Worst. Negotiators. Ever.

First they got down on their knees for a massive American movie studio and negotiated away oodles of taxpayer dollars and our employment law for movies that were always going to be made in New Zealand.

Then they got all cosy with an Aussie casino company and sold off a chunk of law and god only knows how many dollars in social costs for a conference center that we don’t really need.

Now it looks like they’re going to give a multinational aluminium smelting company a super sweet deal on electricity at the expense of both the crown accounts and everyone else who uses electricity because they’re worried about the surplus electricity will tank the sale of Mighty River. Effectively cutting an awful costly deal in order to protect an even more awful and more costly one.

Sometimes I think Key and the rest of his chumps are trying to prove the rightwing adage that government should stay out of business by f**king it up like a bunch of amateurs every time they step in. But I guess it’s only our money they’re pissing away…

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