Milking a Land of Plenty?

NZ milk production has apparently risen by 30% since 2005. And, according to sources used by, back in 2006  over 14 billion liters of milk and 1.2 billion kilograms of milk solids (were) being processed by dairy companies annually That’s a lot of milk and associated dairy to spread around some four and a half million people. There should be no black market in the stuff. And yet it’s now being stolen to order.  So, what are we to think of a situation whereby the old idiom of  ‘selling coal to Newcastle’  loses it’s intended absurdity?  Fontera’s byline?  ‘Dairy for Life’. Indeed.

PS. Anyone know of their justification for adding water to the butter they produce? Just wondering. There must be a good reason, no? I just can’t imagine it is done simply to increase profit.

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