Written By:
karol - Date published:
5:30 pm, August 13th, 2014 - 189 comments
Categories: accountability, blogs, brand key, crosby textor, election 2014, john key, national, the praiseworthy and the pitiful, you couldn't make this shit up -
Tags: dirty politics, jason ede, nicky hager
So the book is an expose of the Slater-Ede-Key Dirty Politics machine, based on data acquired and leaked to Hager.
Will Update over the evening
I was totally wrong about the topic.
The book was introduced and shown on Livestream – best one by 3 News.
The topic of the book is the “dirty, despicable game of politics, played by dirty, despicable people” (to quote, Slater from memory).
When Slater’s site was hacked and went down. Someone came away with thousands of documents they gave to Hager.
The book documents the smear machine that perpetuated attack politics, through what is known in the US as, “”two track politics”. This is where the leader, in this case John key, puts on a nice friendly front to the public, while he is involved with dirty attack politics carried out by his team.
Tracey Watkins on Stuff reports:
In a statement, Hager said the book, titled Dirty Politics, focused on individuals in the National government, including Prime Minister John Key, senior ministers and staff in the prime ministers office.
Hager said he has obtained emails including correspondence between Slater and ninth floor staffers for John Key.
“The book is based upon a large number of internal communications between the National-aligned blogger Slater and a network of National Party figures,” Hager said in the statement.
“The documents are very revealing about Slater and his collaborators including much that is shocking and distasteful.
“But much more important the documents also cover politicians and Beehive staff, showing the highly coordinated National Party attack politics used year after year throughout Keys prime ministership.”
Hager said his book was based in “thousands and thousands” of documents from Slater’s computer.
“You are not going to believe how bloody awful it is.”
Bryce Edwards tweeted a copy of page two of the book.
Danyl Mclaughlan tweeted a copy of part of the Index.
Press release from the publisher of the book:
In the same election campaign, the prime minister’s office used its knowledge of secret SIS documents to tip off Slater and arrange an attack on the Labour leader (Chapter 3).
Gower has reported on 3 News that the National Party was involved in the attack on Len Brown re his affair.
Brook Sabin tweeted that Slater blackmailed Rodney Hide to stand down from ACT.
Gower said on 3 News that Hide was forced to stand down due to some dirt the Nats had on him.
Hager will be on Campbell Live tonight.
Hager’s allegation I arranged for a liquor company to sponsor @dpfdpf & @Whaleoil is a total lie
Campbell Live tonight mentioned extracts of the book that claim Slater et al were planning to attack Peter Dunne through his (alleged) secret donors from the tobacco industry.
It also refers to an extract where the Slater team tried to get a video of a drunken Winston Peters at Backbenchers. Peters did not co-operate. He didn’t appear.
It also claims that a guy from the tobacco industry wrote posts favourable to the industry, which were posted on the Whale Oil site.
It has been alleged that Key’s office was using SIS information for political advantage by leaking to Slater. If there is proof then he has to resign.
I have not read the book yet but if there is anything to this allegation he has to go.
SIS information about whom?
What’s the relevant legislation? Will we need Graham McCready to see justice done?
Yes if there is hard evidence SIS information was passed on then he should resign. Is there this hard evidence?
He should resign and be prosecuted to the full extent of the law!
After the Polices lack of action over John Banks they had better follow through on this otherwise McCready will!
Keys integrity is disappearing along with his smug smile!
The publisher claims it is in the book.
you seem to have had a couple of words clipped:
he has to go
he has to go to prison
SIR Nicky Hager Arise.
Go Nicky Hager ! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Stay safe out there …. you are a brave and brightly brilliant Kiwi.
I agree totally
+a zillion
Where can I buy it?!!? Is it available online yet?
Just take my money already
Seconded the pigman.
I hope there is an online version out rightabout now.
Unity Books online
no stock in auckland unity as yet, they expect it tomorrow. can call them now to reserve a copy they are open til 7 pm 09 307 0731
It seems Wgtn Unity has stocks as seen on TV !
I understand they went pretty fast!
Hang on Karol. I happen to know that John Key is a lovely kind man who has a friendly engaging manner and a great smile. It just cannot be true that he was part of Nasty Tricks. It just can’t be that he is not what he seems. Nicky must be just making it all up.
Note: This just putting up the standard National Supporter response. (For me I am pleased if it outs the Dirty tricks and it unmasks the Key clique. Just deserts.)
