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. The reports have not specified what the charges are or who they are to be filed against.

Now, it has been reported, the details of the indictment and the person or persons to be charged will be announced by Mr Mueller’s office on Monday.

So who will it be?

Possibilities are son in law Jared Kushner, Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn, and his former campaign manager Paul Manafort.

And these investigations tend to spiral out of control with obstructing the course of justice charges following anyone who inappropriately frustrates the investigation.

Fox News is busily spinning yarns about Clinton and Uranium and a secret Russian dossier.  I have tried a few times but I still cannot get my head around the allegation.

But I suspect that this will all become moot when the charges are announced.

Stand by.  And bring lots of popcorn.

Update: Best thing on the internet today …


73 comments on “Who’s in trouble in the USA? ”

  1. capn insan0 1

    That’s a strategically-placed mic.

    Yes, it seems they fall back on ‘Blame Hillary’ when the shit hits the fan. I find it odd to read about a few forum contributors that, while they agree that Trumpenführer is fundamentally unfit to be president, they accept these debunked accusations against Hillary as having a basis in fact.
    I think their judgement is muddied by too much suspicion of major news outlets in the ‘west’ and, instead, swallow uncritically whatever comes out of RT, Sputnik and other shady news sites.

    • Andre 1.1

      Unfortunately Hillary cluelessly got close enough to some dodgy dealings to make it really easy for smears to stick. Particularly among those inclined to uncritically swallow misinformation.

      In the case of uranium and Russia, it seems there really was some dodgy shit going down under cover. It appears that players in that dodgy shit did give to the Clinton Foundation. But when you dig a bit deeper, the timings look wrong to sustain accusations of misconduct. It also appears important admin people weren’t told things they probably should have been at the times decisions were being made, so poor decisions got made. Probably no misconduct, but it did create circumstances really easy to misrepresent and create smears.


      • joe90 1.1.1

        How Bannon used the Clinton Cash book to plant the Crooked Hillary/Uranium One fictions.

        To get the essence of how Bannon played the mainstream media, you have to go to page 104 of the report and read the section titled: “Dynamics of Network Propaganda: Clinton Foundation Case Study.” Here is a basic timeline of what happened:.


        As we all witnessed (and was documented right here at the Washington Monthly), that weaponization of the “Clinton Cash” story became the fodder for Trump’s “Corrupt Hillary” claims and was embraced by many Sanders supporters.


        • Andre

          The most effective smears start with a grain of truth. Plus, in Hillary’s case, the way she’s already been the subject of a quarter-century of smears preprimed the public for another one.

          • joe90

            Joy Ann Reid shows them how it’s done.

            Have you ever seen Wolf Blitzer do this? Brian Williams? pic.twitter.com/qqBxg3EDir— Jay Rosen (@jayrosen_nyu) October 29, 2017


          • spikeyboy

            Smears?? The woman who trashed Libya and laughed gleefully at the murder of Gaddafi. Who acknowledged Saudi Arabia as a major source of funding for Al Quaeda but happily accepted millions into the Clinton foundation? Who trashed Honduras with the resulting murder of hundreds of civilians? Trump is a complete ahole but is yet to reach the height of the Clintons and may struggle to beat such an impressive record.

            • Andre

              Ooh looky, we have another convergence…


            • joe90

              may struggle to beat such an impressive record


              Nine months in and we have a renewed commitment to US global intervention, ongoing airstrikes in Afghanistan (a five year high), Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya, and Syria.

              Increasing numbers of US boots on the ground in Yemen, North Africa, Somalia, Niger, Kuwait, Poland and Bulgaria, the deployment of tanks, infantry and fighting vehicles to Estonia and Romania, and an admission that US troops will remain in Iraq for years.

              Arms sales in the billions to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Britain and Kenya, Trumps own commitment to torture, dispatching an armada with threats to totally destroy North Korea and his the appointment of hawks McMaster and James ‘the US needs to be ready to confront Russia’ Mattis.

              He’ll be home and hosed before the trial.

