Will the real David Shearer please stand up?

Written By: - Date published: 7:30 am, December 28th, 2012 - 104 comments
Categories: assets, david shearer, housing, human rights, leadership, Privatisation, Public Private Partnerships, war - Tags: , ,

Some of us have been asking what David Shearer actually stands for, as was seen in some of the comments below Mike Smith’s Amidst th’ encircling gloom post.  For many of us a substantial new political direction is needed to tackle many urgent problems.  Democratic collective action is a key element in left wing politics, and is in need of revival to counter our destructive, individualistic celebrity culture.

Selective Back-story

David Shearer was launched as Labour caucus leader with a compelling back-story. As in this Dec 2011 NZ Herald article he was characterised as a humanitarian who could act well under pressure:  a successful negotiator, team-builder, consensus-finder, and diplomat, when working on the ground for the UN and in in war zones.

Since then there have been questions about his leadership and his apparent refusal to ditch the neoliberal consensus that has existed since 1984.  This week, Chris Trotter’s post presents him in a different light from that of the December 2011 article.  Trotter outlines how Shearer was parachuted in to Labour candidacies more than once; his pragmatic rejection of the left-right divide; his lack of explicit objections to the neoliberal shift begun under the 1984 Labour government; his fascination with militarism in his roles for the UN and jobs researching for intelligence operations; his favouring of private military options as a pragmatic solution in some crucial conflict zones.

Shearer on Private Military Companies: 1990s-2001

As I commented a couple of days ago, Shearer argues in his 2001 article, ‘Privatising Protection‘*,  for the limited use of private armies in a small number of conflicts: ones where there was a moral need to protect civilians from genocide, rape, violence and looting; where the government is weak and its army inadequate; and where the UN has difficulty accessing suitable peace-keeping forces.

According to Shearer, private military companies are cheaper than national armies, as was seen in Sierra Leone.  Furthermore, he argues that such companies aim to protect their reputation and ensure getting paid, by working hard to fulfill the objectives set out in their contracts.  For Shearer “economic gain” is a motivating factor that has resulted in companies protecting the control of diamonds, gold or minerals.  They thereby prevent them from being stolen by rebels and then traded illegally to finance their wars.

As I commented on another Shearer article, his arguments favour a regulated market over a “free-market” of private armies, as argued in his earlier 1998 article, ‘Outsourcing war’*.  In this article Shearer argues that contemporary private armies are legitimate corporate entities, operating professionally and within the law.

Shearer gives examples of governments that have successfully worked with military companies:  a British company that works with British Army officers to train Omani government forces; a company of high-tech military-industrial suppliers that has contributed to the upgrade and training of Saudi armed forces, using mainly US weapons; and MPRI working first for the US Department of Defense then taking up major contracts with the 1994 Croatian government, and for the Croatian offensive, Operation Storm, in 1995.

However, Shearer doesn’t acknowledge the fact that such corporate entities are a central part of the military-industrial complex. Furthermore, he argues in favour of the way economic liberalism of the late 20th century has been advantageous for the growth in this private industry.

Private Military Coercion to Settle Deadlocks

In his articles, Shearer often presents an disturbingly positive attitude to the use of “coercion” by military companies.  In this 1998 article he argues that, such companies are particularly suited to using coercion to resolve deadlocked conflicts for weak governments, with inadequate military forces. Shearer argues against the preferred academic approach to conflict resolution, of impartially bringing the two sides together to negotiate.

Shearer argues that goal-oriented private military companies like EO, can successfully use coercion to end a stalemate in a conflict, especially where one side is clearly at fault.  He claims that most domestic conflicts in the 20th century have ended as the result of outright victories.  In places like Angola, Bosnia and Sierra Leone, breakthrough and settlement were only achieved after coercion was used.

Does this contradict the recommendation of Shearer as a consensus builder, praised for his negotiating skills?  Could he be trusted to negotiate the TPP to the benefit of NZ, or revive social security, or protect state assets, or reduce poverty and inequalities, or enable sustainable living? Or to negotiate democratically with the Labour Party membership?

Neoliberalism, Private Military, & Interventionist, Privatised State Provisions

Neoliberalism has been constantly evolving since the 1980s, and it has been strongly linked to the rise of private military companies, as argued by Aaron Ettinger [in ‘Neoliberalism and the Rise of the Private Military‘*.  “Neoliberalization” involves two, sometimes sequential, but often intertwined moves: rollback (the state) and roll out (interventionist state involvement in private endeavours – PPPs etc).  As such, the military was in a unique position pre-1980s, because it already involved interaction between the state and business, via the military-industrial complex.

So-called “neoliberalism” changes to adapt to failures and opposition. As a result there has been an increase in government intervention, which has resulted in private enterprises becoming more central to state provisions.

Shearer’s Politics Now?

Shearer doesn’t seem to have written or said anything about private armies since 2001.  Since then President Bush Jrn oversaw the increase in the use of private armies in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Nevertheless, Trotter ends his article saying this:

… Mr Shearer remains sympathetic towards private armies and paid mercenaries. [citation needed, Mr Trotter?]

The Labour Leader’s on-going support for these private-sector problem-solvers speaks volumes – and very little to his credit.

Certainly, in his Kiwibuild policy, Shearer does favour increasing affordable housing through  government enlisting and/or enabling private builders/contractors.

In Shearer’s favour, however, he is explicitly against asset sales, and he has said that NZ troops should be withdrawn from Afghanistan.  His argument for the use of private military options was always based on using them sparingly, in devastating situations, and when other measures fail or can’t be accessed.

However, Shearer’s back-story does raise some unsettling questions, especially as there is little other evidence of Shearer’s long and strongly held political views.  It would be helpful if David Shearer stated his politics and vision for a Labour-led government more clearly.

[*Articles accessed through Auckland Libraries, Digital Library]

104 comments on “Will the real David Shearer please stand up? ”

  1. “Shearer’s Politics Now?”

    Like all politicians, what ever they think we want to hear, but I fear it’s already too late for this one.

    As far as public perception goes, the die has been cast.
    A bumbling, stumbling, mind numbing, who?

  2. Socialist Paddy 2

    I have seen no evidence of Shearer’s supposed coalition and consensus building skills. Instead I get the impression that he is out of his depth and is unable to unite the caucus the way it needs to be.

    A better leader would work with Cunliffe and his crew. But Shearer appears to me to be a puppet leader, doing unquestioningly that which he is told to do.

    The only solution IMHO is for Shearer to put his leadership to the test in February. Let the members and affiliates decide. It is the only way.

    • Quasimodo 2.1


    • karol 2.2

      For me it’s not so much the leadership issue as the policies. Whoever leads the parliamentary wing of Labour next year, I will be looking closely at their policies and general political direction. I will continue to be critical if there is no change from the current neoliberal, comfortable middle-class appeasement.

      And if there is no change from the Labour caucus leadership, I will be looking for that new direction from the Greens and/Mana – and I would like to see it stated strongly by them.

      • David H 2.2.1

        I agree, at the present time there is no way I can see me voting Labour in 2014, so I too am looking closely at the Greens and yes Mana too. I think that the Financial transaction Tax is a great idea as is a Capital Gains Tax, with these in place, and a Universal/livable wage, so that Poverty can be dealt with in a proper way. Give people the opportunity to earn enough money to live on.) Then the economy will pick up. If people have enough money they will spend it . And that will start the whole pick up. We also need to place our National Assets in some sort of Trust so that the thieving NActs can’t have another go at stealing them in the Future. We also need to spend on Research and Development, and we definitely need to clean up our waterways and get our 100% Clean Green image back. And if the Farmers Bitch? Screw em, they have had it far too good, for far too long, and they are one of the leading polluters of our waterways.

      • asd 2.2.2

        I’m with Karol (as always). If Labour doesn’t stop AND reverse its neo-liberal trajectory, I’m shifting my vote(s) to the Greens permanently.

        • McFliper

          Do it. Or Mana or the Alliance.
          Why stick with a party that doesn’t reflect your beliefs? It’s the only way they learn.

    • QoTViper 2.3

      Hey now, he’s just an innovatorin the consensus-building area. Because if you bully all detractors into silence, voila! Consensus!

  3. One Tāne Viper 3

    Anyone who still believed neo-liberal dogma in 2001 (coincidently the year Blackwater Security Consulting was formed) has to have something seriously wrong with them.

    …such companies aim to protect their reputation and ensure getting paid, by working hard to fulfill the objectives set out in their contracts.

    Yeah right.

  4. Raymond a Francis 4

    Can I commend you on your postings Karol, you are certainly doing the hard yards

    • One Tāne Viper 4.1


    • Jim Nald 4.2

      Yup. Thank you, Karol.

      • karol 4.2.1

        Thanks everyone. I think Chris Trotter is doing some hard and very interesting yards on this. The comments below his post on the issue make interesting reading.

        • veutoviper

          And my thanks too, Karol, for your excellent posts including this one. Don’t you even think of leaving TS!

          I read Trotter’s blog with interest and have been mulling over it for a few days, but have now gone to the comments via your link. I highly recommend others do likewise for the further background provided by an Anonymous commenter.

