Written By:
Zetetic - Date published:
9:59 am, May 24th, 2011 - 55 comments
Categories: budget 2011, john key -
“The worst display from a Prime Minister since the schnapps election” – that’s what a journo said about Key the other day. No, it wasn’t about him being a multi-millionaire who gave himself tens of thousands of tax cuts opposing a fair wage increase for the lowest paid workers. It was this disgraceful behaviour on Budget Day. Watch.
Remember, this is your Prime Minister standing in your Parliament, supposedly defending his government’s plan for your country’s economy and society.
A mate, tongue-in-cheek, wondered if Key isn’t fighting his own private war against P.
Um…… defense? He mentioned sod all about it.
Sorry- whats disgraceful? You may need to explain……..
your PM shrieking, screaming childish insults, and wailing like a banshee in your parliament. that’s disgraceful
Have ya ever seen Goff? He is famous for those shrill red-faced rants.
I thought Goff was going to pop a vein in his speech, what was the difference? Where’s the disgrace?
Key the Comedian.
Only problem is he is supposed to be PM, not showboating a laugh show.
I live in CHCH and I’m sick to death of Key using our fucking tragedy for politikng. He’s a rich smarmy prick and the sooner he’s gone the better.
Key is a bad liar and a muppet. His Government promised 170,000 new jobs in his last Budget – just forgot to say they were all in Australia.
And if your kids aren’t ambitiously planning to be dairy farmers, milk maids, hotel receptionists and chamber maids, and supermarket stackers, there won’t be much here for them here.
The time is nigh – ditch New Zealand and cross the Ditch.
Kiss your kids goodbye.
Already lost 3 daughters to Aussie in the last 2.5 years and another 1 on the way shortly.
She is a solo mother who got a full time job, after all her outgoings she was working 40+ hours a week for approx $25 – $30. Barely subsistance living.
The biggest slice of the pie – Daycare (and its funded).
We all know the muppets are the people sitting behind and supporting the HONjKEY.
Looks more like coke than p to me.
National ‘support the jobs’? – WTF – support a wealthy US film company to exploit NZ workers more like.
Shonkys negotiating method, place all cards on table, then pay handsomely via tax break for the crumbs off said table.
If this disgrace of a PM could stop cracking himself up for one minute he might notice that those without jobs and on low incomes are not laughing along with him, and that this sort of display when people are struggling is insulting to say the very least.
I thought his referring to the Loyal Opposition as ‘muppets’ was pretty poor form for a Prime Minister, whether it’s accurate or not. What’s next? Poo Bum Wee Wees?
Great photo of his Lordship btw Zet.
He called the public service “muppets” too when he was on The Edge talking about his holiday plans in Hawaii.
I’m not really sure that he really understands that “muppet” as a term of derision, means someone who doesn’t think for themselves and just says what they’ve been told to say by their puppet-masters.
Crikey! This is why I avoid “budshit day”. It was as though his speech was written by a reincarnated Rob Muldoon and pitched like an narcissistic two year old toddler throwing his toys out of the cot. Where were the National Party parents to send little Johnny Key to “time out” when we need them? 😆
We can all look forward to the MSM re-running this and the BBC Hardtalk fiasco throughout the election campaign.
Noticed Turiana in shot quietly shaking her head at the Key performance. But you think that Key would spend his time explaining his Budget rather than an inordinate amount of time with rather nasty sneers at Labour. If Mr Goff is no threat, why bother with the sneers? Of course the younger pair in the background with Key, in a different context, would have journalists describing them as leering with fixed grins as Key sycophants. A queasy PM?
we have to remember that key was headhunted bytinternational executive consultants for a bit of primeministering in noozeeland. these people are anti-democratic and have a corporate vision that does not include listening to others. in short a claque of rightwing nutbars.
Some have said that it’s just the booze… But I’m pretty sure there is some sort of substance abuse going on there with our Prime Minster. Although it’s more likely to be horse tranquilizer than P.
Mogadon John is relaxed.
That man on the left behind him has 15 properties. Not one of the people.
Do you think he owns them by accident, or hard work? WTF does “one of the people” mean. you have to be poor to be one of the people?
He won’t be voting for a capital gains tax anytime soon.
Haven’t the people here ever seen the debating chamber on and around budget day before ?
This is pretty standard fare.
so you’re proud of your PM’s behaviour in your Parliament?
Read my comment again and this time use your comprehension skills.
That head-nodding, smiling functionary sitting directly behind the prime minister is Napier M.P. Chris Tremain. The late great Hawkes Bay and All Black footballer, Kel Tremain was his father. I wonder what he would think about his son playing such a servile role in parliament.
I agree he reminded me of that red headed gentleman who is no longer in parliament due to his personal disgrace. He was always peering over Helens shoulder looking admiringly at his mum.
He would probably be proud of his sons achievements, like most parents.
He always sounds half pissed.
the govt has to play the man rather than the policies (where they’d be on shaky ground) so this is surely a deliberate tactic
This would be John’s positive and aspirational style that he’s so fond of telling everyone he has, yeah?
That was actually a very good performance from Key. Expect the interest rates issue (much higher under Labour, hurting young families trying to buy a house) to get major play in the campaign.
That was actually a very good performance from Key.
True, most of the time he is much worse.
Expect the interest rates issue (much higher under Labour, hurting young families trying to buy a house) to get major play in the campaign.
