Next time, could we have a PM that looks and sounds a bit more like a PM?

Here’s John Key this morning on Breakfast, talking about Paul Henry’s resignation. Naturally he’s eager to downplay the influence of Kiwi-Indian business and diplomatic interests, and to deny any government involvement in the decision.

The most revealing part of the interview is when Key stammers:

“I have not spoke [sic] to Paul Henry”

Key says this with the same look and conviction as when he used to say “National will not raise GST”. Seems a bit unlikely Key wouldn’t give his old mate a ring during such times of sturm und drang.

Of course this whole shit storm could have been a positive for Key had he possessed the courage to condemn Henry’s racist comments against our Governor General at the time they were said. Had Key done so, Henry would be there this morning, New Zealand’s international reputation would not be damaged as CEO Rick Ellis has admitted, the TVNZ brand would not have been damaged, and Key would have looked like a statesman instead of a coward.

 Instead we have this.

Next time, could we have a PM that looks and sounds a bit more like a PM?

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