A noose around students’ necks

Every time I think John Key can’t get any more cynical and hypocritical in his messaging, he manages to take it to a new level:

Key: Pay hike ‘noose around students’ necks’

There is no new money to offer teachers a bigger pay increase unless they wanted to burden their students with a future of paying off national debt, says Prime Minister John Key. …

Mr Key said the Government was already borrowing $256 million a week.

“Do the teachers really want us to borrow more than that and place a noose around the neck of young New Zealanders?”

Sod off Johnnie. Borrowing $256 million a week to pay for tax cuts for the aging rich is just fine, but finding the cash to pay teachers something closer to what they are worth is “a noose around the neck of young New Zealanders”?

Borrowing $256 million a week because you can’t manage the economy out of a wet paper bag is just fine, but spending some money on something that will actually benefit students for a change is “a noose around the neck of young New Zealanders”?

If you want to talk about the real noose around the neck of the young, talk about the crushing burden of student loans and the bleak and nasty labour market that awaits them.

What a pillock.

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