          If I have read Trotter’s response to commenters correctly, it also seems that Trotter will be following up with a further blog in the near future along the lines of

          “Thus the question is not who is Shearer backing but rather who is backing Shearer? “

      • Jenny 4.2.2

        Thank you, Karol. +1

  5. Tim 5

    The confusion of state and private/corporate responsibilities is sometimes also known as fascism. I’m not sure why there is a reluctance to call a spade a spade. There’s certainly evidence of it elsewhere in the world.

    • muzza 5.1

      Tim, as you asked the question, I suspect you are aware of some likely answers.

      Fasc*sm now goes by such terms as *democracy, free market, free trade, globalism, capitalism, liberalisation, new right, new labour, *, and so on. One can even include such entities as *UN, NGO, WHO, IMF, WB, NATO, WTO*, and the alphabet agencies which make up the enforcing arms of the terms I mention prior. The entities are *supported* more deeply by *think tanks*, which in turn, are the policy creators/shapers for nations, or engineers if you will, of the world that we *get to see*, and the media industry with its ties into the military/intelligence/entertainment business, sells the world the propaganda, and distracts, confuses and conflates the minds of people, so that even the more able thinking will struggle to decifer what is real, and what is not!

      All the above are supplied/controlled/owned by the monetary (banking/finance) systems, not to mention the drug trade/war on drugs which not only controls major supplies, but also launders the illicit gains, while filling private prisons, owned by the finance industry, with slave labour, building munitions and the like for the *corporate face* of the *military industrial complex*

      To further mask the involvement, such *honours* as Kinighthoods, MBE’s, ONZ, Nobel Peace Prize winners, etc are distributed to *pillars of the societies* from whence they originate, or for *excellence* in fields, where mortals are then expected to believe that these people are the opposite what they are paraded as (not exclusively)*.

      They come from/go to such *lofty establishments* as Boston International, IISS, ML, FED, WTO, WB, UN, Mont Pelerin Society

      The parliamentary, legal and judicial frameworks are the local interfaces, with the police the local enforcers.

      Articles/analysis such as that from Trotter, and Karols (hat tip Trotter/Karol), are key to highlight the spin which accompanies the operation which has been in full swing in NZ for decades, and the *importing* of the *politicians*, such as Key and Shearer, complete with the backstory to sell a product, to an ever less capable of questioning public.

      These people are not here as Kiwis, they are not here for NZ, they are not here for the people of NZ, and 4 decades of decline tell that story! So while people want to pick over the irrelevant details, and argue the *improvements* made by policy/govt along the way, the trend lines continue to speak truth about whose interests are being served!

      How many more examples it will take until people are able to divorce their minds from such simple associations, before the penny finally drops!

    • marsman 5.2

      “Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”
      Benito Mussolini

  6. Bite.the.Bullet 6

    A leadership spill, ASAP. Get it over and done with cleanly and give the new person two years in which to build. Otherwise it’s every person for themselves, which is increasingly the case.

    The Washington fiscal cliff is three days away as I write, its consequences for us unclear.

    • Alinsky 6.1

      A democratic selection, irrespective if that is fast or slow.

      I will accept the decision of the majority, even if I disagree with them.

      The people decide. DEMOCRATIC socialism.

  7. Nick K 7

    Why didn’t you ask the same question when Helen Clark was PM? She was Deputy Prime Minister for a year prior to the Telecom sale and voted for the sale in Cabinet and in caucus.

    • karol 7.1

      I wasn’t an author for TS during the Clark government years. I stopped party voting Labour during the period of the Clark government due to dissatisfaction on their policies and approach on various issues.

      I gave some lee-way to the Clark government as I understood how much pressure was coming from the right, the neoliberal-dominated MSM, the US government etc. I felt there was some compensation that Clark limited the worst impacts of neoliberalism and didn’t take it further.

      However, things have changed since then, especially since the GFC. Also, we have now seen that holding neoliberalism at bay, does not work in the long term. Once back in office National continue with their ruthless slash and burn.

      I also didn’t overly criticise Goff while he was leader, hoping for some miracle at the ballot box. But the Shearer led caucus has now shifted even further rightwards and Shearer is less competent as a leader than was Goff. Once in government Team Shearer wouldn’t do much more than hold that line. Consequently we are seeing over the long term a gradual dragging of the parliamentary Labour Party rightwards.

      In contrast, the membership are clearly asking for a new direction – one needed in the face of the problems we face in the future. Now is not the time for appeasing the neoliberal MSM or centre right, comfortable middle-class voters.

    • QoTViper 7.2

      *error … pathetic attempt at derail detected … error*

  8. Curran's Viper 8

    I am waiting with interest to hear Shearer state his case, in this forum or elsewhere, but am not holding my breath. Natural justice demands no less.

    It is nevertheless interesting to read of his fascination for private military and security companies – especially ‘Executive Outcomes’ – given its role in the ‘Sandline affair’ in Bougainville


    and its reception in Australia and NZ at the time

    “Sandline had subcontracted most of its crew for the Bougainville mission through Executive Outcomes, a South African mercenary provider. The first mercenaries arrived on an Air Niugini flight from Singapore on 7 February 1997. After a week, a total of 44 had arrived, 8 from the UK, 5 from Australia and the rest from South Africa.
    In the meantime, a series of meetings were undertaken between Deputy Prime Minister Haiveta, Tim Spicer, and several other figures, with regard to buying out CRA’s stake in Bougainville Copper Limited, the owner of the Panguna mine, which was at the heart of the Bougainville conflict. On 19 February 1997, Prime Minister Chan mentioned to Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer that Papua New Guinea was bringing in mercenaries for “training purposes”. Downer condemned the move, and was particularly opposed to their use on Bougainville. On 10 February, the move was leaked to The Australian newspaper.”

    “The immediate public stir in Australia was larger than Chan had expected. While it briefly moved the Papua New Guinean people behind the idea, the international furore also hardened the dislike that Jerry Singirok had for the Sandline deal. By the time he returned from a visit to the Philippines on 27 February, his mind was made up. He condemned the government for leaving him, as head of the PNGDF, out of the loop, and condemned Spicer for having more access to the government than he did. Over the next week, he made plans for Operation Rausim Kwik (pidgin for ‘get rid of them quickly’). On 8 March, he asked Major Enuma to command the operation. Enuma agreed.
    Over the next few days, the Australian government tried in vain to persuade the Papua New Guinean government not to proceed with the mercenary deal. On the night of 16 March 1997, the revolt began. By the time the night was over, the entire band of Sandline mercenaries had been disarmed and arrested, except for the mission communications specialist, Australian National, Steven Rowland. Prime Minister Chan did not find out until the next morning. That morning, Singirok accused Prime Minister Chan, Defence Minister Ijape, and Deputy Prime Minister Haiveta of corruption, and gave them 48 hours to resign. He also fiercely denied allegations that he was aiming to take power himself. Chan refused to resign, and the same day, sacked Singirok as Commander of the PNGDF, replacing him with controversial Colonel Alfred Aikung.
    The weapons, including military small arms, piston engined light aircraft and helicopter gunships were taken to Australia[1] [2] until the government of PNG arranged for the material to be returned to Sandline.[3]”

  9. Curran's Viper 10

    Ah, a good old-fashioned bar-room brawl. Great to clear the air ..

  10. Colonial Viper 11

    Karol, good on you. Remember, the sound from Mike Smith and others ain’t nothin’ but the rain.

    Labour should ask itself a very simple question every morning, as it sets out to do the days work: does it deserve to survive.

    It’s pretty clear that they don’t like us ordinary plebs on the left asking that simple question either. And I’m guessing it’s because the answer is much less than clear.

    • karol 11.1

      Thanks, CV.

      For some reason your first sentence reminds me of Blade Runner:

      All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain

      Glad to see you’re still around.

      • Colonial Viper 11.1.1

        Here’s a little SF trivia: Edward James Olmos was also in Blade Runner.

        • J'Accuse

          Gaff, a mysterious character in the film, presents his compulsory invitation to Deckard in a street lingo called Cityspeak, a mixture of Spanish, French, Chinese, German, Hungarian, and Japanese.[1] He is played by Edward James Olmos. As a fellow cop, he is quickly identified as being very different from Deckard through the ways he dresses and behaves. He tends to make little Origami figures. The last words heard in the film are spoken by him: “It’s too bad she won’t live. But then again, who does?”

          Gaff walks with a cane and a noticeable limp.

          The sequel by K.W. Jeter mentions that Gaff is killed in the line of duty. At the beginning of the novel, Bryant has just returned from the funeral and expresses his distaste for the Cityspeak written on Gaff’s headstone.


          I did not realise, until now, that Blade Runner had a sequel.


          Shearer as Deckard, perhaps ?

          • Rhinoviper

            More trivia:

            Edie Olmos sometimes quips at conventions that Blade Runner is a direct sequel to Battlestar Galactica, with Gaff, a direct descendent of Bill Adama, once again hunting Cylons/Replicants.

            The term “skin job” was borrowed from that film, while “Six” is a reference to The Prisoner. The term “Blade Runner” itself is from a William S. Burroughs story/script about smugglers of medical supplies and has nothing to do with the film as it eventually appeared.

            And there’s an little hint somewhere on the Blu-Ray for Prometheus that Peter Weyland knew Eldon Tyrell. Heh.