    • Adrian Thornton 1.2

      @capn insan0
      “Yes, it seems they fall back on ‘Blame Hillary’ when the shit hits the fan”…you seem to forget it was the DNC operating for Hillary Clinton that has actually been caught red handed cheating in the US elections…that is the only fact we do know today.

      What has been debunked?
      That Donna Brazile lied to the public that she passed debate questions on to HC, and was fired for that outrageous action, but has been rewarded for her dishonesty by now being nominated DNC rules & bylaws committee…you couldn’t make this shit up!

      Debbie Wasserman Schultz…also fired for her cheating ways..was immediately employed by the Clinton camp

      That the DNC actually funded Russian meddling in US politics…

      Shady news sites…
      How about this for just being openly bias to a progressive movement….

      If you don’t understand that the owners and editors of mainstream liberal media would rather eat their own babies than see any real progressive movements take root and grow seems to me real muddled thinking.

      • Andre 1.2.1

        Ladies and gentlemen, we have convergence…


        • Adrian Thornton

          Are you saying that Sanders Left project is much like or will converge with Trumps/Clinton’s corporatist/wall st neoLiberalism? …or that Corbyn’s Socialist project ultimately converges with Mays insane Right wing politics?

          • Andre

            It’s the phenomenon where the extreme left and extreme right gobble down the same kind of unreason, albeit for very different reasons. Then spew it back out.

            • Adrian Thornton

              Are you inferring that my position is extreme and unreasonable?

              If so, please point out what you consider are my extreme and unreasonable statements/positions.

              • Andre

                When you start with ” …you seem to forget it was the DNC operating for Hillary Clinton that has actually been caught red handed cheating in the US elections…that is the only fact we do know today.” and the topic is extremely concerning alleged misconduct by the current sitting president of the US and those around him.

                • Adrian Thornton

                  What is extreme about that? I am pointing out that on the one hand we have actual facts of electoral misconduct, and on the other hand, we have, in your words “alleged misconduct” I am sure he is guilty of plenty of things, but I have yet to see any proof, if you have seen any, then I would be very interested in reading that proof…please provide links.

                  So to continue…please point out to me what other extreme and unreasonable statements/positions that you have inferred that I have made in this post today?

                  • Andre

                    Let’s start with “that is the only fact we know today”. Absolutely unequivocally false. We know this because some of the players have told us what they’ve been up to, after being presented with irrefutable evidence. See joe90’s Politico link.

                    Maybe you haven’t been paying attention, in which case you’re making assertions of fact from a position of ignorance. Just like some wingnuts.

                    Maybe you’re so blinded by your hatred of Hillary and Democrats that nothing else sinks in. Just like some wingnuts.

                    Maybe you’re aware of all of it, yet you choose to lie. Just like some wingnuts.

                    Then there’s the point of the article being how misconduct of the current sitting president and his team might be catching up to him. Trying so hard to divert the focus to Hillary is just, well, diverting. Just like some wingnuts.

                    • Adrian Thornton

                      @Andre, Look you are starting to get boring, either point out specific points of mine that are not backed up with evidence, supply links that back up your crazy raving hyperbole and pure bullshit or just shut the fuck up and stop trolling other peoples comments.

    • spikeyboy 1.3

      Blame Hillary?? I believe this whole evidence free Russia did it thing was started by Clinton because she was unable to accept losing to such an idiot as Trump.Russia done it so its not my fault I lost the election. I dont need to change anything cause its not my fault. And all you sheeple just follow along all slack jawed cause its too hard to sift through the truth and any way we all hate Trump so who cares about actual evidence…

      [lprent: Please be aware that I like a little bit of linkage or explanation when you assert facts. Stuffing an ‘I believe’ without explanation on it doesn’t quite cut it.

      For instance I believe that you are a simple minded misogynist troll who has such a small dick that you have to masturbate using a pair of cotton buds. Even then you can’t quite make it happen. I have introduced no evidence of this – but using your level of competence at both commenting and wanking, clearly I don’t need it.

      This is clearly why Hillary Clinton’s competence at explaining her position winding you up just infuriates you and makes you incoherent. In the absence of such coherence I’d suggest that you avoid her as a topic and let the adults discuss her performance in a more nuanced way.

