How do the Greens grow their base?

Following on from yesterday’s discussion of the future for Labour – what next for the Greens?

I wouldn’t worry too much about their slight fall in the latest poll. It’s usual, post-election, for support to drift back to the two main parties. In my opinion there will be (far too little and far too late) a dramatic rise in support for green parties world-wide over the coming decade, as the effects of climate change become more and more evident. People will be looking for answers, and I think they will turn to the parties who have been right all along on environmental issues.

The resignation of the excellent Russel Norman from a co-leader position is both a threat and an opportunity. I don’t agree with those who believe that Meteria should step down too – I think her experience and continuity are needed (in truth I can’t make much sense of Trotter’s post at all, he and I seem to be on different political planets). I don’t have a strong opinion on who should replace Norman, but it’s an important choice for the membership. We all need the Greens to succeed and grow!

We need a new government in 2017. I see Labour under Andrew Little making a strong bid for the center ground. That, and the uncertain future of Mana, makes an opportunity for the Greens to consolidate support on the left. (I am not one of those that thinks that every party should be as left as possible – let MMP work its magic people!). I would love to see, and I know a lot of Labour members feel the same, a much more formal alliance between Labour and Green in the run-up to the election. Present a unified government in waiting.

Well, those are my wandering thoughts – over to you…

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