        • karol

          As a BSG fan I am interested in this discussion, but it’s getting off topic for this thread. I have tried to move Rhinoviper’s comment @6.52pm & J’Accuse @2.03pm to Open Mike, but it didn’t work.

          But I’d appreciate if any further BSG discussion, that doesn’t address the topic of this thread, continued on Open Mike…. Otherwise it will get moved eventually, by someone better at it than me, hopefully.

      • Jim Viperald - Once was colonised 11.1.2

        An historian some day might find that a useful phrase to characterise the current Labour years in opposition: “Like tears in the rain – lost in time” ?

      • Jenny 11.1.3

        “Glad to see you’re still around.”


    • AmaKiwi 11.2

      Great to see you back, CV.

      A sharp strike at the heart of the issue. That’s Colonial Viper.

    • Rhinoviper 11.3

      “nothin’ but the rain”

      Grab your gun and bring in the cat.

    • Hami Shearlie 11.4

      Glad to see you back with us CV!

    • just saying 11.5

      Dunno how long you’ve been back CV, I’m just back from away myself. But good to see you !

      And Bravo Karol. Again

      Just wanted to say that before getting back to reading the backlog. So much interesting stuff 🙂

  11. J'Accuse 12

    Welcome back, CV. You must have shaken off the fatwā placed on you by Curran .. and whoever else

    • Colonial Viper 12.1

      Just passing through mate, not back on regular duty yet. But thank you 🙂

      • Curran's Viper 12.1.1

        We’ll be looking forward to it. Have a refreshing break ..

      • Pete 12.1.2

        Just don’t pile on the pounds like Lee Adama while we’re sitting here on New Caprica.

      • AmaKiwi 12.1.3

        CV, I suspected you were here in camouflage. Or maybe others are becoming more succinct.

      • Colonial Viper 12.1.4

        Respect to you all. ColonialPete, gawd you made me crack up. Good hunting mate 😀

      • veutoviper 12.1.5

        I too am so pleased to see you back if just passing through. ‘They’ did not know what a Pandora’s box they were opening when they tried to silence you. Being a (part) optimist, perhaps the last few weeks will be a turning point – but I am not holding my breath.

  12. Treetop 13

    An attribute which is required of a political leader is to have conviction for the cause. What I want to see from the Labour caucus early in 2013 is their manifesto for the calendar year and for Shearer to sell this to potential voters. About 10 main issues promoting one each month. Any major issues/errors by the government could be delegated to caucus ministers who have the portfolio regarding the issue which would lift their personal profile.

    A clear position and voice with conviction is required to be taken seriously.

  13. Molly Polly 14

    I wrote this today for Mike Smith’s “Mud-Slinging” Post , but it could fit in here too if that’s OK Karol…

    You see Mike, many Labour Party members and potential supporters are currently despairing of Labour.

    Take my family gathering at Christmas for instance.

    My extended whanau are on the whole favourable to Labour. I myself am a long serving LP member. Even had a crack as a candidate in a National stronghold many years back. There was no hope of winning but at least Labour supporters had someone to vote for! My kids (now adults) were brought up delivering LP pamphlets, helping at fundraising events and taking turns working on LP stalls at the markets.

    At Christmas lunch the talk turned to politics. There has been a noticeable shift in my once staunch LP family members. Those under 40 are now Green Party members or supporters. Some voted that way at the last election or split their vote. My adult kids stood behind Labour, but they were faltering until Phil Goff lifted his game in the last few weeks and his heroic push at the end persuaded them to give both their votes to Labour.

    Without exception, their support for Labour has now waned. They feel more in tune with the Greens and particularly their Leaders, Turei and Norman. They like their policies, they like what the Greens stand for. I doubt they will ever come back to Labour. Just like many of the friends.

    Those over 40 at our family gathering said they were increasingly despondent with Labour. One of them over dinner said, “It feels like Labour is a train wreck about to happen, albeit in slow motion, and there is nothing we can do to stop it!”

    He went on to say, ” We had Goff slowly inching his way to disaster in the last election…and now it feels like history is repeating itself. For Goff it was going to be a hard task to win as Key was still basking in undeserved public glory. But today the general public are beginning to see through Mr Nice Guy, and the Government, is in fact, a fucking train wreck. A perfect opportunity for Labour. But what do we have? A boring, uninspiring, insipid, bumbling Leader, who so far, is unable to display much confidence in Labour winning in 2014.”

    For the first time in over 40 years as a Labour supporter I am questioning my political allegiance. The trouble is, I and my older family members, just as the younger ones already have, are warming towards the Greens. We like the way they vote for their leaders, we like the fact they have a man and woman co-sharing the leadership, we like the fact they speak up clearly about the economy, the environment, child poverty, health and education. We know what they stand for.

    It’s hard for a Labourite like me. Loyalty runs deep. The hours and hours and hours of stuffing envelopes, walking the streets delivering pamphlets, phone canvassing 1,000′s of people and baking for fundraisers…all for the Labour cause. Deep in my heart I believe in the ethos that has always been Labour – fairness for all, social justice, equal rights, a living wage, etc.

    But Labour has become unstuck. There was some light at the end of tunnel after the election with the leadership candidate meetings. What an inspiring process. We all knew which one was the winner. But the caucus knew better. We hoped to hell they were right. But it has become increasingly obvious they got it wrong Big Time despite the memberships’ gut feeling about who should have won the leadership.

    Despite a good speech at Conference, it really was too little too late. And who believes that Shearer will run rings around Key in the election debates come 2014, or that he will even come close? And it’s not that we don’t want him to, it’s just that we can’t imagine he will as there has been, so far, no stirring off-the-cuff statements or passionate interviews that can convince us otherwise. And he has been Leader for over a year now.

    So as you can see Mike, many of my whanau have lost faith in Labour. The younger ones of course have already departed, but for those of us who remain, we are struggling. We feel so dispirited that we can’t even face going to LEC meetings. When we do it feels like a charade…everyone pretending to be positive about Labour and the direction it is taking, but never a mention of the elephant in the room. We know we should attend more and speak our minds, but that is difficult to do when one’s MP is close to the Leader and is part of the ABC group.

    For many of us it has got to the stage that even that person is not likely to get our vote at the next election, let alone the Party.

    (I can’t believe I have actually written that last sentence…)

    But back to our whanau Christmas gathering.

    After the younger family members had gone skinny dipping in the sea (following one of the hottest Christmas Days on record)…us oldies came to the conclusion over the last dregs of wine, that unless a miracle happens (perhaps a full membership vote in February?) and/or Labour finds it’s mojo again, the chances of ditching Red for Green is now very much on the cards.

    • mike 14.1

      Allow me to ease your anxiety – Green is the new Red.

    • karol 14.2

      I read your comment on Mike’s thread, Molly. It sounds very dispiriting after you’ve given so much to the LP.

      Like Redlogix, on the other thread, I was starting to warm to Goff as leader by the time of the election. He also gave some heartfelt and rousing speeches in the House in his term as leader. But, for me, Shearer just has not fired as the leader, so far. I wouldn’t mind his mumbling, etc, if he clearly stood for strong left/labour values and policies.

      I too am more for the Greens right now.

    • Craig Glen viper 14.3

      Great comment molly polly my family is the same I to am a previous Labour candidate, I dont want to but at this point the party that best represents my values is the greens. Oh and for what its worth I dont even like Russel Norman but I can’t stand to see this current arrogant useless Labour caucus continue.

    • xtasy 14.4

      Molly Polly: You so clearly – and by using your family as a prime example – speak out the distress of so many disillusioned Labour supporters and prospective, or rather PAST voters.

      Yes, it is so grim, when looking at what is going on.

      And tonight I watched the television news on TVNZ, seeing Labour’s junior whip Hipkins now supporting the Treasury on their cautious approach to not rush with too many partial energy company share sales within a too short time.

      Oh my god, he was standing up for the NZ “mum and dad investors”, who might face a too low asset sales price, and losing out to more financial corporate investors at the same time.

      Hipkins wants the government to take a bit more time, to not “flood” the market with valuable share offers that could drive prices down. He wants the government to get the best deal, for the taxpayer’s interest!?

      Now, I thought that Labour resolutely opposed the partial sale of MRP, Genesis, Meridian and Solid Energy. What did I and others bother to sign the petitions for???

      This is exactly what pisses people off, they change their course and tunes conveniently, depending on where the wind may blow from.

      Hipkins now supporting Key and Nats to get the best price for partial asset sales. Is this for bloody real????

      • karol 14.4.1

        Hmmm. Thnks for the tip, xtasy. It looks like Hipkins is saying both:

        Labour opposes the sales completely, but says Treasury’s made a good call.

        “The Government would flood the market if they introduced three companies all in the same industry into the market in one year, it would mean the taxpayer wouldn’t get the best possible price for them,” says Labour MP Chris Hipkins.

        “I’m not surprised that the Government are running away from this issue, they know the New Zealand public don’t want these assets to be sold,” says Hipkins.

        But Hipkins is giving mixed messages. He should have just stuck to the line that asset sales is a bad idea, and it shows in National’s shoddy handling of it, because they are trying to rush things before people can do a referendum – or something like that.

