Written By:
- Date published:
11:40 am, October 4th, 2010 - 195 comments
Categories: boycott, community democracy, Ethics, human rights, Media, public services, racism, scoundrels, tv -
Tags: Anand Satyanand, breakfast, Governor General, Kofi Annan, paul henry, paul holmes, Susan Boyle, tvnz
New Zealand’s most infamous anti-Ambassador Paul Henry has shamed us all once again. On TVNZ’s Breakfast this morning, Henry asked John Key (at 6’30” into the interview) of our Governor General “Is he even a New Zealander” (Satyanand was born in NZ) and could the next GG be someone who “looks and sounds a bit more like a New Zealander”.
I am utterly sick of TVNZ continuing to provide a platform for such a bigoted prick. We’ve now had Paul Henry call Susan Boyle “retarded”, ridicule a woman for having facial hair, go into paroxysms on air calling the Indian Minister of Sport “Mrs Dickshit” (a mispronunciation of her name), and now he’s suggesting our Governor General Anand Satyanand is not really a New Zealander because of his skin colour and accent. That is really offensive, especially on the back of a lot of racist commentary about India from TVNZ’s Paul Holmes.
What does this say to the international community about New Zealand – as a diplomatic entity and as a tourism destination – to have comments like these from TVNZ staff broadcast on our state owned broadcaster? Paul Henry is damaging our international reputation for the sake of a few revenue dollars for TVNZ.
Not only is it morally offensive, it doesn’t add up economically. And then of course there’s the ongoing humiliation and degradation he causes to New Zealanders that Henry doesn’t seem to think deserve any respect. Maybe his bigotry could be defended on free-speech grounds on a shock-jock talkback slot, but not on our state owned national broadcaster.
Of course Henry is a pathological attention seeker so don’t ever expect him to change. He likes and needsto offend people. The people really responsible for this ongoing disgrace are the gutless few at TVNZ, who continue to employ him. When Paul Holmes called Kofi Annan a “cheeky darkie” on his radio show, TVNZ eventually pulled Holmes – but only after Mitsubishi withdrew their sponsorship for Holme’s TVNZ show. Now it’s time for TVNZ to do the right thing and move Henry on. Either that or an organized campaign to petition and boycott companies that advertise during and sponsor Breakfast.
TVNZ said at time of writing that they hadn’t received any complaints and that “[t]he audience tell us over and over again that one of the things they love about Paul Henry is that he’s prepared to say the things we quietly think but are scared to say out loud”. Well TVNZ, I’m happy to say this out loud. HENRY IS A DISGRACE TO TVNZ, ITS ADVERTISERS AND ITS VIEWERS. CONTINUING TO EMPLOY HIM NOT ONLY DEMONSTRATES THAT TVNZ MANAGEMENT DO NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT QUALITY BROADCASTING OR RESPECTING THE BASIC RIGHTS OF NEW ZEALANDERS, BUT ALSO THAT THEY WILL CONDONE ONGOING BIGOTRY FOR A FEW RATINGS POINTS.
If you don’t love what Paul Henry says, here are the contact details for TVNZ and the Broadcasting Standards Authority.
DimPost offers sound advice on some other forms of direct action.
Note to interviewee John Key: I know you’re pretty relaxed about racism, seeing’s how you can’t even remember if you were for or against the Springbok Tour, but did you agree with Henry’s racism towards our Governor General? Because you didn’t take any exception to his statements or try pulling him up on his racism. And do you condone a State broadcaster making racist comments, let alone about our Governor General? Because you didn’t take any exception to a TVNZ representative’s statements or try pulling him up on his racism. You just laughed and glossed over it.
UPDATE: Ben Gracewood, Breakfast technology commentator, has resigned in protest at Henry’s ongoing disgraceful behaviour. Good on him for having the guts, I wonder how many others involved with the show will have the same integrity?
UPDATE: Boycott TVNZ until they fire Paul Henry Facebook page
For the record I’d like to state that I quietly do not think the things that Henry says out loud. And if I do want to voice some deeply held belief I’ll do it myself and not divest my authority or responsibility to do so to some racist, homophobic, misogynist.
Don’t forget ablist. 😉
Seconded Tigger, the guy’s a complete idiot… He comes from talkback, so no surprises there!
Governor General Satynand speaks pretty damn fluent Maori. Can anyone imagine Paul Henry acquiring such a linguistic skill? Thought not. A ‘real’ New Zealander would surely value the countries dual heritage and our three official languages-English, Maori and Signing.
PH is a twisted egotist for sure, he nastily needles his co workers too by some accounts, but is boycotting the way to go? it might create a ghetto for dark sadistic kiwi types.
Just keep complaining I guess to the advertisers and TVNZ. Silence is often taken for condoning.
Governor General Satynand speaks pretty damn fluent Maori.
I wandered down to his swearing in (on the steps of Parliament); he was the first Governor-General to swear his oath of office in Maori (he did it in English as well). What I learned that day: the Maori translation of New Zealand is NOT Aotearoa.
Huh… really? Fascinating… so what, prey tell, is it?
It’s Nui Tureni (cf Treaty of Waitangi).
Thanks Lewis!
Baron, if the fascinating thing I’d learned was exactly what the Maori translation was, that would have been my story – he only said it a couple of times, and it wasn’t clear to me exactly what he’d said (two words, the first shorter than the second, and sounding like “new” was as much as I gathered!).
