Views from the Job Summit

– “Very clear that this is all about showing a consensus behind Key. That’s the mood among my colleagues. Seen some unionists about, their strategy seems to be to engage, rather than be left out”

– “I saw a brown face. Turned out it was the cleaner. I hear Michael Jones is here too. So that’s OK”

– “The message from National to business is employment legislation is off the agenda for the summit. Reassuring for the unions”. – interesting, that’s as I had heard it would be. So why did Kate Wilkinson decide yesterday to remind everyone that National promised anti-union policies? Just incompetence, I suppose.

– “Key listed his government’s 100-day economic achievements. He left Fire at Will off the list again. Funny that.”

– “[Treasury head John] Whitehead pushing that crap about more laws being passed = bad. Good to see some top quality analysis out of central government. I thought we were meant to leave our ideologies at the door. Maybe just our ideologies. Not theirs.”

– “English’s speech entirely about business having more input in government and more private sector models. Completely ignored unions, ngos etc.”

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