More migration mythbusting

From Brian Fallow in The Herald on migration and immigration:

…Statistics New Zealand has been comparing last year with previous peak gross outflows, allowing for changes in population size and age-structure.

In unadjusted terms, permanent and long-term departures for Australia last year were just 7 per cent lower than the 1979 peak, but 20 per cent lower if allowance is made for the growth in the population since then.

Compared with the 1988 peak the figures are 9 per cent and 22 per cent respectively.

Adjusting for the size of the population, departure rates of New Zealand citizens to Australia last year were very similar to rates in 2000, the previous peak in departures across the Tasman, Statistics NZ said.

“For both years the [departure] rates across most ages were lower than during the 1988 peak. However, rates in the late teens and 20s for these three years were well below the rates seen during the 1979 peak, when people aged 19 to 24 were more than twice as likely to leave for Australia on a permanent basis than they were in 2007.”

What’s that? So National’s strategy of continually running down New Zealand and the government because of an “exodus” to Australia isn’t really based on fact?

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