Positive Things

Nice to see that Russell Brand’s political thought is evolving. In contrast to his stance on a fairly recent interview with Jeremy Paxman where he took aim at the entire concept of democracy, he’s now more targeted insofar as he now states:- “… I’m a man who doesn’t believe in parliamentary democracy – thinks it’s a charade – but what I want is change around this issue (UK drug policy) and I’m prepared to use the materials in front of me.”

Good to hear that he is no longer intent to throw the baby out with the bathwater and that he can walk and chew gum at the same time.

The entire interview, with Jon Snow is here. Having watched it, I can’t square the negative framing by printed media with what I saw. The interview was a tad confrontational and, sure, Russell Brand is excitable. But I think he did well and made some important points.

Meanwhile, the Leader of the Labour Party in the UK seems to be bringing AGW in from the political cold.

In 2012 we had the second wettest winter on record and this winter is a one in 250-year event. If you keep throwing the dice and you keep getting sixes then the dice are loaded. Something is going on….

…The science is clear. The public know there is a problem. But, because of political division in Westminster, we are sleepwalking into a national security crisis on climate change. The terrible events of the last few weeks should serve as a wake-up call for us all.

Nice to think that he might walk the walk and that if he doesn’t, overwhelming pressure will be applied by ordinary people via the type of means that Russell Brand advocates.

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