      You improve your commenting above that level because otherwise you will suffer the fate of trolls here. I hammer incoherent incompetent simpletons who can’t argue. Treat this as your warning, Read the policy. ]

      • spikeyboy 1.3.1

        I guess I asked for that. I’ll get back with some links tonight.I have exactly the same problems with Obama as Clinton and not on racial grounds either. Democrats oretend to offer a caring alternative but destroy as many countries as republicans

      • spikeyboy 1.3.2

        The thing that gets me about the whole #russiagate thing is why does Trump have to be got through such a whacky story as Russia hacked the election when there are so many real and nasty things that this man is doing and is capable of doing. For me the answer to that is that Trump is just a continuation of what all the presidents do or want to do if they get the chance. Its just that Trump doesn’t even pretend any more. Because he doesnt pretend he is more and more the object of everyones hate. Of course most of this is justified. I would say that with Clinton we had the opportunity to pretend and extend. Everyone would pretend that all was good while the empire extended. With Trump we only get the extend.No intellect. No humour. Just a thug.
        So now we’re all being asked to climb aboard the hate train. This is all very Orwellian even if the object of hate here has no redeeming features. We are still being asked to submit to this hatred and suspend our rational faculties.
        What ressons are we given to believe this rubbish? None that I can find except inuendo from the Dept of Homeland Security, and the FBI.
        Gareth Porter is an award winning journalist that seeks to persuade without use of hyperbole. He outlines their lies in two previous attempts to finger Russia in infrastructure sabotage. The first a water pump station in Springfield, Illinois and the second a power plant.
        Its surprising that we are still surprised that these agencies tell lies.
        The same is true for allegations of hacking into voter data bases. Lots of inuendo but no telling of the real story because … I dont know why.
        Amd we are to believe that now they have real evidence for the DNC hack.
        I said above that Clinton blamed Russia for losing as well as Comey and maybe some other things that had nothing to do with her or what she stood for. So heres a link to the Guardian where she lays the groundwork.
        And from the Sydney morning Herald after the election.
        Clinton cared very little for the poor or for Black Americans. She may have known that it was becoming less important to care for Black communities because of the degree to which Black communities were being disenfranchised. Neither Clinton nor Obama made mention of the crosscheck ruse being run by the GOP to eliminate large numbers of Black voters in Gop states.
        Also the rascist by design war on drugs which mmakes felons ineligible to vote. All studies on drug use show that White folk are as likely or more likely to use drugs as Black folk and yet US prisons are chock full of young black men on minor drug charges that are nevertheless felony charges. For that story you will have to read Michelle Alexanders excellent The New Jim Crow.
        Not a peep from the first Black President nor Clinton. Even if you feel nothing for the tradgedy of all these broken and hopeless lives you cant let your natural voter base erode to this extent and not suffer any consequence.
        This story will go on and on with lots of inuendo and people charged with minor things like dodgy business dealings just to keep everyone in righteous hate mode simply because thats the point of it all. Theres not meant to be a satisfactory outcome that trys to get to the bottom of things. We are to be kept diverted so we dont start looking at things that really matter

    • Matthew Whitehead 1.4

      *raises hand* I’m not saying I uncritically believe that Hillary absolutely did those things, but I absolutely find it reasonable and within the realm of possibility that:
      a) The Russians would try to have compromising deals in play with both sides that they could leverage against them so as to be well-placed regardless of the outcome.
      b) That Hillary Clinton would make a corrupt deal regarding uranium supply to Russia if it were backed by her corporate funders.

      That said, I do agree that the extra attention on this is absolutely Republicans playing distraction politics and that anyone who is open to the allegations against Clinton shouldn’t want them to distract from the far more serious story about Trump, as Hillary Clinton is basically irrelevant now, whereas Trump is somehow still President.

      • xanthe 1.4.1

        “That said, I do agree that the extra attention on this is absolutely Republicans playing distraction politics”

        eeeeeeeeeeekkk distracting from from the distraction! what next!

        • Matthew Whitehead

          You think laying charges against trump advisors is a distraction? I think it’s Step 1 to impeachment, myself, as we all know that’s simply a matter of time.

