John Key – still clueless

A bit of weekend trivia. On the 12th September 2008 we did a post about rocky and her google-bomb on John Key. This resulted in the amusement of almost everyone apart from some rather humourless wingnuts, and some technically illiterate political media who tried to portray it as being ‘political dirty tricks’.

While idling about today, I checked the current status of the bomb.

Well John Key is still clueless in New Zealand and today is supporting a clueless appeasement of the Act party with the three strikes bill. As you can see below, searching ‘clueless‘ in New Zealand gives you his website as the first selection.

But then I got the real shocker. When I do the same search for the worldwide web like this..

Yep, John Key is now clueless at number seven in the world. Just after a online copy of Jane Austens ‘Emma’ on Google books.

Ok – it may be juvenile even at my advanced age but it still gives me a sense of vast amusement. Like many others around the local web, I do my best to assist the campaign whenever I remember. It’ll be interesting to see if we can push him up to number one in the world rankings. This is starting to be one of the most sustained google-bombs I know of.

Many of the links in this post, including the screenshots, are now assisting the googlebomb  😈

Update: Greg in comments correctly points out that Google changes the ‘world’ rankings according to country of origin (something that I wasn’t aware of). However he was incorrect to say that the Google bomb wouldn’t work in the US.

A brief look revealed that the keyword ‘clueless’ looking at on Google for different countries.

Useful site

  1. Wikipedia on google bombs. Interesting to note the following in here.

    By January 2007, Google changed their indexing structure[2] so that Google bombs such as “Miserable failure” would “typically return commentary, discussions, and articles”[2] about the tactic itself. Google announced the changes on its official blog.

  2. More google bombs.

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