The QE2 covenant, the Mining Company and the donation to NZ First

Radio New Zealand has broken the jaw dropping and astounding story that shows why the Fast Track Projects Bill is potentially so corrupting to the body politic and why there has to be electoral law reform to stop corporations from buying influence.

From Farah Hancock at RNZ:

A NZ First donor wants Fast Track legislation to free up permanently protected land for quarrying.

J Swap, a company involved in quarrying, wants land protected under QEII covenants to be available to quarry. It donated $11,000 to NZ First in December, after the coalition was formed.

It also gave $5000 to NZ First’s Shane Jones in August 2023 and $3000 to National’s David MacLeod in September 2023.

So lets put this in bulletpoints:

If the bill is amended to cover QEII covenanted land there will be major questions to ask.

And while we are on the subject of donations NZ First has received a number of significant sums of money since the election. Like these:

These are donors who did not give before election day. It would be interesting to understand their motivation.

Clearly the Government is preparing a wind back. Changes to remove the power of Ministers to grant or change decisions would be a start. And at least a nodding acknowledgment that protection of the environment should be a consideration.

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