Lewis: you sure it’s not Nui Tireni? Google suggests that’s more likely…
Opps, yes that’s the correct spelling 😀
Kia ora, the transliteration of New Zealand is Niu Tireni, as this dictionary suggests –
The version I normally see is “Niu Tireni”. I suppose it’s a good example of the difference between “name for (something)” and “translation of (something)”.
And as for Paul Henry: that’s the sort of behaviour people should expect in a society where perjorative terms like “political correctness” are concocted to describe what others would call “common courtesy”.
Niu Tireni (Transliteration for New Zealand) Aotearoa – one of the old names for the North Island now commonly used to apply to the whole country.
Instead of google, may I suggest Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori
Remember, it took years for 1ZB to sack Chris Carter (not the MP!) for racism… to my eternal shame, I used to listen to them in the 1990s…
I also listened to them in the 90s!
Thank you Deb for allowing me to finally come clean and reveal my guilty secret. It feels like I’m finally cleansed.
Not sure whether they were more centrist in the 90’s or I developed critical thinking. Whatever the case – these days I cannot bare to listen to those neo-lib apologists and their whining callers.
TVNZ don’t give a hoot about any of that Sprout, it’s all about ratings and the big headed one’s guaranteed to give them that with these deliberate comments designed to offend.
This behaviour is calculated and helped them kill off TV3’s sunrise as just like talkback radio (where PH refined this inflamatory style) half listen in to be offfended, the other half cheer him own as they essentially agree with his comments.
Remember it’s breakfast TV…..light, fluffy, not too deep, keep the ratings high….that’s why sideshow turns up, easy PR points especially with a compliant SOE pitching the questions.
I’m not quietly thinking what Henry is saying.
I’m quietly thinking the man’s the worst thing on NZ TV (including America’ Next Top Model).
No wonder the people of Wairarapa rejected him when he ran for National there, becoming the first person to lose an electorate race to a transsexual in the world. If the people of Wairarapa, hardly a well-spring of liberalism, would rather have Beyer than Henry that tells you a lot about the man.
1) Stop thinking it quietly and think it out loud and in letters to advertisers and TVNZ. Just because we’re right doesn’t mean we can be lazy, and this buffoon’s time has come to lose his job.
2) Georgina beat him because she’s incredible, not just because he’s terrible.
Could the next GG be someone who “looks and sounds a bit more like a New Zealander”.
Awaiting strong condemnation of Paul Henry by the Minister of Ethnic Affairs, Pansy Wong. Somebody who has made dozens of speeches about the valued contribution of Asian-New Zealanders, and ethnic minorities in general. I’m sure she wasn’t just saying that to get votes, she must be a principled anti-racist.
Any time now would be good, Pansy.
And wating … and waiting …
If you really want to get to TVNZ and Paul Henry then you should try this:
1. Make a list of all the companies that advertise with TVNZ’s Breakfast show
2. Send each of them a letter / email / fax / phone call / message stating that you WILL NOT buy any of their products while they continue to endorse such a bigoted racist prick
3. Make it clear to the companies who’s advertisements fund the Breakfast show and consequently Henry’s salary that you believe that they endorse Henry’s behavior and that they are equally complicit in the bigotry and racism.
If that doesn’t make the statement loud and clear to TVNZ and their sponsors – nothing will.
Boycott / Divest / Sanction
B.T.W. I don’t watch TV, so I don’t know who supports Henry with advertising revenue. It would be appreciated if someone else made a list of the companies who advertise with TVNZ’s Breakfast show and posted it here.
agreed, that’s what got rid of Holmes after “cheeky darky”
DimPost has similar advice
Facebook page. Someone get the facebook page going. And then nail Henry’s advertiser’s facebook pages to it as an interwebs name and shame.
heh – I did join one, but it expressed my genuine opinion rather than any political campaign: the title is “F$%^ You Paul Henry”.
Not entirely productive, but by god it matches my opinion.
Doesn’t appear to exist any more
here’s a new one, growing at quite a rate
I may actually start watching TV for a day or two just to find a list of who to complain to. 😛
Please post the names of Breakfast’s advertisers and sponsors here so I can follow it up.
Whats worse is that this is not just off the cuff banter that you might overhear expressed in some dingy bar. He says these types of things deliberately to get a reaction, and it would have been planned.
And, Key had the perfect opportunity to slam him down and he changed the subject – can you ever imagine Helen letting that pass – seeing as she appointed Mr. Anand.
Clearly Henry deviated from the agreed script…I expect the PM’s advisors telling Henry off for that…
Henry repeated the comments several times, nothing off-the-cuff.
I’m sure his adlibs are carefully planned.
Ratings were probably down for the school holidays asthe kiddies watched cartoons rather than dressing for school.
yes Ari, that’s exactly what it’s designed to do….get you watching it. Stand next to a wastewater outlet for the same effect ableit more real and refreshing
the stuff online poll shows a majority supporting him; that could change if more people vote!
Can someone compile a list of companies that advertise during the Breakfast show? I cannot watch it (lucky me!), but I’d like to be able to tell companies that I will be boycotting their products whilst they advertise and keep Paul Henry on air. And obviously I need to know which products to boycott!
I know it will be a difficult task, having to watch the show, but it’s for the greater good – c’mon, who’s willing to make the sacrifice?!
Don’t watch it either but Heritage Hotels is the main sponsor. I’ll tune in tomorrow to see if TVNZ have the balls to kick the prick out. Also you can make a formal complaint here http://tvnz.co.nz/view/page/816462/823787
Good comments and I would like to add to suggestions that we get a list of the management of TVNZ so we know who to despise, and to write to. There would probably be about five men and women who are responsible for employing this thing who I would call a cheeky monkey if it wasn’t a slur on the ape family.