Ian you got it all wrong, they’re gonna say:
“WHAT ABOUT H-FEE?! U R NARSTY PARTEE!” before swiping your bananas and climbing back into the trees.
No, this is not the standard National response. The standard response is to try to destroy Nicky Hager without ever replying to the evidence.
Bryce Edwards tweeted a photo of page two. Will add to the post soon. I stopped editing the post so micky could put this post at the top of the page.
Index image tweeted
So good that Slater was the weak link.
Ae, and the delightful irony that it’s information appropriated from his computer.
So a political party uses a friendly blog to help get its message out
Pot kettle anyone
Yes, lets distract from what has actually gone on here and point fingers in every other direction.
Pretty sad.
Oh how you wish Graham sadly its looking way way worse. I wish I could say nice try but your attempt to divert was well to say pathetic is being to kind.
“So a political party uses a friendly blog to help get its message out”
More like “The governing party allegedly used intelligence services to inform it’s attack bloggers on topics of interest to be used to attack the opposition”
Not quite. Hager alleges that Key used the SIS to mount political attacks on his opponents. National has form for this, of course, under Muldoon, which is another reason why our intelligence services must be reformed (or replaced with something that serves the country’s interests, not just those of the National Party). Other allegations seem to concern the misuse of official machinery, and information, for narrow, partisan purposes. Not on as far as I’m concerned. Key needs to get the arse card on 20 September, following which he and his mates should face criminal proceedings.
I must agree, this is hardly a shock. I guess it will not look good to have the details actually exposed, but really it is no surprise, and I don’t think it is much of story
I guess we will learn more
Um er Graham I think you need to come up to speed with the extent of the allegations
According to his website Slater is in Israel right at this precise moment. I guess he thought it would be more peaceful than over here.
Said he had just got to Israel on his website when I dropped in 20 minutes ago for the schadenfreude. His moderator pal said they’d be “moderating heavily”, so I figured there was no point in posting anything.
So excited to get my trotters on this
That’s all right. Mickey Savage has apparently fled the country as well.
They must both have something to hide, according to your logic.
For anyone who really wants a copy I understand they will be on the remainders table at The Warehouse tomorrow.
Dude, I remember how hard it was to get a copy of Hager’s Hollow Men. When I went in I had to queue up behind a few people wearing suits. I’d expect the same of this book.
No?! Suits?! They were actually wearing suits? My god…the prophecy was true…
Ha ha laugh it up Alwyn, all the way to your boys in blue losing the election. ; )
Cameron John Slater overseas ? With his criminal convictions (if declared) I would have thought his “Sphere of Travel” would be very limited. Israel, – Korea, do they let just anybody in ?
So Whaloil apparently has communications with National Party insiders.
And this is claimed to be “unbelievable” big news?
Apparently some of the attacks were nearly quarter as nasty as the recently seen hate chants.
That’s about as mindblowing as a year old weather report for Invercargill.
Yes, because the PM leaking SIS secrets that were then used to attack the leader of the opposition is of the same consequence as some students saying “fuck John Key”.
a government using internal security service against political opponents breaking in to political opponent computers KEY MUST RESIGN !this ede is on the tax pay payer pay roll in keys office ,key is the minister of charge off the sis his mate fletcher runs the dam thing key must resign at once!
@ john. Those were anti-hate chants.
Why don’t you address what the topic of the book is? It is proof that the National party that has a long history of being patriots of NZ has been hijacked by some thoroughly cynical dicklocks who don’t give a fig about anything but holding on to the levers of power and turning NZ into a kleptocracy. And your third line is intriguing, are you insinuating that some left wing blogs were complicit in whipping up some John Key hate? I don’t come across many people who loathe the man, they just loathe what he does & doesn’t stand for.
So, in conclusion, up your game or go troll some other site.
If you don’t come across people here who loathe John Key, the some advice for you.
Enroll at primary school learn how to read.
Pretty ironic coming from someone who didn’t make it all the way to the end of the sentence.
How stupid is it to say there’s not many who hate Key?
All you’ve got to do is read any page here and you’ll find plenty of hate.
You will certainly find hatred of his policies and personal ethics. It’s a distinction I’ve noticed wingnuts struggle with.
When you say “fuck John Key” then try to claim it’s only really his policies and ethics you’re against, you just make yourself look like an imbecile.
[lprent: Off topic. I’m not feeling charitable today. Troll elsewhere. Banned 6 weeks. ]
The Nats have made John Key and his public persona their main PR vehicle. They front his smiley face in various media, and it is used as a diversion from the policies and values of his government.
