National: Building a blighted future

Since the nutters on the right at the sewer (otherwise known as the kiwiblog comments) seem to have a thing about billboards (probably because they can’t handle actual politics or actual policy). So to keep them entertained and running around like headless chickens rather than doing any actual political action – here is another billboard to keep everyone amused watching them.

I have no idea if this is real or adjusted, and I definitely do not advocate people doing this to billboards (I have had to do the graffiti and replacement runs myself). But it is a really funny adaption of a political slogan. Well at least to anyone who doesn’t live in the sewer.

Updated: And this just popped up on facebook with Lesley Soper saying

On one of his rare visits to Invercargill, Eric Roy carelessly parked around the corner from the Invercargill Labour Party Office. Too good a photo opportunity to resist.

Now that has to be a photoshop. I can’t imagine even a National MP being stupid enough not to look at his vehicle 😈

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