Some free publicity for the NBR

Speaking of humour, that joke of a newspaper the NBR has had a crack at us again. According to them The Standard is “a blog which tests Labour lines in advance”. So much for the NBR’s self-lauded connections: we don’t test Labour’s lines, we write them with Mike and Helen in a secret bunker under Fraser House. Then we roll around in a vault full of all the money they’ve over-taxed from you over the years.

I’m actually a bit cautious about publishing the above joke, the NBR might take it seriously. Humour appears to be in short supply, judging by the way they critique our tongue-in-cheek post about Burqa Bob wanting to privatise heartland rugby as if it were entirely serious.

Anyway, it is nice to receive attention from such an august publication. We’ll be sure to return the favour if they ever write anything interesting.

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