    • Alinsky 14.5

      Dear Molly Polly,

      May I suggest some tactics and strategies:

      1. Attend another electorate’s meetings, one where you expect a warmer welcome. Have a friend from that electorate bring you along and introduce you. It is not uncommon. My partner did it for years. A well-known retired Labour MP worked the last election in my MP’s office, not in his/her own electorate. I would invite you to my LEC but can’t do it on-line. (Auckland area.) You will be welcomed and put to work!

      2. For me, the February caucus vote is about getting the best candidate to beat National in 2014. It is a primary election to discover who is the most effective campaigner. Shearer placed second to Cunliffe in the Dec. 2011 primary. Now he has a chance to prove he’s lifted his game. If he wins the primary, I will back him. If he dodges having a primary, I will quit Labour because winning the Treasury benches is the name of the game.

      3. We can say these things in letters, emails, and petitions. We need to make our voices heard to all the undecided and non-ABC MPs. (We can leave out Shearer, Roberston, Ardern, Parker, Goff, King, Mallard, and one or two others.)

      All the other MPs need to know we demand the best candidate for 2014. We believe the only way to get that person is to have an open, nationwide primary election.

      I am prepared to help write the petitions and letters, divide up the electorates to target, etc.

      P.S. I use the name Alinksy because Saul Alinsky was the creator of modern community organizing. I studied under and organized with his disciples (as did Obama). It works . . . and it’s fun!

      • Molly Polly 14.5.1

        Thanks Alinksy.

        I am about to do exactly what you suggested. It dawned on me recently that there is only one electorate that I would feel really welcome…and that is the one where the MP is not associated with the ABC (not Auckland). All the other electorate MPs are.

        But like you I will quit Labour if Shearer dodges the primary. I have written to Shearer, my electorate MP and the President with my views about the current situation. My MP’s secretary emailed me back to say she/he was sorry to hear that I wouldnt support the MP anymore.

        You are right…we need some organisation around lobbying members.

        I can do it discretely. Unfortunately my work these days hampers political activism.


        P.S. I’ll look up Saul Alinsky…sounds very interesting.

        • Alinsky

          Will David Shearer accept the challenge to prove he is the best vote getter in the Labour Party?

          “No politician can sit on a hot issue if you make it hot enough.” Saul Alinksy (1907-1972)

          If you and I turn up the heat, we will get a primary in February.

          • Crimson Nile

            Witholding funds, fees and donations on the condition of a “primary” in February will certainly get you noticed.

            • Ordinary Bloke

              Let me get this right.

              A person who supports privatised militaries is standing as the leader of the Labour Party. Can no-one see the contradiction ?

              Where is the tradition of the Chartists – some transported to the penal colony of Sydney, of Waihi, of Blackball, of the WW1 debate about conscription, the Great Depression, Michael Savage and state housing, of Ratana, of John A. Lee , of 1951, of Norman Kirk, and the discovery by Lange of an unexpected fiscal crisis (Miller, 2005) ?

              Many of these issues are still relevant. Has Shearer anything to add ?

              Miller, Raymond (2005). Party Politics in New Zealand. Australia: Oxford University Press. pp. 32–33

    • veutoviper 14.6

      Thank you MollyPolly. You have expressed what I believe from my own experience and that of others, what many longer-term Labour supporters are currently feeling.

  14. tc 15

    the real David shearer will stand up if the mallarfia says he can he’s as much a puppet as shonkey is.

    Mollys right the labour party is a train wreck in slo mo, it’s fixable but the games rigged towards those pulling the strings.

    • karol 15.1

      Shearer is a puzzle, and seems a bit contradictory. I might have agreed with you about Shearer being a puppet a few days ago, tc. But having read Trotter’s post and a couple of Shearer’s war articles, I’m thinking he might not be such a soft touch.

      If you look at his CV, Shearer actually had some pretty high powered jobs, fairly high up the food chain, and in some desperate war zones.

      I’m wondering if he’s tougher than I first thought. Certainly, during his time as caucus leader, there’s been some pretty focused, ruthless kind of behaviour from the caucus, that I don’t recall seeing before – those attempts to suppress, or see off any potential opposition. However, maybe all the contradictions are because he’s trying to follow someone else’s advice?

      In contrast to his bumbling interviews on TV and radio, his written work is extremely well expressed, and his views stated absolutely clearly – no waffling. So I guess he’s just better at writing when he’s got time to get his thoughts together… ?

      I still find it puzzling, that after a first term in the House being Mr invisible, suddenly Shearer put himself forward for leader. He’d have to be pretty confident and assertive to do that.

      • Napkins 15.1.1

        Maybe the electorally useful Mr Nice Guy persona, including the mumbling and the guitar playing, is deliberately unrevealing. But look at his face. It is the weary face of someone who has led a hard life, seen far too much, done far too much and needs respite. He can’t speak at all well, but as Trotter points out, his writing from years ago is excellent; well set out and persuasive. In summation, too much seems incongruous about Shearer. And thus, worthy of more questions being raised.

        • Ordinary Bloke

          Give Shearer a break. He probably needs time to decompress and re-connect emotionally with the party and the people to recharge his batteries, rather than be thrown into the crucible of parliament and broad hopes for electoral recovery from Goff’s disastrous campaign.

          Hoots and the village drums are – already – spreading the beat that it would be the most left-wing government since .. well, since time began. Clearly, they are trying to push him, and any other potential leader, to the right.

          The election is two years away, but can NZ Labour as an organisation really afford to reward failure ?

      • ColonialPete 15.1.2

        I have some sympathy for that. I tend to be a more concise and better communicator in writing. Saying things off the cuff gives me some trouble and I do trip over my tongue sometimes – although I am far less nervous when talking to groups than I used to be. I used to be fairly active in a union for a couple of years, which required presentations to members. I think I got over my shyness mainly because I knew what I was going to say. I have no idea what message David Shearer is trying to send, I fear he doesn’t either, except he likes being leader of the caucus thank-you-very-much.

    • Anne 15.2

      the real David Shearer will stand up if the mallarfia says he can he’s as much a puppet as Shonkey is.

      That is what I think. Key is the Global Finance mafia’s man in the South Pacific. So, whose man is Shearer? The mallarfia are just the local yokels.

      • karol 15.2.1

        A comment from Trotter underneath his post on Shearer’s militarism.

        Anonymous said…

        Thus the question is not who is Shearer backing but rather who is backing Shearer?

        Trotter replied:

        That is, indeed, the question – and one I’m preparing to post on very shortly.


  15. Alinsky 16

    “It does not matter what you know about anything if you cannot communicate to your people. In that event you are not even a failure. You’re just not there.” Saul Alinsky (1909-1972)

  16. Bill 17

    Been holding back on commenting on this UN versus private peacekeeping waiting for the wider context to be mentioned.

    Guess I have to mention it myself.

    The US is the biggest contributor to UN coffers. From the 1980’s onwards they have employed a number of mechanisms deliberately intended to build up arrears. It now owes way north of $1 billion. Essentially the UN is underfunded and affected accordingly. Small nations really do need payment for missions they participate in. If they have doubt on that front, then they won’t participate.

    If the deliberate underfunding of the UN is compared to similar underfunding a national public body (eg, a health service) while a push is made to increase the invovlement of private interests… well, you get the picture.

    Further undermining is evident if you look at the likes of Afghanistan. The UN never passed a resolution for the US and UK invasion. The resolution that was passed post invasion and that focussed on reconstruction was for a UN headed mission…but that promptly became a NATO headed mission because (if my memory serves me right) it was argued that NATO better equipped and able than the UN.

    And that NATO force has outsourced to private companies.

    So we get a ‘money-go-round’ that takes public monies and dispenses them to private hands. And that US debt gives the US a lot of leverage in determining UN operations as well opening the way for spurious arguments, the type made by Shearer, to come to the fore and sound pragmatic.

    The real problem with the UN is the funding – more specifically the massive debt owed by the US. Get that debt repaid and keep payments up to date and the private versus UN peacekeeping argument evaporates. Problem is, that would end the syphoning of public money to private interests, diminish US leverage of the UN and be ‘not in the best interests’ of certain ideologues.

    • Draco T Bastard 17.1


    • veutoviper 17.2

      Thanks Bill for raising this aspect. I am currently in and out of TS ‘on the run’ as I have a lot of other things going on.

      But the funding – or rather the holding back of funding by the US and others – for many years has meant IMO that the role of the UN, and its loss of direction from its original purpose etc, have been undermined and politicised in a way that was never intended. I am by no means an expert in this area but have been close enough for many years to question the whole raison d’etre and the role of the UN for many decades.

    • Puddleglum 17.3

      Very good point, Bill.

      It’s a bit disturbing that Shearer (in the FP piece) seems to have swallowed the neo-liberal framing of the issue. This leads to him advocating a ‘regulated’ private sector ‘solution’ (like charter schools in education) without looking at the underlying causes of the problem.

      Advocating private sector solutions to supposed public sector failures, and then trying to reassure others by claiming that the risks of private sector involvement can be managed through transparent KPIs is almost textbook, neo-liberal policy rhetoric.

      Shearer seems either unable or unwilling to think outside of that neo-liberal frame on this issue. Perhaps he wanted to impress the foreign policy establishment as represented by the IISS, who would have been donkey deep in neo-liberal ideology at that point, of either Thatcherite or Blairite flavours. He may have thought it would have helped his career.

