Collins confirms Dirty Politics

Written By: - Date published: 4:00 pm, March 19th, 2015 - 57 comments
Categories: david cunliffe, Dirty Politics, Judith Collins, national, Politics, same old national - Tags:

57 comments on “Collins confirms Dirty Politics ”

  1. Draco T Bastard 1

    It’s something that the MSM hasn’t jumped on over the years ever since National started using the diversion of it’s stolen. As soon as National said that then the single question that the MSM should have been asking was: So you’re confirming that the information is accurate then?

    • tracey 1.1


    • tc 1.2

      Collins has just provided that opportunity, shall we take bets on how long before they ask.

      My monies on when Collins is not in government anymore, the MSM is so beyond the pale in NZ. Granny can’t dig enough celebrity crap up to replace where there should be stories about Northland, liu 25k, Sabin etc etc

  2. tracey 2

    Was she yelling cos she wasn’t sure if she could be heard from waaaaaaaaaaay back theeeeeeere?

    • alwyn 2.1

      Actually she needed to speak up so that Cunliffe, now sitting “waaaaaaaaaaay back theeeeeeere” could hear.

      I almost, and I only say almost, feel sorry for Cunliffe. Once an important figure in the party he is now relegated to sitting in the house during the times when no one of any significance is there and there are just a tiny group of very low-ranking Labour MPs rostered on to be present. They are the ones who have nothing more important to concern them. Has he no pride? When will he decide his future is all behind him and try and find something more important to do with the rest of his life?

      • b waghorn 2.1.1

        You sure you aren’t describing Collins. I noticed she had to shout from way up in the back row

        • alwyn

          Actually I was simply extending Tracey’s comment.
          She pointed out that Coliins is out of the action. I merely noted that so is Cunliffe.
          Personally I think it is very appropriate that they are both merely anonymous fillers, who are assigned to occupy the seats during the dog-watches. They don’t matter any more and I think they deserve each other.

          • b waghorn

            The difference is Cunniliffe has more integrity in his little finger than collins and it will be sad for nz if he leaves politics were as the soul sucking banshee that is Collins wiil hopefully bugger of .

            • newsense

              Cunliffe is going to be an important figure in the Government of New Zealand long long before Collins will be

          • ankerawshark

            Except the difference is, Cunliffe has a lot to offer + integrity. Judith C certainly doesn’t have the latter, nor the former imo.

            Cunliffe was a great minister, a very clever man and actually has a weighty shadow port folio.

          • Weepus beard

            Surely you have to admit that was an appalling, pent-up, and very nervous tirade from Collins who appears to have learned absolutely nothing from her time in the last few months.

            Cunliffe on the other hand delivered his repost calmly and without hysteria.

            You’d have to be stupid to not see that.

          • Northsider

            What planet are you on Alwyn?
            How petty can you get by tryin sooo hard to oput Cunligge in teh same bracket as Collins?
            Cunliffe was an excellenbt minister, is still young(ish) and has a lot of talent to offer.

            • alwyn

              ” tryin sooo hard to oput Cunligge in teh “.
              I assume you were trying to type this on a smart-phone in poor light?

              “is still young(ish)”.
              I suppose he is in a way. What is that verse?
              “She may very well pass for forty-three
              In the dusk with a light behind her.”
              Perhaps not 43 , but still not as old as Phil Goff, who is also on the way out.

              Cunliffe is, of course, the same age as Stephen Joyce. He is about 18 months less than John Key or Bill English. On the other hand his party leader is a couple of years younger than Mr C.
              However those other MPs are at the top, whereas David C. has been relegated to the ranks of the back-benchers. His job is to attend Parliament to make up a token representation when the senior members are busy. How sad, too bad, never mind.

  3. SHG 3

    Every time the Left raises “Dirty Politics” the masses turn off. There was one chance to use Hager’s book as leverage and that time is past.

    • lprent 3.1

      Nope. It is an ongoing problem in the way that the National continues to screw the public and some of their favorite bloggers and media.

      Besides from the amount of squirming and diversion that people like you do whenever it comes up again, I can see that we want to carry on doing it.

      It also helps to keep media reasonably honest when we periodically spike them on one of their sock puppet stories. Pointing out how they and their colleagues got completely screwed over by believing that Cameron Slater was worth listening to, when in reality he was a lousy PR hack working for the buck and John Key’s spin merchants like Jason Ede.

      • Enough is Enough 3.1.1

        Cameron Slater is sill being used as he always was.

        The dirty bastards have assessed that the pubic did not care about their tactics and therefore that they can continue to use him.

        We must continue to highlight how toxic the right is.

    • North 3.2

      Oh really SHGoracle ?…….you who know It all. You put no store at all by an incremental subliminal effect ? Well of course you don’t. After all TheGodKey is TheGodKey is TheGodKey……..regardless. Wanker !

    • Judith Collins just admitted that this information is genuine. That is a much bigger issue than whether the information is “stolen”, and just because you don’t care about corruption and electoral manipulation doesn’t mean that nobody does, it just means you don’t give a toss about democratic values and the integrity of popular elections.

      It’s not enough for people to just get a vote, they have to KNOW that their vote counts, that they have options to choose between, and that everyone involved is playing by the same rules, and that those rules are fair. If any of those is true, you have a lot less claim to the country being a democracy.

    • aerobubble 3.4

      Yes, dp does not tell voters when the housing bubble will burst. But no, corruption does not have a use by date. Agreed left stuffed up. Mainly i believe as Labour is a constitutency party and Greens are a list party. Should the Green revise their rules, so that Labour candidates get Green list seats, and reward Labour voters for split voting, then the odious principled stand against Epson, Oharau and soon Northland handing National extra seatscome to an end. Epson gets three Mps, Seymour, Goldsmith, Genter and had labour done better, four with Labour. Maybe the local NZF even. Its odious that Labour’s principle stand against split voting hands the richest electorate multiple reprrsentatives.

