Why we need to support Medical Cannabis Awareness NZ

A new charity has been set up to use GiveALittle to raise funds for people who have actually been granted access to a medial cannabis product (there are only two products being administered) to help them pay for them.

We are now in the absurd situation that we have a Minister approving products that are hell of an expensive – $1000 every 3 weeks or so – it is unclear if these are even the best products but they are all the Ministry of Health has been arsed to approve – and then they can’t afford them.

I don’t want these people missing out on what I am getting from this drug. Clearly it has a very effective impact for people with seizures but I use it because it is so effective with pain. I don’t want to see these people denied and until we get something sensible sorted for access to this drug, I am very please MCANZ is up and running – see this link to the Give a Little page and the you tube clip is below.

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