Won’t make much impact. After all, National have predicted 170,000 jobs and a 4% increase in wages. Young families wanting to buy houses will have jobs and better wages if the budget predictions are correct, so interest rates won’t be an issue.
Of course, if we can’t rely on National’s budget predictions, we also can’t rely on their claims about interest rates.
National like to say that low interest rates are good thing. The interest rates are low because:
1. Financial crisis
2. Earthquakes
3. We never left recession
I think claiming credit for low interest rates requires claiming credit for all of those 3 things.
At best, it’s the silver lining.
Sure its like Labour claiming their 9 years of surpluses was solely due to their financial management and nothing to do with the world economic boom at all. Other things are in play here and it only takes an obtuse individual to see it otherwise. Its a bit like thinking revenue is profit in a business (This is Labour policy now I believe).
I’m sure you have a cite for that.
Be careful you don’t grab one that has National claiming the surpluses mean we can afford massive tax cuts so we can be just like Ireland.
national says it is the party of business so where is the new business.
the only buisness they know at the moment is ‘FUNNY’ business..
Of course you guys are missing the point.
On the one hand, Key is “the most shit politician NZ has ever seen”
On the other hand, by any measurable metric, he is dominating completely every politician on the left. And dominating to a degree that is quite frankly embarrassing.
What does that make Goff and his team?
It makes him more shit (and his team) than the “most shit” politician NZ has ever seen. To use the vernacular. Although it does put in perspective Harawira and the Handout Party.
And the point you seems to miss is that the PM occupies a special position in our political system; Key is the leader of the Cabinet and has a grip on most of the levers of power in this nation. As such he should not need to resort to rants and loose lipped sneers in the House… at least not almost every time he speaks.
I expect better of any PM.
Come on Red, Helen Clark was the most sneering superior sounding politician I’ve seen in a long time, since Muldoon in fact. She dismissed out of hand, those that disagreed with her and surrounded herself with sycophants that did. She never asked the people what they wanted from Government, she told them what they wanted. IMO that, and the fact she didn’t exactly reflect NZ Society, is the biggest reason she lost. People didn’t like her. The difference is that Key has a sense of humour and doesn’t take himself oh so seriously, and people do like him. To argue otherwise it to ignore the polls, all of which say the left is dying by its own hand. Getting all thin-lipped and hysterical about it doesn’t change the fact that Key had a rant, Goff had a rant. Neither of which makes any difference to anyone.
No what you didn’t like was that Helen Clark could speak clearly, concisely and had an informed answer for most questions. Unfortunately too many New Zealanders are still intimidated and uncomfortable by intelligent and powerful women who speak their minds, so yes I can see why so many people didn’t ‘like’ her. Emotion trumps reason every time.
Moreover to my recall she rarely resorted to anything like the ranting nutjob Key reduces himself to here.
Hear, hear RL.
Forest Key would probably only be able to give an opinion based on reports reduced to bullet points on a Powerpoint presentation as he looks the type who would be too lazy to read anything more challenging than a comic book.
I think you mean “some people” didn’t like her – people such as the red-faced, fat bitter right-wing bus driver I had the misfortune to travel with to Parnell last week… He spent the whole journey whining about how horrible socialist lesbian Helen was – and pointed out John Key’s house, advising me to make a pilgrimage there! 😀
One thing Key really won hands down over Goff. He shouted twice as loud.
This male is actually popular with the typical (and comfortable) Kiwi? This is our top politician on show? What the hell does it say for New Zealanders that they adore such a leader? (I want to avoid expletives). Give me Mrs Harawira any day! This rave makes one cringe with embarrassment. Clearly he has something to fear from Goff and Labour.
I thought Key’s budget speech was even more disgraceful than his other worst antics in the House. This was because he was talking about difficult times, and bringing in policies that would hurt some of the less well-off – and he did it with a song and dance routine that treated the whole thing as a bit of a joke. It was a well-choreographed performance aimed at entertaining & distracting from the actual policies he was supposed to be presenting and arguing for.
The sneering and nastiness was pretty normal for him, but altogether it showed him to be a PM who has little sensitivity for people going through some very hard times, and was aiming to sell unfair and problematic policies.
What I also found abhorrent was the mindless cheering and clapping from the Hooray Harrys and Harriets. The two who sit behind Key are a good example. Where do they find such politically impotent imbeciles?
It should come with subtitles. Not just so you can actually understand what he’s saying, but also a Health Warning – May not contain any facts.
It was great him talking about the low interest rates because he’s kept NZ near recession, but he doesn’t seem to understand that that doesn’t help people buy houses when they don’t have a job, or haven’t had a pay rise in 2 years…
You know what I find most disgraceful about this display??
Government consumes about one third of our working lives which is bloody ridiculous. One day in every three goes wholly and fully to government. What a drag. Anyways that is the way it is at the moment – but what I find disgraceful is that John Key seems to find the allocation of that one third of my working life such a joke.
It aint no joke to me – it is one third of my working life.
It seems to me that al politicians instantly forget this the moment they get near to those glittering shiny evil levers of power.
Such allocation deserves the most solemn of considerations and actions followed up by similarly appropriate conduct in explanation.
That has to be the best statement on Govt and Parliament I have seen in a very long time vto. And nicely applies to all in the house. I wouldn’t say all politicians instantly foget this – I’ve met a few who do remember and treat thier jobs with the rigour and seriousness it deserves.
But good call on the way Key is treating it as a joke
Give him more schnapps ..