In Rwanda they had near genocide between tribes and factions not respecting each other’s rights and standing. Here we have the sort of people who would fan that vicious behaviour and find it gripping TV and be looking for ways to maximise profit and advantage from it. And these TV company operators have control of a tv channel which should be reflecting our serious national considerations and image!
For what it’s worth, apparently Henry is a pommie migrant.
Further to his disgraceful episode with Key, what sort of sicko would hope that there is some form of “disaster” (mishap) (not human suffering) befalls the games as he repeatedly joked about this morning. “Something like the swimming pool draining…”
(Henry has preconceived ideas that India is unable to organise an event and is now desperate a mishap occurs to vindicate his statements.)
nah, he’s born and bred. Aucklander but.
Just like Satyanand. Only white.
I dunno about bred, he lived in Britain from age 11 until his mid-to-late twenties. But then I’m an Aucklander and I just want as little blame as possible for him…
I notice his wikipedia page is helpfully already updated. I want more Aucklanders (and NZers) like Anand rather than Paul thank-you.
For goodness’ sake, don’t blame him on us!
As a free speech advocate, I’m reluctant to push for the removal of anyone from a public microphone, but this latest idiocy from Henry is displaying a pattern bordering on hate speech.
Media commentator Brian Edwards, I think, has travelled the same path as many of us in our relationship with Henry. In April 2009 Edwards described Henry as:
I’d never go quite that far, but he was amusing in a larrikan sort of way. However, by November 2009, Edwards’ position had changed and he was calling for Henry to be dismissed. Then again, in August this year, Edwards takes Henry – and TVNZ – to task, saying:
This is true but, more important is the role played by Henry’s enablers at TVNZ. Its got to the stage now where we have to start questioning the motives of our government-owned television broadcaster, the National Ltd™ minister in charge, and John Key as well for sitting there smiling and waving while reducing us all.
What concerns me more than this latest Henry outrage, though, is the question: what is it about New Zealanders that “we” voted this bozo the “People’s Choice” recently? Well, I suppose its part and parcel of having voted for National Ltd™. Henry is simply revelling in the new climate of nastiness, exclusion, and intolerance brought about by the actions of the government. Its okay now to make fun of retards, ignore important messages because the messenger looks “funny”, condone the slitting of Afghan POWs’ throats, and hurl racist slurs at people who don’t look like New Zealanders.
Thanks National Ltd™ – I’m lovin’ it.
Stuff link where you can vote on the excrescence.
And at that link:
Seriously, WTF does that actually mean.
And this, from the same article:
It means that it is a comment from a breakfast television host known to come up with silly and controversial statements every now and then and noone in mainstream society takes him seriously.
I think that was Paul Henry being Paul Henry
sounds like Goff condoning Henry’s anti-Indian racism
I agree it could be read that way 🙁
Heritage Hotels is one of their big sponsors…start with them
“For what it’s worth, apparently Henry is a pommie migrant.”
Logie – he’s not. Born here, moved to Bristol and moved back, so he’s all yours and nothing to do with the rest of the world, thank heaven.
It seems that TVNZ’s tech commentator has just quit over this. Good on him.
That’s the tech guy. I say good on him too.
What happened the last time Paul Henry made some outrageous comment and you all got your knickers in a twist about it?
Do you think forming a digital lynch squad is going to make a difference this time?
The difference this time is that the comments will very likely anger a huge section of the migrant community in NZ. While they will put up with a lot, something tells me that a comment regarding the Governor-General not being a kiwi merely because of the colour of his skin, is going to piss a lot of people off.
Gosman, I have no expectations at all of Paul Henry.
But I do have high expectations of the country’s leader, and of the country’s leading television network.
If you don’t, I can only feel sorry for you.
That’s the thing about being progressive though Gosman. You never win the first round.
And there’s always plenty of folks like yourself saying don’t bother.
But if we listened to you then we’d still have slavery and women wouldn’t be voting, so we don’t.
In the campaign to get that dickhead fired, we only need to be lucky once.
He needs to be lucky each and every time.
Yep. You just made me laugh out loud.
I’d suggest it has NEVER failed. Every time Paul sticks his foot in his mouth and highlights just how 19th Century he is he is, the flood of complaints, whether successful or not, DO highlight what society accept as fair and reasonable.
So you are more than welcome to play your part, even if it is sitting there with your fingers in your ears and pretending there is nothing wrong, while the public continue to draw their line, very democratically, about what we will and will not accept in 21st century society.
TVNZ’s excuse makes no sense:
“The audience tell us over and over again that one of the things they love about Paul Henry is that he’s prepared to say the things we quietly think but are scared to say out loud”.
Depends on who ‘we’ is. That’s the whole point, isn’t it?
TVNZ are trying to paint the country as being generally racist, just hesitant to say so. Sack the bleedin Board.
Paul Henry, apartheid edition: “Are those darkies even human?”
Paul Henry, 1881 edition: “Why shouldn’t Asians have to pay more than whites to get into the country?”
Here’s one simple way to protest, and it only takes five seconds:
Vote Agree or Disagree as appropriate:
Oh my god. I wondered what the fuss was all about but then I watched the video. It is as bad as people have said.
Why is it that some people think that New Zealanders only come in white and have english sounding names. The place is way better now that there is such diversity.
The GG was previously a well respected and liked District Court Judge. He has been outstanding as GG. What sort of idiot would think he was inferior?
That would make him a psychopath. So, why do we have a psychopath as a TV host?
why do we have a psychopath as a TV host?
seen his bosses?
