Just what do the Conservatives & National agree on?

Everybody is talking up the Conservatives as a partner for National after 2014 to save Key from being the least successful National PM ever. But there’s one problem: they don’t agree on anything. The Conservatives are reactionaries, the Nats are neo-libs – and they agree on less than nearly any other party combination. Here’s a list of things that Colin ‘Crazy’ Craig believes in and his policies compared to the Nats’.


The Conservatives want to make the first $25K of income tax-free and increase GST to 20%. That would increase the deficit by $4 billion a year. National says the tax system is ‘fixed’ and wants to return to surplus.


The Conservatives support binding referenda on all significant issues and a delay on legislation coming into force so that it can be voted on by the public. John Key has basically shat on Citizen-Intitiated Referenda, and has weakened the one form of compulsory referenda we have – those on local body amalgamations.

Marriage equality:

The Conservatives strongly opposed like the troglodytes they are and even called John Key ‘too gay for Helensville. A majority of Nats voted against marriage equality, too, but Key supported it and there’s no chance that National would revisit that.

Asset sales:

The Conservatives oppose National’s asset sales, which is National’s main economic policy.

Oil exploration:

Craig wants NZ to stand up to Big Oil, National is rolling out the welcome mat.

SkyCity deal:

The Conservatives oppose the deal on moral grounds, while National has invested huge political capital in it.


The Conservatives want conscription and to increase the military budget by $2 billion a year. National doesn’t back conscription and the defence budget has been basically static on its watch.


Craig’s first foray into national politics was a march where he paid $100 in ads for each marcher who showed up to protest for the right to assault children. John Key ignored the referendum on the issues.

Climate change:

Craig denies climate science. While it’s clear many senior Nats are denialists, too, National ‘officially’ accepts climate change, Tim Groser says you would have to be in denial of reality not to.

Maori seats:

The Conservatives want them abolished, National says it’s up to Maori.

Foreign investment:

the Conservatives want to stop land being sold to overseas buyers. National wants to sell anything and everything.


The Conservatives would confiscate land held by land-bankers that they don’t develop. This idea is abhorrent to National.

Constitutional review:

Craig wants this stopped. National instigated it as part of its deal with the Maori Party.

To be fair, they do agree on one thing: reactionarism on workers’ rights and wages. That’s one hell of a shared platform to campaign on.

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