Ah, so kids chanting equals “any page here” on Planet John.
For what it’s worth, I think the kids chant is more or less equivalent to “who ate all the pies”, and while the “fat bastard” might feel the crowd hates them they’d be mistaken. Still, it’s a finer point I don’t expect you to consider or understand.
However, if John Key really did use SIS information against Phil Goff, then yeah, fuck him: to employ a wingnut trope, he can rot in prison.
You just proved you’re an imbecile.
Trying to claim you’re not against him – just his policies – then unable to resist a “fuck him”:
I’ve got a spare fuc u – u wan it?
Is this blogger “john” actually John Key?
He seems unusually rather hurt that people hate Key?
Maybe this is our about to be former PM John Key trolling.
Aw, don’t ban the poor little puppydog chasing his tail around. His argument is so strong, we just can’t understand it.
[lprent: He should have done it on OpenMike. It is a lot safer to do it there. ]
John the big hitter hit for 6
Yep, I’m enrolling at a partnership school to do my national standards very soon. Just so I can match my pathetic intellect with such a juggernaut as yourself. Of course some people lack the rationality to play the ball & not the man. Just like some people who advocate progressive politics must be pinko commie man hating, anti progress bastards. You want to see unadulterated hatred & filth, you are on the wrong site my friend.
yep the filth is already known by righties but I wonder what ‘the middle’ will think of the slime – not much I’d say – key stinks and everyone is going to know it buddy
Oh look, john’s read the book! Amazing!
I live in Invercargill and find the weather reports to be most useful. I also find Hager’s book that our Prime Minister misused the resources of the intelligence community to smear his domestic political opponents useful, too, as it confirms my suspicion that the National Party and democracy are oxymoronic.
McCready will do for Key what he’s done for Banks!
John belittling the usurping of unbridled power Keys use of SIS documents is treasonous!
A bit ominous that a U.S Gov’t plane just happened to land in Rotorua today supposedly to look at something or other. Forgotten what.
You mean the one with the bunch of Congressmen on a jolly?
That is about as significant as the annual Speaker’s tour that our Parliament organises.
Actually it’s less significant than that. There are dozens of these by US politicians each year. The senior Congressmen usually go to Paris or London.
so informed
So why are they here and who are they!
Learning that Watergate means Right wing politicians haven’t changed their spots!
If you are really desperate to know have a look here.
Of course you can probably claim that it is a secret plot to hand over all New Zealand’s geothermal power so they can take the steam back to the US and use it to replenish the geysers at Yosemite.
It’s a holiday so they can get away from Washington in the summer for crying out loud.
Secretive visits by interesting USA high ranking persons usually happens a few weeks before elections in New Zealand.
Secretive? You have got to be dreaming.
When you park a 737-300 (I think that is the model) on the runway at Rotorua and it is clearly identified as being in the USAF and has “United States Of America” emblazoned in letters about a metre high and about 20 metres long it is a bit of a stretch to say it is a “Secretive Visit”.
Then you have the US Consulate’s Office tell the paper who is on board and that they are neither secretive nor high-ranking and you still rabbit on?
You have got to be dreaming. As I said above. They are getting out of Washington because the climate there at this time of year is bloody terrible.
Huh? Who in their right mind leaves Washington DC in the middle of summer with high 20 degree temperatures to come to NZ in the middle of winter for a jolly?
I refer you to a random extract from Trip Advisor.
“. Re: DC in August?
Downside: it can be hot, humid, and generally gross in terms of air quality, with afternoon thunderstorms or intense sun.
Upside: all the locals leave town because it can be hot, humid, and generally gross, so traffic is a lot easier to deal with and crowds can be less.”
These Congressmen are the locals who get out of town.
I’ve been there a number of times in August and September.
If it had been in the 20s and reasonable humidity it would have been fine.
It wasn’t and the stay wasn’t pleasant.
I always liked the comment that Washington and Jefferson must have been the greatest politicians the world has ever seen for being able to persuade the rest of the US Founding Fathers to put the Capital near their homes in Virginia.
I think you have been lucky enough to avoid it.
Celebrating 40 years since Watergate!
Considering Key has already acknowledge he is in regular contact with Whale Oil so unless there is a particular smoking gun its not really much news.
Makes it quite hard to deny any particular claim then, doesn’t it?
