Beyond belief

So, let me get this straight. Pita Sharples, treating his ministry’s budget like a personal slush fund, decided that TPK would give Maori TV $3 million to add to its bid for free-to-air TV rights for the Rugby World Cup.

That extra $3 mil made Maori TV the front-runner to get the rights.

Now, the Government has decided to give some undisclosed sum that must be in the millions to help TVNZ, in a joint bid with TV3 (who knows how that’s meant to work), beat the Maori TV bid.

I’m practically lost for words. This government, our supposed savvy businessmen who were going to cut wasteful government spending, is now giving money to both tenders for the coverage, bidding up the price against itself. This is ludicrous beyond words. All we need now is for Pita to throw another couple of mil from the TPK pot on the table.

The only winner here is the IRB that will end up getting paid more than the rights are worth because the government is financing both tenders.

What kind of ramshackle, seat of the pants operation are these clowns running?

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