          • xanthe

            the whole “the russians did it” is quintessential distraction politricks IMHO.

          • Andre

            Impeachment ain’t gonna happen. Even if the Democrats win every senate seat up for grabs next year, they’ll still only have 56 (57 if McCain shuffles off early enough). That would mean 11 Republican senators would have to vote for conviction, and take the chance of him going atomic Trumpzilla on their asses. Ain’t gonna happen. If they’re really lucky, they might find some way to persuade him to resign.

            Looking at the seats up for grabs in 2018, Dems will have to do very well just to get to 51 seats. That would mean holding all the ones in Republican states they have now (Montana, North Dakota, Missouri, West Virginia etc), plus taking three more. Heller (nevada) is looking pretty good for them, Flake (Arizona , and maybe McCain too) are definite maybes, Corker (Tennessee) is a long shot but doable. Then you’re looking at unseating the likes of Cruz (Texas) for the next pickups.


            • Sam aka clump

              It was actually Killary her self in one of the leaders debates or candidates debates that inserted false claims of Russian meddling in the recent U.S Presedential elections after it was found out that Wikileaks had documents thought to have been scrubbed by DNC minders. And the entire intelligence community from the directors of the NSA, CIA down in subsequent senate hearings. Saying Wikileaks had zero connection with Moscow. And the FBI almost arresting Killary over it. And then Killary perjurying herself in senate hearings. The only reason Obama didn’t have the guts to allow Killary to go to court was so Bradley Manning could get released. And Trump not having the caliber of staff to make good on his election promise to put Killary to the sword.

  2. Ad 2

    drip. drip, drip.

    Hang in there for the full term Donald – you’re the only chance of altering the Senate balance.

    • Andre 2.1

      Yep. The US is stuck with a malignant Republican in the White House until late January 2021 no matter what.

      Would anyone really prefer a slick competent high-achieving malignant Repug to the wildly flailing incompetent Grabemfuhrer that’s showing Republicans up for what they really are?

      (subject of course to the dayglo swamp-toddler not blowing up the entire world in the meantime)

      • tracey 2.1.1

        Mike pence is way more frightening a perospect imo

        • Matthew Whitehead

          Honestly, they’re both terrifying in different ways. I am legitimately worried Trump will either use a nuke himself or provoke a war and then use one, and Pence will try to go full Handmaid’s Tale on the USA within the remainder of the term, and might actually get a thing or two passed given he’s not as talented at self-sabotage.

      • Siobhan 2.1.2

        With the likes of Tom Perez, Nancy Pelosi and their ilk floating around and doing their level best to keep the DNC irrelevant I wouldn’t get too excited about the Democrats saving the world by delivering anything good next election.
        Way things are going we may all have to just sit back and enjoy the ride to oblivion.


        Then again based on your comments, you probably think running Hilary again would be a good idea…

        • Andre

          Run Hillary again? Gawd I hope not, nor any of the other oldies. I didn’t think it was a good idea in ’08 or ’16. But once she was the Dem nominee and the Repugs went with the short-fingered vulgarian, there was no choice but to swallow very hard and accept that voting for her was the only rational option. Right now I’m hoping it’s Kamala Harris for ’20, if nobody better comes along.

          • Matthew Whitehead

            It’s going to be Kamala Harris that takes up Hillary’s banner for 2020, just wait, but she’ll have a tough time without the DNC cheating even more obviously given Bernie Sanders now has name recognition.

            • Andre

              I really don’t want to be ageist, but I simply couldn’t vote for a 78 year old for a job as demanding as president of the US. Even last year as a 74 year old I was very enthusiastic about, that was still a big question mark. So I hope Bernie recognises that his chance has gone, and he finds someone he can get behind to take up the torch.

              • Matthew Whitehead

                I think it’s possible his age will be relevant, but if he’s somehow up against Trump, he won’t be much older than Trump tbqh.

                I think you’re right that the US should really be biasing younger than they do in terms of their President, but at the same time Bernie is basically the only ethical one left with any influence in Washington, so I hope he decides to run again and takes the Democratic primary.

