Daily Review 11/07/2018

Written By: - Date published: 5:47 pm, July 11th, 2018 - 16 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

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16 comments on “Daily Review 11/07/2018 ”

  1. mickysavage 1

    The Graphic is inspired by Theresa May’s current situation.

    • RedLogix 1.1

      It seems she’s surviving because no-one sane wants the job right now.

      • Kat 1.1.1

        Same here most likely with the National party.

      • mickysavage 1.1.2

        I get the impression Boris wants it … I see what you mean!

        • RedLogix

          lol .. well spotted!

        • lprent

          yeah, but nah.

          I think that May has out maneuvered both him and the hard Brexit crowd. It is unlikely that there is enough support inside the conservatives for a harder Brexit than what she is proposing (and unlikely to obtain).

          But it is enough to flush out the hard brexiteers into irrelevancy. Now they just look like a whining pressure group who have absolutely no plan.

          Incidently, I can think of a lot of reasons for NZ to not get involved in even discussing a trade deal with the UK, and virtually no economic rationale for any benefits to NZ for doing so.

          It is about as useless as trying to get some kind of trade deal with the US or Russia. A complete waste of our very limited MFAT resources after the stupid dipshit Murray McCully effectively destroyed its utility.

  2. Ovid 2

    Best of luck to all the nurses, midwives and other health staff on the pickets tomorrow. I hope the weather improves.

  3. cleangreen 3

    Clare Curran failed us all, by reneging on a new channel she should go for lying to us at election time.


    Kiwis set to get more Māori, Pacific and children’s programmes as part of RNZ and NZ On Air’s $15m funding boost
    A new $6 million fund is being created to increase media content for Māori and Pacific people, children and regional New Zealand.

    Clare Curran.
    The Innovation Fund was announced today by Broadcasting Minister Clare Curran, as part of the $15 million allocation to public media in Budget 2018, and it will see RNZ and NZ On Air jointly commission content to go to on RNZ platforms.
    Source: MBIE
    The additional funding will be split between RNZ, which is set to receive an extra $4.5 million and NZ On Air, that is set to be given $4 million.

    Ms Curran said RNZ’s $4.5 million allocation was to extend the organisation’s audience and to take it “several steps closer toward the fully digital multi-platform public media organisation – RNZ+”.

    National Party broadcasting spokesperson Melissa Lee called the announcement a “drop in the bucket” after Labour’s 2017 election promise of $38m shared between RNZ and NZ On Air.

    “RNZ already has a strong digital presence and this announcement adds nothing new to their portfolio,” Ms Lee said. “RNZ’s leadership already indicated it was cool to the idea of taking on a completely different model.”

    Ms Lee said at a cost of $1.5m for the Public Media Advisory Group “it begs the question of why an advisory panel was needed for this at all”.

    “The advisory group was originally set up to establish whether a public media funding commission was required, not to divvy up the Minister’s Budget allocations.”

    RNZ+ is a Labour Party policy proposal to bring a television service to RNZ. The extra $500,000 will go to researching cross-media collaboration and to access levels of funding.

    “The new Innovation Fund will see RNZ commissioning content in a joint venture with NZ On Air. The multi-media content developed with this funding will air on RNZ platforms and be commissioned from the independent production sector using NZ On Air’s existing funding processes,” Ms Curran said.

    • Nordy 3.1

      You clearly missed these parts of Clare Curran’s announcement today –

      “RNZ will receive $4.5 million to extend its services to reach more people in different ways. It takes RNZ several steps closer toward the fully digital multi-platform public media organisation – RNZ+.”

      “Over time, I want to develop the public media system into a full, modern, multi-platform service for the entire population, comparable to top public broadcasting services in other OECD countries.”

      “I want to thank the Ministerial Advisory Group for its first report – on how best to allocate the funding for public media set aside in the Budget.”

      “I’m now considering the Advisory Group’s second report on the establishment of a Public Media Funding Commission. This report will also be publicly available once final decisions are made,” Clare Curran says.”

      I am surprised you swallowed Melissa Lee’s misdirection ‘hook, line and sinker’.

  4. corodale 4

    The Rheinische Post of Germany is today reporting that John Watson of Te Aroha is going international with Sleep Radio.
    Also something vague about Germany’s official plans for concentration camps to manage the export of refugees, and some cracking down on Turkish Nationalist gangs and music.

    Seems us Kiwis are on the pulse, good work John.

  5. Gabby 5

    If RNZ leadership aren’t keen on taking it on, they might like to move on.

  6. Pat 6

    Tensions ramping up…and we cannot avoid being caught up .

    “It’s already past the point of no return,” said Pauline Loong, managing director at research firm Asia-Analytica in Hong Kong. “What’s next is not so much a trade war or even a cold war as the dawn of an ice age in relations between China and the United States.”


    “There’s only so much we can do, but we’re not alone in this respect, countries should tread carefully no matter how big they are.”


  7. greywarshark 7

    New seabed mining project threatens endangered species
    Thursday, July 12: Greenpeace is shocked to discover that a new seabed mining exploration permit has been awarded inside a Marine Mammal Sanctuary, and is calling on the Government to reject all attempts to mine the seabed.

    The exploration permit, awarded to Ironsands Offshore Mining Limited, sits within the West Coast North Island Marine Mammal Sanctuary off the Taranaki Coast. The sanctuary is inhabited by the critically endangered Māui dolphin, is frequented by rare Southern Right Whales, and is close to the newly discovered New Zealand population of endangered Blue Whales.
