Trump’s not so bad: manslaughter edition

The task force’s demise would only intensify questions about whether the administration is adequately organized to address the complex, life-or-death decisions related to the virus and give adequate voice to scientists and public health experts in making policy.

Can we just get to the bit where we acknowledge that this isn’t simple incompetence, but is a deliberate tactic as part of a deliberate strategy?

NZ had a close shave, I’m so glad that FJK and his ‘never waste a crisis‘ was over and done with before we hit this decade. Competent fascist frontsman or incompetent fascist frontsman, both are cut from the same cloth and serve the same purposes. That ours came with a smile and wave doesn’t change the essential nature of what was going on. That we continue to ignore the differences between neoliberalism and authoritarianism, or broken democracy and fascism is unconscionable, doubly so when it’s staring us right in the face. 

The incompetent frontsman is also a sociopath,


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