Going too far

I’m all in favour of robust political debate, and letting the world know that all too often the tories are greedy, useless and unethical. But this is going too far – Arrest after foul smelling muck tipped over Gerry Brownlee

Chirstchurch Police confirmed the charge this afternoon after Mr Brownlee had an ice cream container filled with what he described as “pretty mucky stuff” tipped over his head.

No one should endorse such an attack.

These excessive acts are the responsibility of the individuals that commit them, not representative of organised political thought, left or right. The guy who attacked Brownlee wasn’t representing “the left” any more than Brownlee was representing “the right” when he assaulted an environmental activist at a National Party conference – Top 10 Gerry Brownlee gaffes.

What does represent the political left or right is organised and systematic action – such as the Key / Ede / Slater / Farrar / Hooton dirty politics machine. Most of them are still out there playing their dirty games. Most recently, after Slater / Farrar had a self-righteous whinge about some vile comments left on an RNZ Facebook page, it seems likely that most of the comments were a “false flag” astroturfing campaign set up by gosh I wonder who – see DimPost for the story – The mysterious case of the hate speech comments on the RNZ Facebook page. Going too far indeed.

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