M.I.A. Joe

The guy who touted himself as the one who “get things done” (and god knows what else) – where is he?

As the likely Democratic challenger for the position of US President, it might have been expected that Joe Biden would be gearing up and have a thing or two to say about the Trump administration and the COVID 19 stuff.

It might have been expected that he would be showing off some “President in waiting” gravitas and what not. It might have been expected he’d be all over CNN and MSNBC calling shots. But no. He’s ‘gone to ground’ – disappeared – vanished.

Bernie Sanders on the other hand has  “released a blueprint for what he believes is necessary to fight the pandemic while also protecting working families and the nation’s most vulnerable from economic fallout.” and has been live-streaming, holding virtual round tables and using his email lists for the common good (fundraising for charities working on the outbreak).

M.I.A. Joe does have “The Biden Plan to Combat Coronavirus (COVID 19) and Prepare for Future Global Health Threats“. It’s posturing; a vapid exercise of bureaucratic speak.

In stark contrast, there’s Sanders’ “An Emergency Response to the Coronaviris Pandemic

Independent media are pulling no punches on Joe’s apparent inadequacy …

And from a piece at CommonDreams

Journalist and co-founder of The Intercept Jeremy Scahill, tweeted: “We were all told that we desperately need Joe Biden’s leadership and experience. Now all we have to do is find him.”

You got to hand it to the DNC.

Not only did they run on RussiaGate tosh for most of Trump’s term (charges against the IRA have been dropped btw), and not only did they push an impeachment on a nothing (there is video of Biden boasting, how as VP he got Ukraine to fire a state prosecutor in a quid pro quo for aid), but they pushed their base out to vote in the middle of a pandemic so they could ‘seal the deal’ and give the US public Joe and another term of Donald Trump.

No doubt the price will have been worth it – gotta keep that gravy train running at all costs.




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