Join the Facebook campaign
Ben Gracewood, Breakfast technology commentator, has resigned in protest at Henry’s ongoing disgraceful behaviour. Good on him for having the guts, I wonder how many others involved with the show will have the same integrity?
Integrity? Yes but also the wherewithal. If losing your job = losing your home, car, family (Finances is the main cause of divorce) etc then there’s probably a few people who don’t have the choice to withdraw. We used to call them slaves but now we call them workers.
true, especially in a micro-industry like NZ tv
Pathetic comment from Goff: Key deserves to be flayed alive for abetting this nasty little creep. Someone – anyone – from Labour should break ranks and make a comment that can’t be ignored. And where’s the MP? Why the hell are they there? Or have they spoken and has the Media finally taken total control? Government by Media since 2008.
I would cut Goff some slack in that he probably didn’t see it live and hadn’t caught up with it when he was asked (this morning). But somebody – somebody – in Labour must have immediately worked out what this meant and drafted a punchy response. It takes five minutes.
FFS, tonight there’ll probably be a post on Red Alert, just in time to wave at the bus as it disappears over the hill.
Does Goff not realise what proportion of the NZ-Indian community vote Labour?
Or is he just too chicken to pick a scrap with Henry?
I am a very, very slow typist. Here’s what I came up with on back of a napkin, and toned down for public consumption:
From Labour leader Phil Goff:
“Paul Henry’s comments today were totally unacceptable. To suggest that the Governor-General does not look like or sound like a New Zealander is demonstrably false, and offensive. It is an insult to the Governor-General, but also to hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders from ethnic minorities, who do not look like Paul Henry, and are every bit as Kiwi as those who do.
The Prime Minister should have condemned Paul Henry immediately for his disgraceful remarks. Perhaps he was too shocked by them to react at the time. If so, then the Prime Minister can now join me in condemning this bigotry, and furthermore, in refusing to appear on ‘Breakfast’ with Paul Henry until there has been a full, sincere and unreserved apology.
(etc, etc)
It can be improved, no doubt. Especially when you’ve had EIGHT hours to work on it.
Superb gs, please apply for a job at the Goffice – they need you desperately.
^ This^.
FFS Labour, where are you?
Spot on comment Gob.
And, at 3:33pm, not a peep out of Red Alert.
Finally they get get around to it . . . but only after Phil Goff said it was just Paul Henry being Paul Henry, leaving John Key to get the first real bite at the media pie and TVNZ issued Henry’s apology. Bloody hopeless.
Isn’t Goff’s press sec on walkabout behind the great man in Mana ?
Here’s ya chance Fa’afoi.
Raise your profile, go in to bat for your Pasifika brethren, albeit of Indian extraction, and take on a fellow journo… give the people’s choice a serving of fresh choice.
Increase your Mana. Prove you’re not just a self serving MSM suckhole and labour party brownnoser!!!
Media luvvie first, foremost and always, pollywog. Labour brownnoser second. And Pasifikan a distant third.
Having viewed a couple of complaint decisions in relation to Henry, its a bit tricky to know exactly how he can be pinned down on this one. For example, Standard 7 states:
. . . but has the rider:
It would seem Henry has an “out” under the provision in that, albeit total ignorance, he may not actually know that the GG is a New Zealander and, further, it may be his genuinely held opinion that Anand Satyanand does not sound like a New Zealand name. There’s also that subjective clause in relation to “legitimate humour” – I have no doubt Henry thinks he was being wonderfully amusing.
Each of the 11 free-to-air television standards have similarly negating “guielines” which, pretty much, allow the broadcaster to “say” (perhaps not “show”) anything.
Can anyone give me a lead as to which of the standards would have the best chance of scoring a hit? I’m half wondering about Standard 2 which relates to Law and Order from the point of view that Henry’s comments reinforce the illegal actions of employers to ignore job applications from people with “funny” names on the basis that they’re not likely to be New Zealanders. Or, perhaps, the complaint might be better directed not at Henry but at the Chief Executive for continuing to employ someone who’s pattern of behaviour which, while not in direct breach of the standards, holds them up to ridicule and presents a buffoon as a suitable role model.
s7 is the likely one. i don’t think the rider of “expression of genuinely held opinion in news, current affairs or other factual programmes” allows for the broadcasting of grossly offensive, racist comments. besides, this is a host of Breakfast, not a vox pop on the news.
considering TVNZ’s board is continuing to defend Henry and his comments, they are furthering the damage and incredibility of that possible defence.
Henry has also since said “my comments were perfectly clear… what I meant was obvious”.
the guy is dead meat – i’d put money on it.
other media are turning on him and his masters this time
the guy is dead meat – i’d put money on it.
…bet he apologises tomorrow and that’ll be the end of it.
Key’ll come out in support saying. ‘Aww look it’s just a bit of harmless fun and i’m pretty relaxed about the whole thing”
…just like he did for Williamsons joke to Oscar Kightley, a Member of the NZ order of Merit, asking if ‘his papers were in order’ or his own Tuhoe cannibals quip.
If they let that slide, they’re fuckers.
they are fuckers, but they won’t be getting off that easily
“IF my comments have personally offended…”
Oh, it’s the classic I apologise because others think I should, not because I think I should
TVNZ, FYI, you need to apologise to me and every other decent New Zealander who was offended by your claims that Paul is just this super guy who says what we all think.
Exactly. I remain seriously offended and unsatisfied by Henry’s pretend apology.
Paul’s original comments reveal what a racist bigot he is inside. Any apology now doesn’t change the fact. OUT!