      I’ve heard that kind of rhetoric so much over the past thirty years that I can smell it a mile off. I presume that any left-wing politician would be similarly attuned.

      (There are also other rather odd, contradictory and incoherent aspects to his analysis of the issue which is why I don’t think it’s quite the standout piece of analysis that everyone seems to claim it is. It is, however, quite clearly written.)

  17. xtasy 18

    My personal summary of what Karol wrote here, what she linked to (sorry, I do not know what to do with those restricted access links), and how she has tried to show a past side to David Shearer is: The man has expressed past ideas and views that do not make him a more “favourable” guy in my eyes.

    Yet I must also say, what Shearer did during his involvement with the UN and some other international organisations, that is only partly relevant to Shearer as the Labour leader now.

    Running UN aid projects, with the strong support of that organisation, with the support of the more powerful powers that really have the clout within the UN, and being forced to remain focused just on implementing programs and ensure a make rather than break that way, is profoundly different a task, than leading a party that claims to be a wide kind of church.

    Politics is a constantly evolving environment, and working with colleagues, members and trying to gain supporters requires quite different skills than to use certain forces to one’s avail to bring warring parties to the table, to enforce some kind of peaceful environment, to enable the feeding, housing and caring for poor in crisis regions. Democracy within Labour and society as a whole is a very different game, when compared with sitting down with corrupt war-lords or whatever.

    Of course some skills are always “transferable”, but I see a clear limit as to what “transferable” skills Shearer may have been able to bring into his present role.

    What is a concern though, and what Karol has touched on, is the fact, that Shearer sees coercion as a very acceptable and possibly even desirable, useful means to achieve goals. With even considering private fighting forces, run by enterprises, to achieve “peace” and stability, he is walking a dangerous tight rope walk.

    Since Blackwater, or what that company employed by the US defence department was called, stuffing up big in Iraq, one can see, that Shearer may have been, and possibly still is poorly advised on some matters. Looking at what goes in within Labour’s caucus, I feel proved with that assumption or rather conclusion.

    • karol 18.1

      Thanks, xtasy. That’s an interesting point about Shearer’s skills not being suited to parliament.

      The links, just give details about the publications that the articles are in. As I stated at the bottom of the post, I accessed the full texts on Auckland Libraries Digital Library – but it requires a membership log in. Other people may have access to the articles via their own public or uni library.

      One article, the neoliberal one, I think – is available without a login online somewhere on a PDF – But the first page says it’s not to be cited without the author’s permission – the library version doesn’t say that.

      • Jenny 18.1.1

        Not to be cited without the author’s permission.
        Someone a little sensitive about letting their genuinely held views becoming more widely known perhaps?

        Could this reluctance to let his real thoughts out, be behind David Shearer’s stumble bum public performances?

        I think maybe yes, and have said so;


        • karol

          The neoliberal article with the author’s permission caveat, was not written by David Shearer – someone overseas with no connection to NZ. The article is about neoliberalism and private military companies.

          • Jenny

            Strangely illogical though. Who is the author? I take it the author is David Shearer, and not the overseas someone who owns the rights.

            Why didn’t they use the usual caveat, “All rights reserved”?

            If they were really concerned about their copyright being infringed, why would they leave it up to Shearer to give it away?

            • McFliper

              Probably because it was being circulated before it was actually published. I.e. final copy, but maybe useful to get some timely feedback while it’s on the editors’ shelf waiting to be considered. Journals etc tend to be a bit finicky about publishing something that someone else has already distributed for free. Or it could just be some dude who wants to know when his stuff gets cited, but hasn’t yet mastered google scholar. Or maybe google picked up someone’s little dropbox.

              And “author” is commonly considered to mean “person who wrote it”. So Shearer wasn’t responsible for it anyway (the exception being ghost writers).

  18. Rogue Trooper 19

    committee man-open the door and embrace the “prodigal one” and all will be well, including Mana
    (well, the Greens are a given necessity)

    night all, from the Ghost Writer

  19. great work karol, thanks

  20. ColonialPete 21

    Have a look at the Google Trends data for David Shearer over the past twelve months. It flatlines from mid June to the end of August and it only really peaks for him in the lead up to the conference, when doubts over his leadership were being voiced.

    Compare him with Winston Peters, who is far far more consistent and earns a higher search score than Mr Shearer.

    And here’s a comparison between searches for David Shearer and searches for The Standard.

  21. Karol,

    You wonderful woman you. Thanks you for your excellent post on David Schearer. You have given me inspiration and a few great links to what David was up to before he came back (just like John Key) to help New Zealand become greater!

  22. peterlepaysan 23

    Shearer’s silence probably has something to do with the fact that the Labour Party has no policies that distinguish them from the National Party.

    Yeah ok, capital gains tax on properties.

    Affordable housing, at $400,000?

    What about the voters who could not bother turning up at the last two Elections?

    That is the elephant in the room that both LP caucus members and bloggers keep ignoring.

    What ever happened to employment with a reasonable wage/salary to allow a reasonable life style?

    Does anyone remember when Shon Key promised parity with Australia?

    LP caucusians need to ignore their cosy chatty barbecues and get out into the electorate who did not vote for them. They might discover some reality, rather than neo liberal prejudice.

  23. Jenny 24

    Some of us have been asking what David Shearer actually stands for, as was seen in some of the comments below Mike Smith’s Amidst th’ encircling gloom post. For many of us a substantial new political direction is needed to tackle many urgent problems


    At a time when the “many urgent problems” facing the country and the world need what the Americans call a “Roosevelt-inspired muscular liberalism” and what we might call, a “Savage-inspired muscular socialism”.

    To know what David Shearer actually stands for…..

    The second term Obama presidency might give us a clue.


    Race doesn’t matter. Looks don’t matter. Age doesn’t matter. Style doesn’t matter. Only one thing matters when you’re electing a politician: policy. And the willingness and ability to carry it out…..

    So what policy track is Obama pursuing?

    …. Not only did he offer House Speaker John Boehner to protect the spectacularly wealthy taxpayers who earn up to $400,000 from a tax hike, he quietly sold out senior citizens by gutting the current system that calculates cost-of-living increases for Social Security and other federal entitlement programs.

    What does this translate into in the New Zealand context?

    When it comes to policy Shearer is committed to raising the age of entitlement to the pension. He has also spoken of reversing Phil Goff’s decision to remove the tax on fresh fruit and vegetables, and is committed to keeping the Nat’s GST increase to 15%.

    These are all regressive policies that help the rich and punish the poor. They give a clue to other, unspoken policy, hidden behind the mumbling, the clumsy public delivery, the phoney but populist man of the people persona.

    Liberals who worried that Obama would sell them out need worry no more. Not so deep down, they knew this would happen. Now they can settle down for four more years of depressing Republican-lite kowtowing to corporations and the one percent.

    So this quote might read, when translated into the New Zealand context:

    Socialists who worried that Shearer would sell them out need worry no more. Not so deep down, they knew this would happen. Now they can settle down to accepting 3 years of depressing National-lite kowtowing to corporations and the one percent.

    There is your answer KAROL.

    Let all of us on the left, hope that come February the grass roots and hard working selfless activists in Labour can depose this “parachutist”.

    • Jenny 24.1

      Obama and Shearer have this in common….
      They were both outsiders parachuted into the highest position in their respective parties.

      This tells us something.

      That things couldn’t go on as they were.

      That even the conservative BAU politicians in the Democratic Party and the Labour Party realise that change is needed. However hey want to appear to have satisfied that need without actually having to enact any of the required concrete policy.

  24. Takere 25

    Great stuff that Cunliffe’s been put to the sword …. just another 3 or 4 to go!

