Has Hillary Clinton hired Bernie Sanders’ social media team?

Bernie Sanders’ campaign social media has been extraordinary.  Just check out his campaign videos if you want to see why.  Of course the criticism is that these videos will only persuade those who already care about social justice and environmental protection to vote and they were going to vote anyway but dang they are good.

It looks like Hilary Clinton may have tapped into this deep vein of quality.  Because her latest campaign video is superb.

It is based on this video which depicts an intelligent critical Republican who cannot contemplate voting for Barry Goldwater in 1964 because Goldwater was so bad.

The Actor, William Bogert, was interviewed by Tommy Christopher of the Daily Banter revenly and asked about Trump. The article says this:

There’s a really old Lyndon Johnson campaign ad that’s burning up the internet because the guy in the 1964 “Confessions of a Republican” ad sounds like he could be talking about Donald Trump in 2016. The parallels really are quite eerie, but before I play you the whole ad, there’s one section that grabbed me, and also shows the biggest difference between 1964 and today. This is actor Bill Bogert talking about then-nominee Barry Goldwater:

Who are they? I mean, when the head of the Ku Klux Klan, when all these weird groups come out in favor of the candidate of my party — either they’re not Republicans or I’m not.

For all the similarities between Bogert’s “confession” and today’s Republican agita at Trump’s rise, there’s a major difference. A Republican in 1964 could fairly claim that Goldwater’s brand of conservatism had snuck up on him, but in 2016, Trump isn’t sneaking up on anyone. He’s been carefully grown and tended like the Death’s Head moth in Silence of the Lambs. Any Republican with the nerve to be surprised by Trump today deserves every pang of discomfort.

So what does Hillary’s team do?  They create Confessions of a Republican version 2.  And here it is.


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