Yeah youre right it is hard to deny the claim but a particular claim would have to be controversial. Its like Key knew in New York about the “Liu attack” He knew that because Whale Oil told him. So if its just scandals like this its not going to be very damaging.If he has been providing Whale Oil info from spying then yes it will be massive but I will wait and see. I doubt this is going to be that big.
Hi Cancerman.
Sorry but I don’t recall making you the arbiter of what will and won’t constitute “damage”.
Most people don’t even know who Key’s mate Slater is.
Until now. That service alone is worth the book. But the SIS stuff takes it so much further.
Does this relate to the pinched party member details that included banking details? Schadenfruede in a big way if it does.
Oh look, Cancerman isn’t worried at all!
Cancerman talking about a smoking gun?
I’d say that’s worrying, but on a whole new level.
using leaked SIS documents
Would that be an offence for which the maximum penalty exceeds two years imprisonment?
I’d be surprised if Key has observable dirt on his hands on that though.
Crawl back under your rock crabyman Key has an attention deceitful disorder His days as a dirty dealing smiling assassin at the Merrill Lynch Mob haven’t changed now he is leader!
Hager has caught him flat footed using the SIS for personal gain!
I remember back in 08, Hager published a Sunday Star-Times article exposing Key’s secret use of Crosby/Textor (here…http://www.stuff.co.nz/510500/Nats-secret-advisers-accused-of-dirty-tricks-in-Aussie ). I’m very pleased it’s on this rather than the GSCB, potentially a much greater impact. From Brent Edwards on RNZ, one of the core claims seems to be (as Mickey has implied) that (via Key’s office) Slater used leaked SIS info to attack Goff during 2011 Election campaign.
If sis secret info had been leaked then not only would people be resigning but they’ll also go to jail. Here’s my prediction. It won’t happen because Hager will be “inferring” it and suggesting it. There won’t be any proof, but if there is I’d be the first to convict. If there was proof Hager would already have presented evidence to the polis.
The book summarised: “politics is ditty. Smears happen. Here’s some dirt about the nats. No other party does it. Elect labor. I’m not partisan.”
Clearly you missed one of Nicky Hager’s previous books (Seeds of Distrust) which almost took down Helen Clark then right? Try googling “corngate” and see how you get on..
I cannot believe that the topic of this book will not have been known by senior government figures. Hager will be well and truly in the sights of the security services, and even with great countermeasures the general outline of what he was working on will have been known.
Slater is out of the country, which gives him a nice buffer. Coincidence indeed.
What goes round comes round. And in this case its a big bucket of slop.
What? No broadband in wherever or under whatever rotting log he’s slid under. How very McCully
Korea, apparently. Better broadband than we get here! But a nice distance to get responses filtered through ‘advisors’ without appearing slower: a good excuse for latency, one might say.
Which Korea? North or South? The North could teach even the CIA a thing or two about “crowd control.”
Looking forward to reading this, and seeing how damaging it is or isn’t/
Watch Slater and Slater go into full discredit Hager mode, rather than actually addressing the content
I highly recommending the comments on Slaters website re this issue, it shows how blind they are all are, with no ability to see anything apart from the sun shining like a partial eclipse out of someones arse.
Be really interesting how this plays out, will Slater dump any and all smears he has a response? Or did they know what was coming and have a strategy in place to deal with it?
Either way this will open the floodgates on what will be the dirtiest campaign in NZ history as the polls shift and the right has nothing to lose.
Key and his colleagues have known their use of proxies and allies for attacks and dirty tricks was risky, but they believed they could keep it secret. It was only the unexpected leak that has brought the story to the light. The book is full of stories that might otherwise have remained secret.
From the publisher
yeah, I call bullshit on that first part. The website was open, and the files in plain sight. He may have got some help, or someone directed him there.
You are missing the point. A senior official of the govt of the day, attached to the PM’s office, used parliamentary resources and presumably salaried time to damage an opposition political party in a covert way. Do you really approve of this?
It’s not wrong when they do it.
If this stuff is true, Key must go to prison, along with his flunkies.
Link? I’d like to link to this, and spread it far and wide…
I put the link at the bottom of my post – Scoop news I believe.
These revelations now and then Dotcoms on July 15th. Presumably the latter will be about the GCSB kerfuffle.
A classic display of chickens and roosts.
However be prepared for the bite back. That’s what cornered rats do.
“Dotcoms on July 15th’
That would be on Sept 15.
The big bite will be on Sept 20.
The thing to remember is that Hagar is pretty scrupulous about only publishing information he has solid evidence for.
Of course the rest of us could deduce all this was true from the circumstantial evidence and consistent behavior of the people involved over many years.