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    This is a re-post from Andrew Dessler at the Climate Brink blog In 2023, the Earth reached temperature levels unprecedented in modern times. Given that, it’s reasonable to ask: What’s going on? There’s been lots of discussions by scientists about whether this is just the normal progression of global warming or if something ...
    1 day ago
  • Backbone, revisited
    The schools are on holiday and the sun is shining in the seaside village and all day long I have been seeing bunches of bikes; Mums, Dads, teens and toddlers chattering, laughing, happy, having a bloody great time together. Cheers, AT, for the bits of lane you’ve added lately around the ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    1 day ago
  • Ministers are not above the law
    Today in our National-led authoritarian nightmare: Shane Jones thinks Ministers should be above the law: New Zealand First MP Shane Jones is accusing the Waitangi Tribunal of over-stepping its mandate by subpoenaing a minister for its urgent hearing on the Oranga Tamariki claim. The tribunal is looking into the ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    2 days ago
  • What’s the outfit you can hear going down the gurgler? Probably it’s David Parker’s Oceans Sec...
    Buzz from the Beehive Point  of Order first heard of the Oceans Secretariat in June 2021, when David Parker (remember him?) announced a multi-agency approach to protecting New Zealand’s marine ecosystems and fisheries. Parker (holding the Environment, and Oceans and Fisheries portfolios) broke the news at the annual Forest & ...
    Point of OrderBy Bob Edlin
    2 days ago
  • Will politicians let democracy die in the darkness?
    Bryce Edwards writes  – Politicians across the political spectrum are implicated in the New Zealand media’s failing health. Either through neglect or incompetent interventions, successive governments have failed to regulate, foster, and allow a healthy Fourth Estate that can adequately hold politicians and the powerful to account. ...
    Point of OrderBy poonzteam5443
    2 days ago
  • Matt Doocey doubles down on trans “healthcare”
    Citizen Science writes –  Last week saw two significant developments in the debate over the treatment of trans-identifying children and young people – the release in Britain of the final report of Dr Hilary Cass’s review into gender healthcare, and here in New Zealand, the news that the ...
    Point of OrderBy poonzteam5443
    2 days ago
  • A TikTok Prime Minister.
    One night while sleeping in my bed I had a beautiful dreamThat all the people of the world got together on the same wavelengthAnd began helping one anotherNow in this dream, universal love was the theme of the dayPeace and understanding and it happened this wayAfter such an eventful day ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    2 days ago
  • Texas Lessons
    This is a guest post by Oscar Simms who is a housing activist, volunteer for the Coalition for More Homes, and was the Labour Party candidate for Auckland Central at the last election. ...
    Greater AucklandBy Guest Post
    2 days ago
  • Bernard's pick 'n' mix of the news links at 6:06 am
    The top six news links I’ve seen elsewhere in the last 24 hours as of 6:06 am on Wednesday, April 17 are:Must read: Secrecy shrouds which projects might be fast-tracked RNZ Farah HancockScoop: Revealed: Luxon has seven staffers working on social media content - partly paid for by taxpayer Newshub ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    2 days ago
  • Fighting poverty on the holiday highway
    Turning what Labour called the “holiday highway” into a four-lane expressway from Auckland to Whangarei could bring at least an economic benefit of nearly two billion a year for Northland each year. And it could help bring an end to poverty in one of New Zealand’s most deprived regions. The ...
    PolitikBy Richard Harman
    2 days ago
  • Bernard's six-stack of substacks at 6:26 pm
    Tonight’s six-stack includes: launching his substack with a bunch of his previous documentaries, including this 1992 interview with Dame Whina Cooper. and here crew give climate activists plenty to do, including this call to submit against the Fast Track Approvals bill. writes brilliantly here on his substack ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    2 days ago
  • At a glance – Is the science settled?
    On February 14, 2023 we announced our Rebuttal Update Project. This included an ask for feedback about the added "At a glance" section in the updated basic rebuttal versions. This weekly blog post series highlights this new section of one of the updated basic rebuttal versions and serves as a ...
    2 days ago
  • Apposite Quotations.
    How Long Is Long Enough? Gaza under Israeli bombardment, July 2014. This posting is exclusive to Bowalley Road. ...
    2 days ago
  • What’s a life worth now?
    You're in the mall when you hear it: some kind of popping sound in the distance, kids with fireworks, maybe. But then a moment of eerie stillness is followed by more of the fireworks sound and there’s also screaming and shrieking and now here come people running for their lives.Does ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    2 days ago
  • Howling at the Moon
    Karl du Fresne writes –  There’s a crisis in the news media and the media are blaming it on everyone except themselves. Culpability is being deflected elsewhere – mainly to the hapless Minister of Communications, Melissa Lee, and the big social media platforms that are accused of hoovering ...
    Point of OrderBy poonzteam5443
    3 days ago
  • Newshub is Dead.
    I don’t normally send out two newsletters in a day but I figured I’d say something about… the news. If two newsletters is a bit much then maybe just skip one, I don’t want to overload people. Alternatively if you’d be interested in sometimes receiving multiple, smaller updates from me, ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    3 days ago
  • Seymour is chuffed about cutting early-learning red tape – but we hear, too, that Jones has loose...
    Buzz from the Beehive David Seymour and Winston Peters today signalled that at least two ministers of the Crown might be in Wellington today. Seymour (as Associate Minister of Education) announced the removal of more red tape, this time to make it easier for new early learning services to be ...
    Point of OrderBy Bob Edlin
    3 days ago
  • Bryce Edwards: Will politicians let democracy die in the darkness?
    Politicians across the political spectrum are implicated in the New Zealand media’s failing health. Either through neglect or incompetent interventions, successive governments have failed to regulate, foster, and allow a healthy Fourth Estate that can adequately hold politicians and the powerful to account. Our political system is suffering from the ...
    Democracy ProjectBy bryce.edwards
    3 days ago
  • Was Hawkesby entirely wrong?
    David Farrar  writes –  The Broadcasting Standards Authority ruled: Comments by radio host Kate Hawkesby suggesting Māori and Pacific patients were being prioritised for surgery due to their ethnicity were misleading and discriminatory, the Broadcasting Standards Authority has found. It is a fact such patients are prioritised. ...
    Point of OrderBy poonzteam5443
    3 days ago
  • PRC shadow looms as the Solomons head for election
    PRC and its proxies in Solomons have been preparing for these elections for a long time. A lot of money, effort and intelligence have gone into ensuring an outcome that won’t compromise Beijing’s plans. Cleo Paskall writes – On April 17th the Solomon Islands, a country of ...
    Point of OrderBy poonzteam5443
    3 days ago
  • Climate Change: Criminal ecocide
    We are in the middle of a climate crisis. Last year was (again) the hottest year on record. NOAA has just announced another global coral bleaching event. Floods are threatening UK food security. So naturally, Shane Jones wants to make it easier to mine coal: Resources Minister Shane Jones ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    3 days ago
  • Is saving one minute of a politician's time worth nearly $1 billion?
    Is speeding up the trip to and from Wellington airport by 12 minutes worth spending up more than $10 billion? Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāTL;DR: The six news items that stood out to me in the last day to 8:26 am today are:The Lead: Transport Minister Simeon Brown announced ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    3 days ago
  • Long Tunnel or Long Con?
    Yesterday it was revealed that Transport Minister had asked Waka Kotahi to look at the options for a long tunnel through Wellington. State Highway 1 (SH1) through Wellington City is heavily congested at peak times and while planning continues on the duplicate Mt Victoria Tunnel and Basin Reserve project, the ...
    3 days ago
  • Smoke And Mirrors.
    You're a fraud, and you know itBut it's too good to throw it all awayAnyone would do the sameYou've got 'em goingAnd you're careful not to show itSometimes you even fool yourself a bitIt's like magicBut it's always been a smoke and mirrors gameAnyone would do the sameForty six billion ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    3 days ago
  • What is Mexico doing about climate change?
    This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections The June general election in Mexico could mark a turning point in ensuring that the country’s climate policies better reflect the desire of its citizens to address the climate crisis, with both leading presidential candidates expressing support for renewable energy. Mexico is the ...
    3 days ago
  • State of humanity, 2024
    2024, it feels, keeps presenting us with ever more challenges, ever more dismay.Do you give up yet? It seems to ask.No? How about this? Or this?How about this?When I say 2024 I really mean the state of humanity in 2024.Saturday night, we watched Civil War because that is one terrifying cliff we've ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    3 days ago
  • Govt’s Wellington tunnel vision aims to ease the way to the airport (but zealous promoters of cycl...
    Buzz from the Beehive A pet project and governmental tunnel vision jump out from the latest batch of ministerial announcements. The government is keen to assure us of its concern for the wellbeing of our pets. It will be introducing pet bonds in a change to the Residential Tenancies Act ...
    Point of OrderBy Bob Edlin
    4 days ago
  • The case for cultural connectedness
    A recent report generated from a Growing Up in New Zealand (GUiNZ) survey of 1,224 rangatahi Māori aged 11-12 found: Cultural connectedness was associated with fewer depression symptoms, anxiety symptoms and better quality of life. That sounds cut and dry. But further into the report the following appears: Cultural connectedness is ...
    Point of OrderBy poonzteam5443
    4 days ago
  • Useful context on public sector job cuts
    David Farrar writes –    The Herald reports: From the gory details of job-cuts news, you’d think the public service was being eviscerated.   While the media’s view of the cuts is incomplete, it’s also true that departments have been leaking the particulars faster than a Wellington ...
    Point of OrderBy poonzteam5443
    4 days ago
  • Gordon Campbell On When Racism Comes Disguised As Anti-racism
    Remember the good old days, back when New Zealand had a PM who could think and speak calmly and intelligently in whole sentences without blustering? Even while Iran’s drones and missiles were still being launched, Helen Clark was live on TVNZ expertly summing up the latest crisis in the Middle ...
    4 days ago
  • Govt ignored economic analysis of smokefree reversal
    Costello did not pass on analysis of the benefits of the smokefree reforms to Cabinet, emphasising instead the extra tax revenues of repealing them. Photo: Hagen Hopkins, Getty Images TL;DR: The six news items that stood out to me at 7:26 am today are:The Lead: Casey Costello never passed on ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    4 days ago
  • True Blue.
    True loveYou're the one I'm dreaming ofYour heart fits me like a gloveAnd I'm gonna be true blueBaby, I love youI’ve written about the job cuts in our news media last week. The impact on individuals, and the loss to Aotearoa of voices covering our news from different angles.That by ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    4 days ago
  • Who is running New Zealand’s foreign policy?
    While commentators, including former Prime Minister Helen Clark, are noting a subtle shift in New Zealand’s foreign policy, which now places more emphasis on the United States, many have missed a key element of the shift. What National said before the election is not what the government is doing now. ...
    PolitikBy Richard Harman
    4 days ago
  • 2024 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming News Roundup #15
    A listing of 31 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, April 7, 2024 thru Sat, April 13, 2024. Story of the week Our story of the week is about adults in the room setting terms and conditions of ...
    4 days ago
  • Feline Friends and Fragile Fauna The Complexities of Cats in New Zealand’s Conservation Efforts

    Cats, with their independent spirit and beguiling purrs, have captured the hearts of humans for millennia. In New Zealand, felines are no exception, boasting the highest national cat ownership rate globally [definition cat nz cat foundation]. An estimated 1.134 million pet cats grace Kiwi households, compared to 683,000 dogs ...

