
Key's compass

The Nats are flailing about desperately looking for an angle to convince Kiwis to trash their country and their heritage for 30 pieces of silver. Actually, only 1% of 30 pieces. Maybe it’s only 10 pieces – Gerry isn’t really sure. Anyway, one of the daftest lines yet appeared – briefly – as a headliner on The Herald site yesterday:

Brownlee: Mining seen as ‘green industry’ by some

Energy and Resources Minister Gerry Brownlee says mining is an ongoing industry in other countries considered green, dismissing claims that New Zealand’s green credentials will take a big hit if schedule four land is opened to mining.

Got that punters? Mining is considered green. By “some”. Who exactly? Gerry didn’t say. I don’t know any of these people. I don’t think The Economist knows them either. Perhaps some reporter will get around to asking Gerry to elaborate.

Here are some further questions for the Nats. Our last PM was famous for her love of the outdoors. Has Key ever set foot in our National Parks? Has he ever been more than 100m from the road? Has he ever tramped one of our Great Walks? Has Brownlee? Can either of them use a map and compass? Do these people have any understanding or appreciation of the wonders that they are so eager to desecrate (for so uncertain and so small a return)?

I think that the answers are no. Only ignorance could breed this government of oxymorons. Mining is green. North is South (that explains the tax cuts). Discrimination is fair and reasonable. Three strikes will reduce crime. National standards will improve education. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

Well — I don’t think that lies and spin will do it for them this time. In proposing to pillage our National Parks they have cut too close to the bone of the Kiwi psyche. Most of us can see the bullshit that the Nats are spouting for what it is. Most of us know which end of a compass is up.

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