I’ve suggested on a few occasions that at least some of John Key’s ‘luck’ could be best explained by him misusing SIS and GCSB sourced information for political purposes.
I’m not in a position to read Hagar’s book anytime soon – but if as Mickey says – it has proof that Key has done this, to any extent whatsoever, then he must resign.
And while Key might be able to sneeringly dismiss this call from the left – it will be the Establishment itself which will ultimately rebel at this. They will fully understand the implications to themselves.
“it will be the Establishment itself which will ultimately rebel at this. They will fully understand the implications to themselves.”
Maybe, but hasn’t the establishment been turning a blind eye to this shit for 6 years now?
The source is a beautiful irony.
Personally I’m not surprised at all, the Smiling Assassin, Hollow Man persona is there & pretty obvious for those who care to open their eyes.
Actual use of stuff like SIS info if proven should mean the end of his time in Parliament.
Am curious about the implications for Nat internal factions?
Edit: Hmm, did not mean to be in this reply section
And the beginning of his very, very long time in prison.
Just walked past Unity Books, still big queues at the registers.
I can’t believe TV3’s Paddy Gower deeming Hager’s revelations of the Whaleoil-Ede-Key trifecta is not as damaging as the Snowden leaks might have been. The lies and slime that Key has made out he is not involved in will resonate amongst many Nats who expect some political skulduggery but not to the pits that Whaleoil and Key have descended.
Team Key have just been handed the equivalent of Don Brash getting into the dodgem as well as the Brethren scandal.
Whaleoil/ Ede / key are the real Team Key.
Campbell will be interesting tonight.
Yes, Corin Dann underscored the impact on TV1 tonight. They didn’t even report the event until shortly before the sports news which is usually reserved for the dross.
Evidence of what we all know – TVNZ live in John Key’s pocket!
It was the first item on One News – I recorded it.
I think everyone was expecting something more. After John Campbells interview, I was just thinking, wtf. Hager was struggling to sell that at all. John Campbell was actually half decent for once.
Bingo! “everyone knew this already”
Campbell clearly stated it was known by many that Slater is a nasty person.
hager answered well.
This is not good for Slater, his collaborators, thePM’s office, the Nats, and ultimately Key in the court of public opinion.
But, keep on trying to hold that (no smoking gun in Key’s hand) straw. Then there’s the SIS bit.
Rumours that the Beehive will be dropping a lot of “squirrels” except I don’t know what squirrels are.
I assume they are things that you can let out of a bag to distract everyone. You know: like a … HOLD ON! SQUIRREL! < runs off into the bush >
Slater is a fat slug unwelcome most everywhere.
What is it like to always have to look over your shoulder cuntface? Ask me, coward boy, I can tell you.
Are you 12?
brighter future for slater just took a sun set
This is good, I’d forgotten what had triggered that hack.
Mr Hager described Mr Slater as an “obnoxious” blogger whose attacks on a young man killed in a car crash earlier this year had led to hackers attacking the Whaleoil website.
He said the attack knocked out the Whaleoil site for a number of days during which time a hacker had come away with “thousands and thousands” of documents.
I doubt that very much to be honest. A dos attack doesn’t give you access to someones server.
Others beg to differ. Read the comments,
Oh, and Bingo! “But how did he get those documents?”
Yeah, I read the comments. More bullshit. This is my domain.
There was no email stored there, I only had to look up his MX records to see that.
I don’t doubt his shit was stolen, but it wasn’t from his server.
The suggestion is that they got access to passwords.
How? It makes no sense. A denial of service attack is just that, a denial of service.
He wasn’t on cloudflare until after the ‘DOS attack’
Incorrect. He tried changing mid way through, as I found out.
We only have Slater saying it was a denial of service attack.
He routinely lies about most things. Why should he have have told the truth about that?
I found it puzzling at the time that the denial of service attack wasn’t showing up in the travel time of pings to his URI. I suspect that he was simply lying about whatever the problem was.
By the sounds of what Hager says about where he got the emails from, it seems just as likely that some insider on the Whaleoil site trashed the system after removing the files that they wanted.
If you did a tracert at the time, you’d have seen the final routes were unreachable and ping times in the thousands.
Your probably thinking why I know all this. At the time, I was interested in why his cloudflare protection wasn’t working. He introduced it as this dos attack was happening. So I started to snoop around to see exactly how his infrastructure was configured.
Did a traceroute and pings after it’d disappeared. They weren’t much higher than 100ms round trip.