    4 days ago
  • Or is that just they want us to think?
    Nice guy, that Peter Williams. Amiable, a calm air of no-nonsense capability, a winning smile. Everything you look for in a TV presenter and newsreader.I used to see him sometimes when I went to TVNZ to be a talking head or a panellist and we would yarn. Nice guy, that ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    5 days ago
  • Fact Brief – Did global warming stop in 1998?
    Skeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. This fact brief was written by Sue Bin Park in collaboration with members from our Skeptical Science team. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline. Did global warming stop in ...
    5 days ago
  • Arguing over a moot point.
    I have been following recent debates in the corporate and social media about whether it is a good idea for NZ to join what is known as “AUKUS Pillar Two.” AUKUS is the Australian-UK-US nuclear submarine building agreement in which … Continue reading ...
    KiwipoliticoBy Pablo
    5 days ago
  • No Longer Trusted: Ageing Boomers, Laurie & Les, Talk Politics.
    Turning Point: What has turned me away from the mainstream news media is the very strong message that its been sending out for the last few years.” “And what message might that be?” “That the people who own it, the people who run it, and the people who provide its content, really don’t ...
    5 days ago
  • Mortgage rates at 10% anyone?
    No – nothing about that in PM Luxon’s nine-point plan to improve the lives of New Zealanders. But beyond our shores Jamie Dimon, the long-serving head of global bank J.P. Morgan Chase, reckons that the chances of a goldilocks soft landing for the economy are “a lot lower” than the ...
    Point of OrderBy xtrdnry
    6 days ago
  • Sad tales from the left
    Michael Bassett writes –  Have you noticed the odd way in which the media are handling the government’s crackdown on surplus employees in the Public Service? Very few reporters mention the crazy way in which State Service numbers rocketed ahead by more than 16,000 during Labour’s six years, ...
    Point of OrderBy poonzteam5443
    6 days ago
  • In Whose Best Interests?
    On The Spot: The question Q+A host, Jack Tame, put to the Workplace & Safety Minister, Act’s Brooke van Velden, was disarmingly simple: “Are income tax cuts right now in the best interests of lowering inflation?”JACK TAME has tested another MP on his Sunday morning current affairs show, Q+A. Minister for Workplace ...
    6 days ago
  • Don’t Question, Don’t Complain.
    It has to start somewhereIt has to start sometimeWhat better place than here?What better time than now?So it turns out that I owe you all an apology.It seems that all of the terrible things this government is doing, impacting the lives of many, aren’t necessarily ‘bad’ per se. Those things ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    6 days ago
  • Auckland faces 25% water inflation shock
    Three Waters became a focus of anti-Government protests under Labour, but its dumping by the new Government hasn’t solved councils’ funding problems and will eventually hit the back pockets of everyone. Photo: Lynn Grieveson/Getty ImagesTL;DR: The six news items that stood out to me at 8:06 am today are:The Government ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    6 days ago
  • Small accomplishments and large ironies
    Hello! Here comes the Saturday edition of More Than A Feilding, catching you up on the past week’s editions.Share Read more ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    6 days ago
  • The Song of Saqua: Volume VII
    In order to catch up to the actual progress of the D&D campaign, I present you with another couple of sessions. These were actually held back to back, on a Monday and Tuesday evening. Session XV Alas, Goatslayer had another lycanthropic transformation… though this time, he ran off into the ...
    6 days ago
  • Accelerating the Growth Rate?
    There is a constant theme from the economic commentariat that New Zealand needs to lift its economic growth rate, coupled with policies which they are certain will attain that objective. Their prescriptions are usually characterised by two features. First, they tend to be in their advocate’s self-interest. Second, they are ...
    PunditBy Brian Easton
    6 days ago
  • The only thing we have to fear is tenants themselves
    1. Which of these acronyms describes the experience of travelling on a Cook Strait ferry?a. ROROb. FOMOc. RAROd. FMLAramoana, first boat ever boarded by More Than A Feilding, four weeks after the Wahine disaster2. What is the acronym for the experience of watching the government risking a $200 million break ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    7 days ago
  • Peters talks of NZ “renewing its connections with the world” – but who knew we had been discon...
    Buzz from the Beehive The thrust of the country’s foreign affairs policy and its relationship with the United States have been addressed in four statements from the Beehive over the past 24 hours. Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters somewhat curiously spoke of New Zealand “renewing its connections with a world ...
    Point of OrderBy Bob Edlin
    7 days ago

