Why is Whaleoil being pathetic or paid on Toddy?

We may never know if Todd Barclay was one of the Simon Lusk / Cameron Slater ‘clients’ as was detailed in the revelations of “Dirty Politics” in the 2014 election. However if you read the Whaleoil today, he has finally received instructions (umm) figured out the spin line … Whatever… It certainly looks like Cameron has gone into spin control mode on behalf of the lying fool – Todd Barclay MP.

But as is usual for this silly bullyboy, he has chosen to blame the victim.

In the now traditional mixture of Whaleoil whining, blustering, and bragging Cameron proceeds to take the phrase “hush money” and act as if it is a real thing – some kind of implied contract.

If she was paid hush money, why has she blabbed?

And, If she has blabbed, surely that voids the agreement and she should pay the money back?

This is real amateur hour stuff from Bill English. His nasty little plot against Todd Barclay is a busted flush, he’s changed his story, lied to media, obfuscated and now the woman who he help arrange a hush payment to has blabbed.

I wonder which fool adviser in Key’s or Bill’s office came up with the cunning plan to buy some silence? It never works, and you get found out, even though you paid. Real amateur hour stuff.

But as we already know, Cameron is pretty shit about understanding legal principles or boundaries or indeed being able to understand the position of anyone apart from his narcissistic self. But we can’t blame the poor lad. In my opinion, he simply lacks the intelligence and basic morality to be able to understand such complex matters.

As far as I can see, what we have instead is a idiot dickhead (Todd Barclay) going far beyond the bounds of behaviour between two parliamentary services employees. After all MPs are also employees of parliament – that is where their pay cheque comes from. He caused through that appalling behaviour the resignation of a fellow employee. This caused a dismissal that could have and probably should have resulted in a employment dispute.

Parliamentary Services paid out a severance settlement to prevent any such employment dispute. As any employment lawyer or professional manager will tell you, this is a pretty normal procedure for employers when dealing with disputes between employees. The settlement would be to prevent a employment legal claim being made against their common employer, and would have been done in accordance with the usual civil service policies. The ‘topup’ from the prime ministers slush fund would have had to have conformed to similar restrictions.

Severance agreements seldom involves having a confidentiality agreement if only because it will come up in the next job interview that Glenys Dickson would have had. In the lieu of a reference from Todd Barclay or circumlocutions from Parliamentary Services she would have had to have been able to explain the circumstances under which she left her previous employment.

It would have been quite unusual for a hush agreement to have been made by Parliamentary Services under the resignation circumstances described.

But I guess that is all beside the point when talking about  Cameron Slater. He just wants to protect Todd Barclay – for some reason.

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