Epsom voters: Please kill Act – you know you want to…

For the last few elections Act has been grimly hanging on to life with the charity of the voters of Epsom. This really is the time to wipe the yellow stain off the reputation of their electorate.

Stain? Well it is quite clear that the Act party were unsuited for actual power. Rodney Hide the perk-buster in opposition turned out to be a bit of hypocrite on the subject when lust got in the way. He then turned on Auckland and tried to gerrymander a super-shitty on us that massively favored candidates that could spend enormous amounts of money. Even then they still lost the city to the left because they were so politically incompetent that voters turned out in large numbers to show what they thought of Act.

Epsom voters certainly helped provide us with entertainment in this parliament by being responsible for Act being there. Apart from Rodney, we had a MP who stole a dead childs identity. Some barely concealed bullying. And a Act caucus that disintegrated so much that none of the existing MP’s are standing for list positions. In fact it is hard to think of anything the Act party managed to achieve in their term in government apart from disintegrate.

Act’s current top candidates are two political zombies whose main track record is that they get rejected by the voters multiple times. They still rise to try to feast on the body politic. Please please give Don Brash and John Banks a merciful political death. It is hard to see them shambling around like shadows of their former selves.

Even the National voters in Epsom must be tired of being responsible to the existence of this tired and intellectually defunct party. For the sake of your neighbors in Auckland, please vote Goldsmith – he is after all your National candidate.

And in my opinion, anyone who is a Labour or Green voter in Epsom should help the National voters out and help terminate the twitching corpse of Act by voting Goldsmith. Vote like my niece will be. Holding her nose, she will vote Goldsmith for a better political system without Act. I’m pretty sure that my sister will as well.

Goldsmith might be a sycophant put in by National to lose. But he deserves your support. Who knows? He might be a better MP than Richard Worth(less) was. Only John Banks could be a worse representative of Epsom.

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