You paid to get Try-hard John on the telly

Remember John Key’s awful Letterman appearance?  Supposedly worth a fortune in tourism. We know that was complete crap. It was a stunt meant to impress us saps. Now we learn that we paid for it. PM’s office pleaded for months to get on Letterman. Try-hard even sent a demo tape. When that didn’t work, they paid a US PR agency $10K to seal the deal.

In 1939, our PM was the first in the world to declare war on Germany. In 1945, our PM led the stand against giving the veto to the great powers in the UN. In 1973, our PM sent frigates into the Mururoa test zone to block nuclear blasts. In 1985, our PM led the world anti-nuclear movement. Previous PMs have gone on to lead the WTO and UNDP. This PM has beg and send a demo tape and pay our money to get on TV to ham-fistedly deliver some rubbish jokes. Really does something for our place in the world.

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