Granny beside herself as polls turn

As the polls start to turn on National – and a new poll out yesterday saying the Left working with the Maori Party would have the numbers why aren’t we surprised that Granny Herald’s ‘your views’ section today asks voters if they think the polls are accurate? Could they be more blatant in their concern that the mood is changing?

And has anyone else noticed they’ve pulled back from all their bravado about the Electoral Finance Act? They were going to publish the mug shots of every MP who voted to clean up electoral law every month leading into the election. That campaign seems to have gone a little quiet. Perhaps it’s because the EFA only ranks 1.1 per cent in the issues section of their Digipoll.

But then as one Standardista noted at the start of the year, the EFA never was the water-cooler issue the Herald made it out to be.

– From a reader.

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