  4. adam 4

    Belly laugh of the day – Thanks David.

    And thanks Mickey for putting it up.

  5. rawshark-yeshe 5

    pick up gun.

    start yelling as loud as possible.

    aim at foot.

    FIRE !

    And I love Cunliffe’s Utu point of order !

  6. Bill 6

    Oh dear, and she looked as though she was having a grand old time to herself too! Wonder is she’s realised yet….

  7. Karl 7

    The date should say March not May 🙂

    [Right you are, dang … now fixed – MS]

  8. b waghorn 8

    It would be good if all the people who brought Hagars dirty politics got to see the horrible bitch calling them stupid.

  9. Tracey 9

    I presume she purposely mispronounced his name cos she is so clever?

    • One Anonymous Bloke 9.1

      I figure the whole performance was driven by alcohol, or maybe sour milk.

      • b waghorn 9.1.1

        I think its the whole lizard tongue thing her and key have got going on ,it makes talking human tricky. /humour

  10. Richard Christie 10

    What’s with the weird subtext? it seems particularly adverse to KDC’s name.

    • mickysavage 10.1

      I tried to get rid of it. It was embedded in the video. It seems to be part of the transmission for the hearing impaired so in a way I should leave it.

      • weka 10.1.1

        If it is, it’s incredibly inaccurate.

        • adam

          Yes and no Weka – watch it again – she slurs her words, and her pronunciation is ruddy awful.

          • weka

            Not sure what your point is adam? The subtitling looks like a good example of why automation isn’t necessarily efficient 😉 (I could plainly understand words that were subtitled very badly).

            • tracey

              me too. I think it amounts to an appalling service tot hose who rely upon it

        • Brigid

          It’s incredibly funny

          • weka

            Maybe it was transcribed manually by someone with a sense of political humour 😉

  11. collins thinks she is so clever, ensconced in her seat of power, slagging off a journalist for reporting inconvenient facts.

    as one of the architects of dirty politics her attempt to play the victim is laughable. thank god that cunliffe stopped the incoherent pontificating for a minute.

    how is this venal, disreputable, power-mad villain still in Parliament?

    • b waghorn 11.1

      Ask the voters in papakura that one

    • North 11.2

      Insufferable, essentially weak-person bullies always paint themselves the victim at some point. Being decent, honest, taking responsibilty is just too beyond their moral pale. Collins always was a vicious……,well you know. Even back in Auckland law days. That she fancies some standing, her repute as a harridan par excellence against Hager’s international status is but risible. Poor thing. Quite deluded. Probably still believes she’s gonna be prime minister one day.

      Stop it girl. You got found out !

    • Saarbo 11.3

      She’s thick but very, very cunning. But I guess that is a prerequisite to be a National MP. Yes, Cunliffe’s comment was a gem. The media should be shooting her down also…allowing her to get away with this hypocrisy is a reflection on them as well…hopeless.

  12. whateva next? 12

    Does anyone take her seriously any more?

  13. philj 13

    Sad to witness an MP behaving in such an aggressive and unbecoming manner. Does she not realise how she looks to the general public? No. PM material? Remember Tony Abbot?

  14. Hami Shearlie 14

    David Cunliffe came out with a true gem this time, executed with his usual tongue in cheek gravity and thoughtfulness – imagine being Jude after hearing that and slowly realising she had dropped herself and the Nats right in the proverbial ordure!! That big gob of hers was always going to be her undoing!! Should have taken that job as a go-go dancer for the Elvis impersonator visiting recently!!

  15. Weepus beard 15

    Judith Collins is a vile human being and makes our country much poorer for living in it.

    • tc 15.1

      She has plenty of associates on that score WB, the vile nastiness is there for all to see in many of team shonkey whenever the MSM bothers to pin them down which is due the next blue moon.

  16. Ffloyd 16

    Did anyone see Judith Collins on Campbell Live one night last week, can’t remember which one, but she got up on stage with an Elvis impersonator and did this excruciatingly shimmying sort of a dance, rubbing up against him , grinning like a maniac. She needs to know that she has no rhythm! It was true agony to watch. Even JC was shaking his head. On the upside she didn’t twerk but came close. Scary!

    • One Anonymous Bloke 16.1

      Judith has jumped the shark. Judging from the febrile quality of her “laughter”, I suspect she knows it too. All that ambition, all that spilt milk. Oravida must be looking for some new blood.

  17. The Other Mike 17

    Jeez – did you see the look on her face when DC raised the Point of Order – just for a moment – that look would curdle milk!

    She’s venal and downright nasty, deliberately mispronouncing Hagers’ name. And I agree with the poster who reckons she was drunk or, at least, well on the way.

  18. Capn Insano 18

    It’s a sad indictment of politics here and the national government in particular that this vile witch is still an member of parliament. I only hope more people wake up to the people like her in government, particularly those who voted these fuckers in again!

  19. Sable 19

    I wonder what Collins will do for an encore? Maybe saw her own legs off?

  20. Murray Rawshark 20

    Thick but cunning and spiteful – a dangerous mixture which describes more than a few NAct MPs.

  21. mick 21

    So Nicky Hager the internationally recognized journalist and writer is demonized by a politician that lost her position because of malfeasance and is intimately involved with Cameron Slater .
    Is this video meant to support Collins or crush her ?

  22. Simon Buckingham 22

    Same Collins who did not like it when I remind people that she advocated the rape of a former client in prison. She hates it so much that she blocked me from Twitter and Facebook. This woman epitomises two faced double standards.