Have we just thrown the fight, before the war has ended?

The Government on the whole has until now, done an excellent job of dealing with covid. The results in both fighting covid and economically, speak for themselves. Especially compared with the clusterfucks in most Western countries.

I’ve had a bit of experience in planning, training and leading people in emergency situations.  I know the difficulties involved in getting it right. To “get it right” with a whole country is even more difficult. Even highly trained teams have slipups when it becomes all too real. With covid there have been the inevitable slipups and oopsies inherent in a response to a one off emergency involving so many people. Of course there are also unanticipated twists and the need to replan, as things change and more information comes to light. But the communication, planning and execution has been good overall.

Throughout however, there has been a sector who do not want us to succeed.   Our success would  show too graphically the inadequacies of “small Government”, will show up right Wing Governments, and our own right Wing parties with their run down services and moral bankruptsy, or they simply want us to fail, to get their favourite political party back in control. The  bad faith ranging from “spin” to outright lies, has been relentless.

“With all the unfortunate rhetoric around giving up on the elimination strategy”.

Small businesspeople around me, who have quietly carried on with the program, and have been supportive of the Government strategy of elimination, even though in many cases it has been personally costly, are telling me,, “why did we bother”

It doesn’t matter if it is the actual Government intention, or the media interpretation, the damage has now been done.

Have the “death cultists” won?

The health compromised, children and the elderly will pay the price. Which the “death cultists” will consider necessary “collateral damage” so they can return to “making money” secure in the perception, that it will be The “Others”. « The Standard who will suffer and die.

One thing is for sure though. Like the Australian bubble, the “journalists”, politicians, ex politicians, mega church leaders and inadequate businessmen and many more, who have white anted the country, will not be held responsible.

But they should be!

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