WTF – I am a royalist???? If so then would know that the GG is the Monarchs representative and treadign a very fine line when attacking for no reason apart from race.
I say this as royalist – I am one, yes I admit it.
I’m not a royalist but I don’t think it’s acceptable to insult New Zealand’s second highest office after the Queen on the grounds that because he’s not white or Maori (like Henry is totally cool with a Maori GG), Anan Satyanand is therefore not a real New Zealander.
So you’re saying Henry probably cleared his comments with TVNZ legal first. That’s just great.
DPF’s thread has decided that offensive or not, and some reckon it was, the real victims are straight white conservative christian males.
They should start a group…
They could call it ‘The British Empire’ or ‘the US ruling elite’
Or ‘The Real National’
The New Zealand Defence League
Apparently the president of the Wellington Fiji Indian Association, Vinod Kumar, said he was “deeply depressed” when he heard what Mr Henry said on Breakfast. How about emailing the Fiji Indian Assoc. with a bit of support.
Henry and TVNZ now in full damage control, despite both Henry and TVNZ previously saying they stood by Henry’s racism, Henry has now issued an apology
the matter hasn’t ended here, much as Henry, Key and TVNZ will wish it
He doesn’t apologise for the racism.
He feels no need to apolopgise for his racism, as per Henry’s earlier comments today “my comments were perfectly clear… what I meant was obvious”.
So Henry offers an apology. Where do all those Henry phone-in and blog supporters go now?
Labour’s Grant Robertson finally works up a better line than the limp effort from the Goffice
Now I really hope Jacinda Ardern stays away from Breakfast for at least a week.
What Paul Henry doesn’t say is as important as what he does say. His much-vaunted love of argument has a habit of failing him when he has guests with genuinely kooky and/or racist views on his show. He should have been sacked last year after soft-soaping the pseudo-scientist Lloyd Pye and allowing Pye to promote a conference of anti-semitic conspiracy theory nutjobs:
You are soo transparent Scott!
An apology is only meaningful if there is a genuine commitment from the offender to avoid re-offending.
Henry has shown NZs that offending (and hurting) people is part of his ‘brand’. Consequently his apology means nothing. I will now stop watching TVNZ until Henry is gone. As long he is with TVNZ I shall watch ’3′ and I will promote this to my friends and family, starting tonight.
If I were a conspiracy theorist I’d say this is Henry’s attempt at silencing our (Republican Movement) attempt at progressively reforming the Governor-General’s office…
It’s good that Henry feels that he should “sincerely apologise to the Governor General, Sir Anand Satyanand”.
However, lets not forget, the problem is that Henry asked if the next GG could be someone who “looks and sounds a bit more like a New Zealander”.
That means that Henry’s derogatory comments were not meant solely for Satyanand but were also intended to insult anyone who doesn’t look or sound “like a New Zealander” as undefined by Henry but certainly did not include anybody who “looks and sounds” like Satyanand!
The more I think of this, the more I think Henry is an ass and TVNZ’s apology is worse then nothing!
How’s that list of TVNZ advertisers coming along – cos I have a need to send some corporations some emails and phone calls!
it’ll come…
Start here: http://www.heritagehotels.co.nz/contact-us/
Nice!!! I USED to frequently stay in Heritage hotels on business – guess not anymore!!!
make sure you send them an email to explain why
Len Brown is an advertiser during Breakfast.
Good to know. Auckland voters should get on the email and phone to see if Brown wants to stop doing that.
Please be aware that not all advertisers during the Breakfast show are advertising there by specific demand. While advertisers can buy time during specific shows, or even specific ad breaks (and then specific slots within that block, the first and last being the most valuable) – a lot of ads are placed by the broadcaster. The advertiser effectively pays for X plays, and they are distributed by the broadcaster as they see fit.
So Len Brown’s ad (or any other ad) playing during Breakfast doesn’t mean they’ve chosen specifically to support that show. That said, an advertiser can specifically request not to receive plays during specific shows or slots.
A boycott of any and all advertisers is not really helpful or ‘fair’. However writing to advertisers and expressing your feelings about the show and asking that they consider not advertising during the show is more likely to be effective.
Heritage as the show’s primary sponsor is the only advertiser that has definitely chosen to actively support Breakfast. They are in the strongest position to send a clear message to TVNZ/Henry about this.
I’ve written to Heritage a couple of times about their tacit endorsement of Henry.
They would have me believe that they – as the main sponsor of the show – have zero influence over the content or presentation.
Yeah I know, fucking liars. I’d have more time for them if they stood up for the prick, frankly.
i guess we’ll see how long they stay loyal to PH
Paul Henry is the reason why I stopped watching Breakfast after many years of loyal viewing.
The man is an unmitigated boor. His racist, sexist, and generally unpleasant tone must surely give visitors to our country, who unwittingly find TV1 between 6.30am and 9 am, a very negative image of us when he is who represents us at that time.
I will happily write letters to TVNZ, advertisers (if someone can tell me who), the BCA, the Minister of Broadcasting and the Prime Minister as well as voting in the Stuff poll, joining the facebook page(s) and any other anti- Paul Henry effort if only to let the prat know that this New Zealander doesn’t think like him, to myself or aloud.
He is a disgrace and TVNZ should pull him off air IMMEDIATELY!!
captcha: owes
He owes The Governor General and all other New Zealanders more than an apology. He owes us his resignation. Of course, I am not holding my breath
Me tuhituhi tatou katoa tetahi reta mo TVNZ, e whakaatu ana, kaore tatou e whakaae ki te whakaaro kino o Paul Henry me te Kamupene o TVNZ hoki.
