Non-news News and News Non-news

So the Greens have signaled that they won’t be taken for a ride – that if NZ Labour is forming government, then they have to include the Green Party in the formation of that government. That’s not news. Sorry. Apparently that’s big news, worth running around with flailing arms, and poking faces with serious looks of concern down the guts of the nearest TV camera.

Meanwhile, Metiria Turei decries the sad xenophobic rhetoric of Winston Peters. Now, I’ve had personal experience of Winston’s xenophobic shite. On three occasions (twice when he held the position of deputy Prime Minister) the sad old fart instructed me to “Go back where I came from”.  I was astonished back then that the Deputy Prime Minister of a country was able to stand up in a public meeting, and with impunity address me directly, an immigrant, and tell me to get out of the country. (On the third occasion he did it, he was no longer deputy PM)

Sadly, it seems it would still be okay today. Apparently Metiria Turei is a hypocrite for calling out Winston Peters’ racist rhetoric because her party may have to go into coalition with NZF. Apparently, one is supposed to be polite and ignore such stuff. Better than that, msm seems to have zeroed in on Winston Peters’ claim that there will be “consequences”. You get that? No condemnation of xenophobia or whatever – just a certain salivation at the prospect of juicy consequences.

In fairness, I should point out that some blogs have posted on Winston’s history of racist dog-shit. NRT has a piece on the National Front’s historic backing for Peters and Hayden Donnell at the Spinoff has a “short history” piece on some of his bile. I’m sure there are others.

But my question to New Zealand (if I can anthropomorphise a country for a second) is what the hell is going on in your head when your first inclination is to brush off charges of racism as something “impolite” or “just not cricket”; when you embrace the perpetrator of racist rantings in anticipation of his retribution; when you then, in an apparent attempt to ‘not talk about it’, point snaggly fingers at the very people who ‘called it’, and accuse them on the most specious of grounds of constituting a threat to the integrity of parliamentary elections?

It’s…actually, words fail me. If the New Zealand of this post was a person in a pub, I might be slowly shaking my head as the internal shutters came down and the walls went up. I might be picking up my pint and moving away from their company with no desire whatsoever to ever be in their company again. That would be the possible polite reaction.


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