Of course I’m probably using different routings than you are. However it did the same from NZ, US, and NZ servers with the expected times. That was later in the day, after it had disappeared.
Mind you his site is still embarrassingly badly protected against the malicious. I ran a wget to pick up some old posts for archiving a few months (embarrassing posts tend to disappear from his site after a while). It let me run them the gets overlapping and without limits.
Even with the offloading the comments to Disqus reducing the database and layout processing, not constraining the number of post read connections from a single IP is a hell of vulnerability.
I suspect that they haven’t figured out how to use cloudflare that well yet.
I suspect that if I had ever felt the urge to be nasty then his site would be toast. You don’t need a DDOS to do it. A simple DOS would be sufficient.
It’s just run on a shitty server with no limits in place.
dos attack is old news. I can rent 10gbps for a few hours @ $50.
They used to hang people for TREASON.I strongly object to my taxes being used to pay for such undemocratic political influence.Key must resign. STOP A mate voting National,Bloody Legend!!!!
Hey, we can play National Party Spin Bingo. I think the board might be just about full already though.

[lprent: I saw that on Dimpost earlier. ]
Haven’t stopped grinning since the news of “Dirty Politics” broke. Sit back and watch all hell break loose. Finally nailed the bastards after all this time. There ain’t nothing you can do it about RWNJ’s, there’s no excuses now.
And aha! Even here in Ohariu we have a tabbaco co donations Dunne story in the book, which of course, could be put to good use by PPO in an effort to oust Dunne
Cant WAIT to get my hands on a copy.
Have fun with that Rosie!
Oh, we will
You can be sure of that.
How convenient that a candidates meeting is scheduled for 1st September in Johnsonville, the first of 6 for the area………….That just for starters. We will have a lot more to discuss in our next planning meeting!
Love the chart you posted weka. RWNJ’s are so predictable you can pre empt their arguments.
Website for the book : http://dirtypoliticsnz.com/
Just the author’s precis of the contents is shocking enough… I shudder to think what other filthy tricks Hager has uncovered.
Oh, interesting, thanks, weka.
So I will remember that the next time some commenter tries to use the “Green Taliban” line…. and commenters using abuse here – though not “anonymous” but pseudononymous.
a lot more info at the link…
And some other interesting things in the preface. This pretty much mirrors what lynn says of his experience of being attacked by Slater via his employer.
Also, there’s an anecdotal report of a news organisation being afraid to look to closely at Slater’s activities, because they were afraid they’d come under attack from him/them.
Hager also used some corroborating evidence from Nat Party sources.
Also, the preface says key has never been close to Slater, but he has been very friendly with DPF. however, he has got closer to Slater over the last year. Hager mentions the various factions in the Nats, with Slater begin aligned more to some than others, but how, sometimes they come together to smear their common opponents.
Wednesday, 13 August 2014.
The day that National’s dirty tricks brigade is exposed to the nation. The Key’s election defeat is done and dusted now. A new chapter of our political history has begun.
Key and Slater : You were the weakest link!
Good bye, to the Nasty National government!
Welcome, to the caring, decent, positive Labour led Government!
Bring it on!
Can’t wait for 20 Sept 2014.
Key’s defeat is NOT done and dusted unless you and I make sure everyone knows.
Every time you check out at a store, encounter a waiter/waitress, see a friend, etc., ask them, “Did you see those horrible revelations about Key . . . ”
We have to spread the word to those who rarely pay attention to such matters. You and I have to make it the talk of the country.
“Did you see those horrible revelations about Key . . . ”
“Are you registered to vote/going to vote?”
“We can change things…”
“We can change things…”
The new SPARK for the election.
Perhaps someone who has seen the various claims on TV, as I assume no one has had time to read the book yet, can tell me whether the following things are claimed by Mr Hager.
Hager received a lot of material from an unidentified source on a USB stick.
He only had access to this material and has no way of knowing whether it was really from Slater’s system and has not been altered in any way.
He admits that the material is stolen.
He opposes anyone hacking into peoples emails or computers, except when it is being given to him and it is about someone he dislikes.
He will not release the original material or assist in identifying who hacked Slater’s system.
We have no way of knowing whether Hager himself edited, added to or deleted material from the data he claims to have received.
Hmm. In spite of this we still plan to hang Key?
The cat is out of the bag. let’s see what Key et al deny, and what actual evidence is available.
I’ve just read the preface to the book at http://dirtypoliticsnz.com/
“Hager received a lot of material from an unidentified source on a USB stick.”
