Nat leadership speculation

I didn’t see Key’s Q+A interview on Sunday, but it seems to have been an interesting one. Speculation about the leadership of the Nats appears to be growing:

Mr Key said speculation that he would be replaced as the National Party leader before the next election was untrue. He said he was “actually enjoying” the job.

Team Joyce or Team Collins? Should be fascinating, in a morbid sort of way. From the same interview:

Mr Key told Q+A the fact that the State Services Commissioner had publicly supported his role in Mr Fletcher’s appointment had not been properly reported by some media.

Still blaming the knuckleheads – that’s going to help.

“My reputation matters to me because I am honest and I am upfront,” Mr Key said.

Sorry John – that ship has sailed. You’ve been caught in too many lies, evasions and “brain-fades”. If you have to be claiming in interviews that you are “honest and upfront” then it is because you know that people don’t believe it any more. Time to look to your “legacy”:

“As Prime Minister, what are they going to remember when they look back? The answer is going to be is the economy stronger, does the education system work better, does the health system work better, is New Zealand a stronger, more confident country,” Mr Key said.

“I’ve been Prime Minister for four-and-a-half years, my own personal view is that we are building that sort of New Zealand.

And it will remain your “personal view” too, because there is no data to support it. Just ask the record numbers of unemployed and Kiwis who are leaving to Australia.

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