Tika tou whakaaro. Me haere ahau ki te tuhituhi etahi panui
Ae, tino pai! 😉
One thing that I find very sad about this whole affair is that John Key’s mother came from an Austrian religious minority (Jewish) who along with Poles, Romanys, Communists, Jehovah’s Witnesses and many others were terribly persecuted during WW2.
Indeed Key’s mother was a survivor of that persecution. However, despite having a mother, who was an immigrant, from a religious minority our Prime Minister didn’t say boo to Henry.
Of course – and this is what I believe – Key may very well have been caught off guard and may have been attempting to be gracious yet I bet even Key feels a bit uncomfortable about the whole affair – at least I certainly hope he does for his mothers as well as the rest of his family’s sake – not to mention the nation he leads.
Do we want a PM whose reaction to racism is politeness? I don’t. He’s now saying he was ‘taken aback’. Key is on telly with this guy every week and every week Henry says something of this order. My god, it’s not like Henry flashed him his willy – he expressed a Henry-esque view. Why would Key be surprised?
Key’s also not saying whether he thought it was racist. Well at least he’s not yet – until a focus group tells him they thought he should say something…
This taken aback business.
People react in different ways. It’s not really something you can control without a lot of effort. Key’s reaction is not all that unusual. Taking him at his word that he was taken aback, then he reacted with appeasement. It’s not uncommon, it’s just wanting to make the uncomfortable go away. He wasn’t necessarily agreeing with it in his heart or anything, just trying to move on over it in the now and avoid confrontation. It’s not something I feel too strongly about in terms of judging someone as a person.
As PM however, what the fucking shit? It’s not really good enough for those instinctual reactions to not be under control. Especially, as you say, that even after reflection he was still not be prepared to confront the actual issue.
Though it does seem strange for a ball busting negotiator to be so taken abacky and not being able to deal with things because of his OMG.
As PM however, what the fucking shit? It’s not really good enough
Same goes for the Leader of the Opposition
Keys lack of response raises a big concern for me. If he hasn’t got the smarts to immediately respond and tell Paul Henry that he is directly insulting the head of states representative then how would he deal with a pressure foreign affairs situation where he is having to deal with a difficult negotiator or and out and out threat……wait to see how publc opinion is swinging before responding,,,,,as usual
This is nothing to do with colour, it’s about ethnic minorities.
If the GG was Maori then Henry wouldn’t have made the comment.
All you clowns going on about “white” this and that.
“If the GG was Maori then Henry wouldn’t have made the comment”
Are you soo sure about that? Maybe Henry would have said something dumb like “Can we get someone who’s not a cannibal”.
Remember that the Prime Minister’s mother was an Austrian Jew – Ruth Key (née Lazar) – she very likely sounded like Arnold Schwarzenegger – which means she very likely didn’t “Sound like a Kiwi” or Paul Henry. Considering Key’s father was an immigrant too – he probably sounded like a Pom – also not a Kiwi.
Henry’s comments were directed at Key’s parents just as much as the Fiji Indian community along with anyone else who doesn’t look like or sound like what Henry defines in his own minuscule mind as Kiwi.
Which brings us back to the point – what was John Key thinking and how is he going to react to this.
B.T.W. Jim Bolgers parents were Irish immigrants from Gorey, County Wexford, Ireland, I’m sure the Bolger family would be equally offended considering the Irish accent is most certainly not the same as ours either.
I’m not defending his stupid comments. Just that his concept of “New Zealander” is not based on being white. Henry doesn’t refer to Maori as not being New Zealanders.
OK mate – fair call. Mind you that’s the problem – he doesn’t define New Zealander – only what isn’t (according to him).
I’d love to hear in Henry’s next apology what he thinks a New Zealand-born New Zealander should look and sound like.
Fred Dagg for GG!! In a black singlet edged in gold braid.
Henry would like Fred Dagg as GG – pity the guy has lived in Australia for 30 years.
Does the sound of my name, birthplace, color, race or ethnicity, religion or how i speak make me less of a New Zealander than my conscious and honest desire to help this country become world-class and progressive, a place where multi-cultural differences take a back seat to mutual respect and cooperation, than those so-called “full-blooded and superior above all” Kiwis who are unprofessional, uncouth, and uncivil to the point of publicly proclaiming their dislike for a person who simply wants to serve or has served this country well? Where is the Government’s firm stand on this? Is it simply a matter to make fun of, just like one high government official who said he’d rather stay with one tribe because the other would make him their dinner? I tend to think these people make those comments not just for popularity, pun, profit or praise from those who think the same way. Perhaps they do have an innate antipathy for the “inferiors and non-whites”. Shame.
Why refer to “non-whites”? Henry didn’t.
No jbanks because he didn’t have to. The colour of the GG’s skin was testament enough to what he was meaning. He knew it and he knew that everybody who heard him would know it too.
See this is the hysterical left making shit up. As usual.
Henry’s comments were based on the GG’s Indian/Fijian ethnicity. In no way was he saying that because the GG had brown skin he’s not a NZer. Henry thought that because the GG didn’t look European or Maori then he doesn’t look like a NZer. This is a very stupid comment but it wasn’t based on colour.
‘New Zealanders’ are, I believe, either tāngata whenua (Māori) or tāngata tiriti (those who came here as a consequence of Te Tiriti o Waitangi) therefore anyone born here or who has become a New Zealand citizen as a consequence of choosing to become naturalised and thus accepting of New Zealand law is a New Zealander.
