Daily review 31/08/2023

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, August 31st, 2023 - 11 comments
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11 comments on “Daily review 31/08/2023 ”

  1. joe90 2

    Toby Mahire took a deep dive into the past witterings of current ACT list MP and potential member of cabinet Mark Cameron.


    If I saw the story at all I'd forgotten it. At least until the Act Party emailed a media statement this week linking me to a 2021 Newshub article about a series of tweets posted a couple of years earlier by MP Mark Cameron. Then, before his election to parliament, he’d described Jacinda Ardern as a “feckless wench”, declared, “Make Ardern go away”, and called the then prime minister a “vacuous teenager”. He apologised and withdrew the “flippant” remarks.


    There are retweets of far-right libertarian climate-denying bloggers and fulminating all-caps MAGA champions. Tweet after tweet hollers simply, almost plaintively, “MAGA”, into the void.

    Ardern is a “pea brained halfwit”, a “feckless wench”, “a IQ light weight”, a “vacuous teenager”. Cameron is determined, across several tweets, to note that the prime minister is a teenager, an assertion not supported by facts. In contrast to Trump, who was making his country “awesome”, Ardern was, he declares, a “git”, who was “destroying hers”.


    As for climate change, complementing the avatar are references to “global warming nutjobs” and politicians seeking to “weaponise weather and steal $$$$off middle nzrs”. As for the so-called evidence, “Climate models are paramataized to engineer a desired outcome of one can then legislate over and fiscally weaponise weather for all to pay so Un sycophants profit,” he explains. And don’t get him started on the “leftie media nutters hungry for hyperbole and apocalyptic outcomes


    Things start to take a darker turn into October. He tweets: “The creeping carcinogen of Labours commie dogmas, will slowly, if unchecked, destroy ones private rights to and of self determination….we are looming nearer a communist state/media/Good/guns/speech/..not much left???…they’ve wrecked them all.”

    Responding to a now suspended account on October 19, he writes: “Short rope fixes tossers like this….vote gathering initiative, plan and simple. Another vacuous voting rights idea floated in the American rad left DNC..our nut job leftards are trying to pull the same number.”


    • observer 2.1

      That should be required reading for anyone who says "let's have change, but let's not look at who we're changing to".

      Those rants are the ACT MP's own words, real opinions, not filtered, not spun.

      "When people show you who they are, believe them the first time" (Maya Angelou).

    • Psyclingleft.Always 2.2

      Good on Toby. An awesome writer…and Human. Good on you linking.

      I too worry about Act…and where they would like to take NZ. Some truly dangerous thinking going on in some of their people….

  2. Patricia Bremner 3

    And let us face the fact that he is not the worst of them sadly. angry
    I wonder how his type received Willie’s speech today. lol That would have rattled the prejudices.

    • Anne 3.1

      Thanks for the heads-up Patricia. Just watched it. Willie being Willie is always worth a listen. smiley

  3. psych nurse 4

    When I read "a IQ lightweight" and my brain says "an IQ lightweight" I realize he's a F–kwit.

  4. bwaghorn 5


    I picking this is a direct result of the the last national government selling them?

    Any one asked this latest mob what family silver they'll sell.

    • Psyclingleft.Always 5.1

      Abernethy said prepay services gave customers flexibility to manage their income and some liked the real-time visibility of their energy use and payments.

      “Anyone struggling with their power bill is likely juggling other debts as well, so it’s a way of helping customers manage debt overall, not just their electricity.”


      A juggle !? Eat… or freeze !? What an asinine ass. Bet she never had to choose which.

      And yep….that Nat slimeball Max Bradford responsible. IMO NAct be for the selling..of our NZ Health system…and many more.

      I really hope we keep the shits out. Surely there must be more of us who see through Nat Nic Willis' icecream ..dream? For the nightmare it would be.

    • KJT 5.2

      Apparently already some talk of sneaky shenanigans around Port of Auckland.

      Possible buyers being sounded out.

  5. SPC 6

    We seem to have another case of National being pretty legal – this time not with election advertising but election policy.


    Labour could help them out by suggesting a stamp duty on all property over $2B – it could then decide to use the money for it's own IETC adjustment and child care rebate.