                • Andre

                  Is there something the matter with Elizabeth Warren I don’t know about? Jeff Merkley and Sherrod Brown also have good records to be standing on, if they can find someone to give them charisma transplants.

                  I have the feeling the only reason the Chump’s age wasn’t an issue is that Hillary is only a year younger.

                  • Matthew Whitehead

                    There are indications Warren may be maneuvered out of the race if she’s not careful, given she’s not as strong on independent support and funding. Part of her appeal was that she would be an acceptable candidate to both reformers of the party and to some of the more mainstream parts, but it’s looking like a lot of the people she might have been counting on to support her are backing Harris. If both she and Sanders run, and they manage together to block out Harris or whoever the corporate Democrats try to anoint in early primary contests, that might potentially make a difference, however.

                    I think Warren would be acceptable if it looks like she can win, but she wouldn’t have the same enthusiastic populist swell that Sanders had, as she’s much more apt to compromise with mainstream positions, and doesn’t like to rock the boat as hard. She is against corporate greed, which is true, but she’s not necessarily as hard for reform on every issue. And she endorsed Hillary Clinton, which should be counted as a retrospective error in judgement that needs to be recanted and explained, kind of like supporting the Iraq War. (honestly, anyone claiming that Hillary Would Have Won for anything other than “if the USA counted the popular vote” probably needs to go into the sea, so I’d want her to be clear that she thinks the party has lessons to learn from the second Clinton campaign)

                    • Andre

                      I reckon you’re examining the vein patterns on leaves, while the storm winds are picking up that are going to blow swathes of trees down all over the great forest of US politics over the next three years.

    • Macro 2.2

      Democratic candidates lead by 15 points in a hypothetical matchup for the 2018 midterm elections. 50 percent of respondents said that if the election for Congress were held today, they would vote for the Democratic candidate. Only 35 percent said they would vote for a Republican.
      And that’s a Fox News Poll!

  3. Andre 3

    Don’t forget Donny Junior and his Trump Tower meetings in the list of usual suspects.

  4. Andre 4

    Some useful context from when Watergate and Iran-Contra were at similar stages.


  5. xanthe 5

    Fake news! How can you be so sucked in !

    • Andre 5.1

      What is fake about it? The report of the indictment and that it has been sealed? The reaction from Donny Littlehands certainly suggests that has actually happened.


      • xanthe 5.1.1

        The “Russian meddling” is Fake! you just want to believe so you do.

        Donald is president because Hillary lost

        Hillary lost because she represents everything that is wrong with American politics and was shown to be so.

        Donald on the other hand represents everything this is wrong with American society and was an unknown quantity in the political sense.

        The “Russian meddling” bullshit represents everything that is wrong with corporate agenda “media”

        and you buy into this crap?

        • One Anonymous Bloke

          The media controls the FBI?

          Don’t be stupid. Everyone knows Buzz Aldrin controls them both.

        • Andre

          What, Junior (who is also challenged for digit size) didn’t meet with Russkies in Trump Tower with a bunch of other Trumpkins?

          Flynn and Sessions and a bunch of other Trumpkins didn’t fail to report a whole lot of contact with Russkies they were supposed to and lie about it until long after it was proven?

          The stuff in joe90’s Politico link didn’t happen? None of it?

          There’s nothing at all odd about the way the tangerine toddler has a go at absolutely everyone else in the known universe, except Pootee (and Ivanka)?

          • tracey

            Trump would never admit other forces than his great intellect and magnetism won him the election. In my court days I had many clients/ clients of other side who concocted a lie during the course of a case and came to believe it really happened that way. Even when I showed them documents and prior statements they clung to tge lie. That is why truth does not always out. The dillusional can be very convincing.

            My money is on Donald jr at best from the family. Anyone else Trump will deny knowledge and happiky direct them under the bus.

            His supporters will believe the man who had the guts to tell it like it is has been let down by flunkies

            • Andre

              “His supporters will believe the man who had the guts to tell it like it is has been let down by flunkies”

              Yep. Forever. Which is why any Repug that has any vague thoughts of getting re-elected won’t lift a finger against him, even in private. For fear of him going Trumpzilla on their asses.