Given that we are no longer of predominately British descent our diversity in skin colour, eye shape, hair texture, speech patterns etc will continue to evolve. It seems only fitting that Governors General, like MP’s, police officers, teachers, judges etc should reflect that evolution.
Now, if only that applied to television presenters and personalities!
Sorry, I just heard that Paul Henry is part of a persecuted minority. I don’t know why he thinks that would entitle him to continue in his boorish behaviour but apparently he does.
@jbanks – ethnicity is not what makes a New Zealander (IMHO)
Well, it doesn’t but it does tell us that Henry believes in a hierarchy of prejudice and racism.
@jbanks – ethnicity is not what makes a New Zealander (IMHO)
I agree.
I was more challenging those on the left who are making this about ‘white & black’ when it’s actually not.
You had a fair point about what he actually said vs what people infer from it, but then you wrote this:
Which rather undermines it.
If you’ve got anything which suggests that Henry doesn’t think Maori are New Zealanders then put up or shut up. Dipshit.
use your big boy words jbanks, or face deletion
Henry works to a hierarchy of racial and ethnic discrimination. Gippos below Indians. Its just a matter of figuring out where he puts east asians and Maori on his scale.
You’ve repeatedly pointed out to others that they should pay attention to what Henry actually said, not to what they think he meant. It’s a stance I have some sympathy for, I took the same one over Hone Harawira’s remarks.
All I know for sure from Henry’s remarks is that Sir Anand doesn’t fit Henry’s definition of what a Kiwi looks like.
Now you’re claiming that you know that when Henry said “Kiwi” he actually meant “European or Maori”. You’re making that claim, not anyone else, so it’s on you to justify it, not me.
I’m sorry if you don’t understand this, but there it is. I don’t know how to dumb it down any further.
Now you’re claiming that you know that when Henry said “Kiwi” he actually meant “European or Maori”. You’re making that claim, not anyone else, so it’s on you to justify it, not me.
Now you’re just being unnecessarily narrow.
How could someone Maori possibly not be a New Zealander?
It’s silly to assume he could have been saying this just because he didn’t explicitly say he wasn’t.
Hey jbanks lets get back to what Henry actually said
Source: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/entertainment/news/article.cfm?c_id=1501119&objectid=10678313
You see the problem is that the majority of my “Maori” family look like Satyanand – have the same colour tan or darker then Satyanand. We look a lot more like Satyanand then Henry.
Considering that Henry implied that Satyanand did not look like a New Zealander, that would suggest that my black Maori family don’t look like New Zealanders either – neither does Tana Umaga’s for that matter – or Joesevata Rokocoko, Maria Tutaia, Vilimana Davu, Valeri Vili, Beatrice Faumuina, Ma’a Nonu, Frank Bunce, Buck Shelford, Geetan Patel, Deepak Patel, Joe Stanely, Jeremy Stanley, Parekura Horomia, Hone Tuwhare, Hone Harawira, Rueben Wiki, Manu Vatuvei, Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, Jason Suttie, Ray Sefo, Casey Laulala, Neemia Tialata, Piri Weepu, Ross Filipo, Rico Gear, Hosea Gear, Walter Little …
I’m sure you get the point now – Henry is a racist bigoted prick!
That’s beside the point banksy.
You claim Henry spoke about – specifically – “European or Maori” Kiwis.
He didn’t, you just made that up. You don’t know what he considers a “Kiwi” because he didn’t say.
Seeing as you’ve insisted that no-one put words in his mouth (as if they need to!) then I expect you to hold yourself to the same standard.
And don’t expect me to prove your negative for you either.
“How could someone Maori possibly not be a New Zealander?”
You’re asking me to pretend that Paul Henry thinks the same way I do. I don’t know how Sir Anand could possibly not be a New Zealander either so I’m not the one you want to be asking that question of.
‘You don’t know what he considers a “Kiwi” because he didn’t say.’
A kiwi is a flightless bird. I believe that we are discussing human New Zealanders not avian New Zealanders!
captcha: mean (I’m not, really)
@ Felix. My comment was in response to your mates saying that “New Zealander” was referring to white people only. This is ‘unpossible’ as all Maori are New Zealanders, and a lot of Maori aren’t white.
Over your head as usual.
Who cares about your pointless set-theory semantics when it is clear that Paul Henry is a racist who runs a hierarchy of bigotry in his head? That is what is important here.
Henry is leaving the building, thank you very much.
True. Though he’ll be back unfortunately.
Exactly my point, banks. You’re doing what you’re criticising others for.
At least you’re admitting it now. Who’s head? Not mine, my dim little friend.
I criticised others for implying a condition that is logically impossible.
I’m merely pointing out the fixed facts of what we know about the term “New Zealander”.
I am your intellectual superior. Don’t forget that kid.
“How could someone Maori possibly not be a New Zealander?”
Let’s see – Maori parents, born in Aus, lived in Aus all their life, no NZ citizenship, never been to NZ. Might be a start.
Very few nations-states in the world define citizenship and national identity purely on cultural/ethnic identity grounds.
Back when I was doing surveys I encountered 4 responses where they’d filled in the demographic section as “Maori” and their student status as “International student”. A tiny minority, but logically possible.
Let’s see – Maori parents, born in Aus, lived in Aus all their life, no NZ citizenship, never been to NZ. Might be a start.
How very Eurocentic of you. That’s just a technical formality as to “officially” become a New Zealand Citizenship by Descent here, its just a matter of ticking off the paper work.
I don’t think you’ve got the mandate to be telling someone with a Maori whakapapa that they aren’t a New Zealander.
