
We read all our mail. We welcome leaks, news-tips, feedback, and suggestions for content. Please feel free to email us: One or more of the editors look at this during the day.

Unfortunately we may not have a chance to reply to every email or act on everything. That said, we love hearing from you!

If you are complaining or communicating about the Harmful Digital Communications Act of 2015, you MUST comply with the stringent provisions required by the act and this site. They are described in a separate page (click here).

For normal operational matters, complaints, and the like then send to Most complaints are handled rapidly provided enough information to locate the material and about the nature of the complaint is provided.

Just remember that, as a programmer, my head is frequently operating in a different dimension whilst working. Don’t expect fast responses unless I think it is urgent enough to disrupt whatever I’m doing.

Auckland election votes for Entrust open until 5pm.
See details at end of  yesterdays post