  • Comprehensive Partnership the goal for NZ and the Philippines
    Prime Minister Christopher Luxon held a bilateral meeting today with the President of the Philippines, Ferdinand Marcos Jr.  The Prime Minister was accompanied by MP Paulo Garcia, the first Filipino to be elected to a legislature outside the Philippines. During today’s meeting, Prime Minister Luxon and President Marcos Jr discussed opportunities to ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    6 hours ago
  • Government commits $20m to Westport flood protection
    The Government has announced that $20 million in funding will be made available to Westport to fund much needed flood protection around the town. This measure will significantly improve the resilience of the community, says Local Government Minister Simeon Brown. “The Westport community has already been allocated almost $3 million ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    11 hours ago
  • Taupō takes pole position
    The Government is proud to support the first ever Repco Supercars Championship event in Taupō as up to 70,000 motorsport fans attend the Taupō International Motorsport Park this weekend, says Economic Development Minister Melissa Lee. “Anticipation for the ITM Taupō Super400 is huge, with tickets and accommodation selling out weeks ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    12 hours ago
  • Cost of living support for low-income homeowners
    Local Government Minister Simeon Brown has announced an increase to the Rates Rebate Scheme, putting money back into the pockets of low-income homeowners.  “The coalition Government is committed to bringing down the cost of living for New Zealanders. That includes targeted support for those Kiwis who are doing things tough, such ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    14 hours ago
  • Government backing mussel spat project
    The Coalition Government is investing in a project to boost survival rates of New Zealand mussels and grow the industry, Oceans and Fisheries Minister Shane Jones has announced. “This project seeks to increase the resilience of our mussels and significantly boost the sector’s productivity,” Mr Jones says. “The project - ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    15 hours ago
  • Government focused on getting people into work
    Benefit figures released today underscore the importance of the Government’s plan to rebuild the economy and have 50,000 fewer people on Jobseeker Support, Social Development and Employment Minister Louise Upston says. “Benefit numbers are still significantly higher than when National was last in government, when there was about 70,000 fewer ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    18 hours ago
  • Clean energy key driver to reducing emissions
    The Government’s commitment to doubling New Zealand’s renewable energy capacity is backed by new data showing that clean energy has helped the country reach its lowest annual gross emissions since 1999, Climate Change Minister Simon Watts says. New Zealand’s latest Greenhouse Gas Inventory (1990-2022) published today, shows gross emissions fell ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    19 hours ago
  • Earthquake-prone buildings review brought forward
    The Government is bringing the earthquake-prone building review forward, with work to start immediately, and extending the deadline for remediations by four years, Building and Construction Minister Chris Penk says. “Our Government is focused on rebuilding the economy. A key part of our plan is to cut red tape that ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    23 hours ago
  • Thailand and NZ to agree to Strategic Partnership
    Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and his Thai counterpart, Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin, have today agreed that New Zealand and the Kingdom of Thailand will upgrade the bilateral relationship to a Strategic Partnership by 2026. “New Zealand and Thailand have a lot to offer each other. We have a strong mutual desire to build ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    1 day ago
  • Government consults on extending coastal permits for ports
    RMA Reform Minister Chris Bishop and Transport Minister Simeon Brown have today announced the Coalition Government’s intention to extend port coastal permits for a further 20 years, providing port operators with certainty to continue their operations. “The introduction of the Resource Management Act in 1991 required ports to obtain coastal ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    2 days ago
  • Inflation coming down, but more work to do
    Today’s announcement that inflation is down to 4 per cent is encouraging news for Kiwis, but there is more work to be done - underlining the importance of the Government’s plan to get the economy back on track, acting Finance Minister Chris Bishop says. “Inflation is now at 4 per ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    2 days ago
  • School attendance restored as a priority in health advice
    Refreshed health guidance released today will help parents and schools make informed decisions about whether their child needs to be in school, addressing one of the key issues affecting school attendance, says Associate Education Minister David Seymour. In recent years, consistently across all school terms, short-term illness or medical reasons ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    2 days ago
  • Unnecessary bureaucracy cut in oceans sector
    Oceans and Fisheries Minister Shane Jones is streamlining high-level oceans management while maintaining a focus on supporting the sector’s role in the export-led recovery of the economy. “I am working to realise the untapped potential of our fishing and aquaculture sector. To achieve that we need to be smarter with ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    2 days ago
  • Patterson promoting NZ’s wool sector at International Congress
    Associate Agriculture Minister Mark Patterson is speaking at the International Wool Textile Organisation Congress in Adelaide, promoting New Zealand wool, and outlining the coalition Government’s support for the revitalisation the sector.    "New Zealand’s wool exports reached $400 million in the year to 30 June 2023, and the coalition Government ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    3 days ago
  • Removing red tape to help early learners thrive
    The Government is making legislative changes to make it easier for new early learning services to be established, and for existing services to operate, Associate Education Minister David Seymour says. The changes involve repealing the network approval provisions that apply when someone wants to establish a new early learning service, ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    3 days ago
  • RMA changes to cut coal mining consent red tape
    Changes to the Resource Management Act will align consenting for coal mining to other forms of mining to reduce barriers that are holding back economic development, Resources Minister Shane Jones says. “The inconsistent treatment of coal mining compared with other extractive activities is burdensome red tape that fails to acknowledge ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    3 days ago
  • McClay reaffirms strong NZ-China trade relationship
    Trade, Agriculture and Forestry Minister Todd McClay has concluded productive discussions with ministerial counterparts in Beijing today, in support of the New Zealand-China trade and economic relationship. “My meeting with Commerce Minister Wang Wentao reaffirmed the complementary nature of the bilateral trade relationship, with our Free Trade Agreement at its ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    3 days ago
  • Prime Minister Luxon acknowledges legacy of Singapore Prime Minister Lee
    Prime Minister Christopher Luxon today paid tribute to Singapore’s outgoing Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.   Meeting in Singapore today immediately before Prime Minister Lee announced he was stepping down, Prime Minister Luxon warmly acknowledged his counterpart’s almost twenty years as leader, and the enduring legacy he has left for Singapore and South East ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    3 days ago
  • PMs Luxon and Lee deepen Singapore-NZ ties
    Prime Minister Christopher Luxon held a bilateral meeting today with Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. While in Singapore as part of his visit to South East Asia this week, Prime Minister Luxon also met with Singapore President Tharman Shanmugaratnam and will meet with Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong.  During today’s meeting, Prime Minister Luxon ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    3 days ago
  • Antarctica New Zealand Board appointments
    Foreign Minister Winston Peters has made further appointments to the Board of Antarctica New Zealand as part of a continued effort to ensure the Scott Base Redevelopment project is delivered in a cost-effective and efficient manner.  The Minister has appointed Neville Harris as a new member of the Board. Mr ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    3 days ago
  • Finance Minister travels to Washington DC
    Finance Minister Nicola Willis will travel to the United States on Tuesday to attend a meeting of the Five Finance Ministers group, with counterparts from Australia, the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.  “I am looking forward to meeting with our Five Finance partners on how we can work ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    4 days ago
  • Pet bonds a win/win for renters and landlords
    The coalition Government has today announced purrfect and pawsitive changes to the Residential Tenancies Act to give tenants with pets greater choice when looking for a rental property, says Housing Minister Chris Bishop. “Pets are important members of many Kiwi families. It’s estimated that around 64 per cent of New ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    4 days ago
  • Long Tunnel for SH1 Wellington being considered
    State Highway 1 (SH1) through Wellington City is heavily congested at peak times and while planning continues on the duplicate Mt Victoria Tunnel and Basin Reserve project, the Government has also asked NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) to consider and provide advice on a Long Tunnel option, Transport Minister Simeon Brown ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    4 days ago
  • New Zealand condemns Iranian strikes
    Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and Foreign Minister Winston Peters have condemned Iran’s shocking and illegal strikes against Israel.    “These attacks are a major challenge to peace and stability in a region already under enormous pressure," Mr Luxon says.    "We are deeply concerned that miscalculation on any side could ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    4 days ago
  • Huge interest in Government’s infrastructure plans
    Hundreds of people in little over a week have turned out in Northland to hear Regional Development Minister Shane Jones speak about plans for boosting the regional economy through infrastructure. About 200 people from the infrastructure and associated sectors attended an event headlined by Mr Jones in Whangarei today. Last ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    6 days ago
  • Health Minister thanks outgoing Health New Zealand Chair
    Health Minister Dr Shane Reti has today thanked outgoing Health New Zealand – Te Whatu Ora Chair Dame Karen Poutasi for her service on the Board.   “Dame Karen tendered her resignation as Chair and as a member of the Board today,” says Dr Reti.  “I have asked her to ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    7 days ago
  • Roads of National Significance planning underway
    The NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) has signalled their proposed delivery approach for the Government’s 15 Roads of National Significance (RoNS), with the release of the State Highway Investment Proposal (SHIP) today, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.  “Boosting economic growth and productivity is a key part of the Government’s plan to ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    7 days ago
  • Navigating an unstable global environment
    New Zealand is renewing its connections with a world facing urgent challenges by pursuing an active, energetic foreign policy, Foreign Minister Winston Peters says.   “Our country faces the most unstable global environment in decades,” Mr Peters says at the conclusion of two weeks of engagements in Egypt, Europe and the United States.    “We cannot afford to sit back in splendid ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    7 days ago
  • NZ welcomes Australian Governor-General
    Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has announced the Australian Governor-General, His Excellency General The Honourable David Hurley and his wife Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley, will make a State visit to New Zealand from Tuesday 16 April to Thursday 18 April. The visit reciprocates the State visit of former Governor-General Dame Patsy Reddy ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    7 days ago
  • Pseudoephedrine back on shelves for Winter
    Associate Health Minister David Seymour has announced that Medsafe has approved 11 cold and flu medicines containing pseudoephedrine. Pharmaceutical suppliers have indicated they may be able to supply the first products in June. “This is much earlier than the original expectation of medicines being available by 2025. The Government recognised ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    7 days ago
  • NZ and the US: an ever closer partnership
    New Zealand and the United States have recommitted to their strategic partnership in Washington DC today, pledging to work ever more closely together in support of shared values and interests, Foreign Minister Winston Peters says.    “The strategic environment that New Zealand and the United States face is considerably more ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    7 days ago
  • Joint US and NZ declaration
    April 11, 2024 Joint Declaration by United States Secretary of State the Honorable Antony J. Blinken and New Zealand Minister of Foreign Affairs the Right Honourable Winston Peters We met today in Washington, D.C. to recommit to the historic partnership between our two countries and the principles that underpin it—rule ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    7 days ago
  • NZ and US to undertake further practical Pacific cooperation
    Foreign Minister Winston Peters has announced further New Zealand cooperation with the United States in the Pacific Islands region through $16.4 million in funding for initiatives in digital connectivity and oceans and fisheries research.   “New Zealand can achieve more in the Pacific if we work together more urgently and ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    7 days ago
  • Government redress for Te Korowai o Wainuiārua
    The Government is continuing the bipartisan effort to restore its relationship with iwi as the Te Korowai o Wainuiārua Claims Settlement Bill passed its first reading in Parliament today, says Treaty Negotiations Minister Paul Goldsmith. “Historical grievances of Te Korowai o Wainuiārua relate to 19th century warfare, land purchased or taken ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    1 week ago
  • Focus on outstanding minerals permit applications
    New Zealand Petroleum and Minerals is working to resolve almost 150 outstanding minerals permit applications by the end of the financial year, enabling valuable mining activity and signalling to the sector that New Zealand is open for business, Resources Minister Shane Jones says.  “While there are no set timeframes for ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    1 week ago
  • Applications open for NZ-Ireland Research Call
    The New Zealand and Irish governments have today announced that applications for the 2024 New Zealand-Ireland Joint Research Call on Agriculture and Climate Change are now open. This is the third research call in the three-year Joint Research Initiative pilot launched in 2022 by the Ministry for Primary Industries and Ireland’s ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    1 week ago
  • Tenancy rules changes to improve rental market
    The coalition Government has today announced changes to the Residential Tenancies Act to encourage landlords back to the rental property market, says Housing Minister Chris Bishop. “The previous Government waged a war on landlords. Many landlords told us this caused them to exit the rental market altogether. It caused worse ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    1 week ago
  • Boosting NZ’s trade and agricultural relationship with China
    Trade and Agriculture Minister Todd McClay will visit China next week, to strengthen relationships, support Kiwi exporters and promote New Zealand businesses on the world stage. “China is one of New Zealand’s most significant trade and economic relationships and remains an important destination for New Zealand’s products, accounting for nearly 22 per cent of our good and ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    1 week ago
  • Freshwater farm plan systems to be improved
    The coalition Government intends to improve freshwater farm plans so that they are more cost-effective and practical for farmers, Associate Environment Minister Andrew Hoggard and Agriculture Minister Todd McClay have announced. “A fit-for-purpose freshwater farm plan system will enable farmers and growers to find the right solutions for their farm ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    1 week ago
  • New Fast Track Projects advisory group named
    The coalition Government has today announced the expert advisory group who will provide independent recommendations to Ministers on projects to be included in the Fast Track Approvals Bill, say RMA Reform Minister Chris Bishop and Regional Development Minister Shane Jones. “Our Fast Track Approval process will make it easier and ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    1 week ago

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