          • xanthe

            business as usual , free trade and all that.

        • Draco T Bastard

          Donald is president because Hillary lost?

          Technically, that would be wrong. Hillary actually won the popular vote. The only reason why Trump is now president is because of an outdated and badly biased electoral system.

          The “Russian meddling” bullshit represents everything that is wrong with corporate agenda “media”

          No, that would actually represent valid concerns of another country interfering in local elections. Of course, the US has been interfering in local elections around the globe so they can’t really complain.

        • mauī

          One of the most sensible comments on here Xanthe. As independent journalist Robert Parry says he’s still waiting for evidence (I think any evidence) of the Russian involvement.

          You have to wonder if we have hit peak bullshit, apparently the Ruskies won the election using cutesy photos of puppies, lol. Obviously melting the average American voter into Trump loving powder puffs.


      • Macro 5.1.2

        “Donny Littlehands”
        Ummm surely that’s spelt ” Liddle’ hands” – don’t forget the apostrophe! Donny is into Greek Philosophers. He really likes Apostrophe and Hyperbole and Playdough.

        • Andre

          Nah. Too close to Liddell hands. Speaking of whom, it says something about Chris’ character that he hasn’t bailed out yet.

  6. james 6

    This is going to be interesting to follow.

  7. Gristle 8

    I waiting for the international incident that will be manufactured to take the heat of Trump and Congress.

    Maybe a small Marine boat with 3 or 4 crew will become disabled and found/rescued/imprisoned by the Chinese/Iranians/North Koreans.

    Where is the Gulf of Tonkin? Isn’t so.somewhere near MataMata?

    • xanthe 8.1

      Yup thats a likely scenario

    • tracey 8.2

      As long as the Trump family are safe…

    • Sabine 8.3

      fear not


      “US defence secretary Jim Mattis has said the threat of nuclear missile attack by North Korea is accelerating.”


      lol, and Mattis is supposedly the sane one, never mind that North Korea has been a nuclear power since 2006 and has yet to attack anyone. But hey, Trump is not Hillary, and all is good, cause fuck it him and the Russians will save the planet and everyone will eat tremendously good chocolate cake, but only the orange one will get two scoops of ice cream so there. Lock her up or something.

      • joe90 8.3.1

        lol, and Mattis is supposedly the sane one,

        Or out of his depth.


        Barno’s recognition that our president needs the kind of guidance that can be provided by senior military officers who know war and bloodshed is repeated throughout the military—and on Capitol Hill. But it is balanced by growing worries that Mattis, Kelly and McMaster are most recently showing that military officers are ill-suited for positions that require years of nuanced political experience and a deft handling of public opinion. Each of the three were gifted combat officers: Mattis and Kelly were brilliant commanders during Operation Iraqi Freedom; McMaster is celebrated as a courageous tank commander during the first Gulf War.

        Now we are asking that these three show the same expertise they showed on the battlefields of Iraq in selling the budget of the largest institution of the U.S. government, defending a president who mishandled a phone call with a grieving wife and coordinating a complex and often balky national security bureaucracy. Perhaps we are expecting too much. Or perhaps Mattis, Kelly and McMaster are, to use a military phrase, “out of their lane.”

        Or perhaps they are in over their heads.


  8. Richard@Downsouth 10

    Talking to many people in the USA, it seems there is the possibility a sitting president COULD be arrested by the FBI… there is no specific law against it I’m repeatedly told, and there is no precedent for the need to… (feel free to provide a source if I am wrong, it’s quite interesting)

    If 50 FBI Agents rock up to the White House on Monday US time, it will be interesting to say the least

  9. Sparky 11

    I may not like Trump all that much (of course he did walk away from the TPP). That said, I think the US Dem party have plenty to answer for and to date little has been done to hold them to account.

  10. rhinocrates 12

    Don’t expect anything obviously dramatic. This will likely be a drawn-out chess game. I’ve read (sorry, no link, treat it as guesswork) that the tactic used in pursuing major organised crime figures is to gather a lot of small people, make deals (plea bargains or even immunity) so they have testimony they can use to indict higher ups and so on until they climb the pyramid to the top.