“He only had access to this material and has no way of knowing whether it was really from Slater’s system and has not been altered in any way.”
Some of the material was confirmed by other sources. Hager says the material ‘appears’ to be from the attack on Slater’s site. The second and third parts of your statement require technical expertise, but I suspect that faking thousands of emails and FB conversations is too big a task for Hager. Possible I suppose, but you’d really have to have some kind of evidence if you want to go down that track.
“He admits that the material is stolen.”
Not in the preface. He says he has no knowledge of how the material was obtained. His statement on the using of leaked emails and other information,
Important issues surround the use of leaked communications. First, everyone has the right to keep their communications private and there must be a very high public interest to justify publishing them. In this case, I believe most readers will agree that the materials raise very serious matters of political accountability, relating directly to the prime minister and other senior government ministers. They show a continuous collaboration between the prime minister’s office, bloggers and sympathetic media to arrange attacks on National’s opponents and to influence elections. This differs from the story and face presented by the National Party to the public and helps to explain much about what is wrong with contemporary politics.
On the other hand, there was also a considerable amount of very personal information about relationships and other subjects, where the right to privacy outweighs any public interest. This material has not been included in the book and will not be passed to others. The fact that Slater and his associates have made a career of exposing the very private details of other people’s lives does not make it right to do that to them.
“He opposes anyone hacking into peoples emails or computers, except when it is being given to him and it is about someone he dislikes.”
“He will not release the original material or assist in identifying who hacked Slater’s system.”
I haven’t seen anything on that, care to back it up?
“We have no way of knowing whether Hager himself edited, added to or deleted material from the data he claims to have received.”
Might be a good idea to wait and see the actual book, alwyn, and see how Hager presents and cites the material. You jumping the gun like this makes you look like your lines are being fed a tad early. Good try though.
[lprent: Thanks. Added a teaser from the preface as a post. ]
Thank you Weka.
You have clarified some of the points.
As I said I haven’t seen anything from the TV or the book so I couldn’t really work out what he was proposing.
I wasn’t meaning to imply that he had made it all up. What I was curious about was whether the people who supplied him with the stolen material could have altered it or changed parts of it before passing it on. Even a few words or a few added items could totally change the meaning of things.
I did see Hager on the late news. I found it fascinating that he could complain about Slater accessing the, apparently, unprotected Labour Party website and use that to justify his using what he said was stolen (hacked) material. He really did a lot of hopping around with his statements though.
The problem wasn’t with Slater AND John Key’s senior staffer accessing the Labour website, it’s what they did with the information they accessed. I find it interesting that so many right wingers don’t understand the difference between that, and a journalist using leaked material for the public good.
btw, the thread you are commenting on is under a post that has the information about Hager in it. Didn’t read the post?
Well, that just proves its authenticity.
He will, of course, release some of the content – it comes with the book and I suspect more will be forthcoming. Some won’t be as it’s highly personal (and I really hope that he’s contacting those people and pointing them in the direction of a good lawyer and a class action.)
Journalists sources are sacrosanct.
Interesting questions al, but at the end of the day, Hager isn’t up for election.
Key is responsible for the SIS and GCSB.
So, kind of different really.
I think most people will believe Hager any day over Key or Slater, fortunately for us or unfortunately for you. Key and National are finished for this election. Expect 40% or less support for the Nats now.
Not a bad. Idea alwynger how much are you getting paid
Just got home with a copy it was an interesting night
Lots of press and packed out
You were lucky.
I can see why Labour chose vote Positive as their slogan
I hope NZers are ready for an honest transparent democratic government
This looks like the gamechanger
So the conspiracy theorist Hagar rushes out a pre-election book that uses stolen emails that apparently shows the author of the most popular political blog gets tip offs from a wide range of people. So what???? Loads of unfounded allegations. Please make this a campaign.
Please keep thinking and saying this…… your contribution in this case is very, very welcome.
BINGO! (row 1, column 2) and (row 3, col 3)
Also here
You’re the conspiracy theorist here fisiani. Hager has fact on his side – as per usual.
And those facts show what a lot of us have known for some time – National is totally and utterly corrupt.
“National is totally and utterly corrupt’
About 50% of the country ALREADY sense that.
Now I think at least another 10% will get the same vibes.
At least SOME of the Nat MPS and candidates must be ruing their mistake supporting Hash-Teamkey all along, some surely against their head, heart, gut feeling and more importantly, conscience!
It is never too late to come out into the light from the dark side!
fisiani go away we are on to you lot piss off
‘Dirty Politics’, how interesting, this can only be the tip of the iceberg though, as there will surely be much more that has not been accessed and published.
Seems like Hager’s book covers a hell of a lot of dirty dealings against political opponents… but I have no doubt that the Key government had all sorts of other grubby back room deals going on.
Just carrying on like a shonkey investment banker…
The day I lost even a modicum of respect for John Key was the day he proudly announced to the press that he keeps all the dirty information about his opponents in the top draw in his office for later use! What a disgrace for a PM of a county to indulge in such low despicable nasty behaviour!
Oh dear. How will this impact a possibility of NZ First supporting a Key government?
NZ First Press Release.
“Watergate” is a brilliant reminder by Winston.
Nothing so represents political corruption like Watergate.
Tell your friends, “This is New Zealand’s Watergate” (with the obvious inference that Key must resign).
It’s the first time in a long time that the term Watergate has been applied correctly.
And, yes, Key must resign forthwith. No waiting around for the election and the incoming government (not this corrupt one) must start a full inquiry as to the allegations about the PMs office misuse of our intelligence services and whatever else the book contains.
As soon as I heard Hager say that Peters was one of the targets of Slater/Ede, I thought bugger, that’s NZF above 5%.
If Key goes, Peters would be quite capable of forming a coalition with National. Hell, even if Key stays, I wouldn’t trust Peters any more than I did before, which is not at all. He’ll do what he wants at the time.
Wow, that is intense. Tomorrow is going to be massive.
I guess tomorrow the rightees, the astroturfers, will be out in force, having received their instructions and spin lines.
This quote, allegedly by Slater, from the book – was mentioned on Campbell Live tonight, too.
Tweet with quote. – as I recall after the Feb 11 quake:
I met Slater (at the first and only blogger’s drinks I plan to attend) and when I mentioned my former home town, his exact words: “fuck Christchurch”. Couldn’t believe my ears. What a despicable human being. Had to avoid him from then on… maybe I should have taken more forceful action
(surprisingly short too.. barely scrapes over 5’4″ I reckon… don’t know how he could ever intimidate anyone as a debt collector)
Those were the same blogger’s drinks that led to one person stalking one of the M&M bloggers, sparking legal action and the demise of that blog. I also met one of WO’s female flunkies who later got into a doomed relationship with Michael Lhaws… all in all a disastrous event
Ladies and gentlemen, the Canon Media Awards NZ’s Best Blogger!
Nicky Hager’s site is generous in its revelations. But the implications of his not releasing the significant volume of damaging personal information is not just good civil policy – it reminds the unscrupulous diry tricks folk on the right not to overreach. I hope he has good security: Key will clearly stop at nothing.
That’s a very astute observation, Stuart.
So Helen Kelly must have a copy of the book. She has just tweeted:
Slater always denied working for the POA.
As Nixon discovered, it’s the lie that gets you.
Russel Norman appears to be reading the book too.
Tweet from Norman.
Another Norman Tweet:
Dear gods!
Just reading Danyl Mclaughlan’s summary of the book.
Bye bye Judith!
Slater tries to get dirt on people via prostitutes.
He tried to get dirt on Duncan Garner! Will the worm turn?
For once, Duncan Garner actually sounded credible and unbiased!
So, we hear from the Duncan clip that Jason Ede, who carries out John Key’s corrupt modus operandi, is just four doors away from the Prime Minister’s room:
This book should be enough to have Key and Whalespew up on charges. Given that both are obvious flight risks, they should be denied bail. They could share a cell and tell each other those Bubba jokes that the scum on his blog find so funny.
I really do hope that this is the end of Key, and a few others. It’s a real test of the strength of our democratic institutions and I have an ominous dread that they won’t be up to it. How we handle this will say far more about how mature we are as a nation than any number of deaths in an episode of imperial rock climbing on a far away peninsula.
Oh, and FJK.
fall out is going to ripple protest outside keys house this Saturday at 2 pm there should be no room for this corruption in new Zealand key must resign
Now Electoral Commission go check the book out for wrongful electionerring by NatZ please?
And can we have the excellent song/video Planet Key back on MSM please?
Maybe we can add some rope with a neck loop around a branch on a tree inserted in that paddock and all opposition targeted MP;s standing around like Hang em high?
CANON Media Award Winning Blogger Cameron WhaleOil Slater, I can’t help myself, my new expletives