5 October 2010 at 9:58 am
New Zealanders’ are, I believe, either tāngata whenua (Māori) or tāngata tiriti
… amazing what you can say when you quote half a sentence. Let me finish it for you:
See the bit about being born here? The assumption (ooo, another “begging the question”!) is that everyone of Maori descent who is engaged in their heritage was born or has lived in New Zealand. This is not logically required. I’m sure there are quite a few Australians who regard Australia as home, regardless of their cultural roots. Some of them might be Maori, as well.
So your still defining “New Zealander” in purely European constructs? (read: Non-Maori telling certain people with Maori heritage who they are & aren’t).
Edward Said is not happy with you e hoa.
Actually, I’m saying that someone who self-identifies as Maori has the logical ability to not self-identify as a “New Zealander”. Indeed, birth location might be debatable as a requirement: what about a Maori who claims independence from the Crown?
You seem to be saying that all Maori must, by definition, be “New Zealanders”, no?
Your bizarre argument that Henry was being inclusive would make more sense if he’d used the colloquial ‘kiwi’, but instead, he twice said ‘New Zealander’, which I’d suggest, in the context of a racist rant, means European. It’s kinda up to Henry to prove otherwise.
Again, all Maori are New Zealanders, even if your white mates disagree.
Btw you obviously haven’t studied/read any information on white power type groups in New Zealand. They have no problem with Maori (who are brown) because even they understand that they were here first. So like Henry they save their rage for immigrants ie ethnic based.
It’s a bit much to link Henry to White Power groups, Jb, but if you must …
jbanks don’t be a dick, you said it so stand by it. Forgotten how to scroll up? Here’s what you said:
It’s simply not true banksie, and it directly contradicts much of what you’ve written on this thread.
The word for refusing to face your own contradictions is hypocrisy. It’s cowardly and dishonest at best, but to try to get away with it in writing is just plain stupid. Do you think no-one can read?
It’s the kind of thing I expect from numbskulls like Cameron Slater.
Forgotten how to scroll up?
😆 that could become quite a popular euphemism
Give jbanks a break, felix. There is some clown commenting over at frogblog trying to run a similar argument who can’t even spell “hypocrisy” or “hypocrite”.
Or maybe “john” at frogblog and “jbanks” here are one and the same!
Nah – jbanks has improved out of all sight here.
After some fairly continuous needling by the cat and others over the months he is managing to make his arguments vaguely coherent these days. It still isn’t laser technology, but he is starting to move from oil lantern technology. He is now able to use a torch to get somewhere close to to the point he is trying to make.
Your ‘john’ sounds like it is still having problems using matches
I’ve asked you HOW he could be talking about New Zealanders and NOT include European’s & Maori. You just keep pretending like this is some subjective term relative to who’s using it. It’s not and so ANYONE referring to a New Zealand, BY DEFINITION, is referring to Europeans & Maori. THIS is why it’s stupid for people to say he was meaning whites only and logically sound for me to state otherwise.
Your argument that he didn’t spell it out for us and that New Zealander could be anything is ridiculous eg OMG the guy doesn’t have Velcro gloves on, no swandry, no NZ shirt, clearly he doesn’t look like a NZer…oh you all thought he meant because he is black…oh you racist mofos all of you
‘New Zealanders’ is not an inclusive term, if it’s used by a racist. It means white. Kinda like the BNP use ‘British’ when they mean white. It’s a coded appeal to prejudice and it’s not meant to be easily deciphered, so it’s hardly your fault that you don’t get it. Most of Henry’s supporters don’t get it, either.
My experience with New Zealand racists is that any problem they have with Maori is not based on them not being real New Zealanders. It’s sort of redundant to tell someone Maori to go back to their own country. So in the New Zealand context, New Zealanders IS inclusive of tāngata whenua because of the fixed fact that they were here first.
Anyway enough spam already.
Paul Henry is a sad pathetic remnant of the worst kind of old-school TV presenter. He is neither funny nor clever, and sounds much less like a New Zealander than Sir Anand Satyanand whom he accused of not sounding like one.
He doesn’t push any boundaries in any way at all, I gather all he does is continue through life, living well in his vulgar Prestbury Hall off his salary where he gets paid to prattle nonsense like a private school boy of limited intelligence and who has not quite cut the apron strings.
Utter bullcrap.
He can dress up in KKK costume for all he likes in the privacy of his own home.
But when a racist bigot goes on a nutter on national public owned-by-our-Government TV, completely disregarding the TVNZ charter and completely disrespecting hundreds of thousands of fellow NZ’ers then he deserves to be ejected from his cushy high paying job at a high rate of knots. Let him get a new job as spokesperson for ACT.
Ah, the idiotic “you’re not allowed to be intolerant of completely racist intolerant a**holes” argument.
You seem a little slow so I’ll explain this carefully.
No one is saying that Paul Henry should face criminal charges for what he’s said, or that he should not be able to say whatever racist bile he likes in his personal life. Private racism is an absolute, if unpleasant, right in a democracy.
But Henry didn’t make these comments in a private capacity, he made them as an employee of TVNZ. His rights in that capacity only stretch as far as the wording in his employment agreement.
Freedom cuts both ways. The public calls for Henry’s employers to sack him are an exercise in our freedom of speech.
What you’re doing is defending Henry on the basis of freedoms he doesn’t have, while telling us to shut up and forgo our freedom of speech. Not very democratic of you is it?
Nicely put Juan!!! Also to those who call critics of Paul Henry the ‘PC brigade’; I believe the website you are looking for is stormfront.com … You will find like minded people there. If not, perhaps you would like to spend a day in a country where you are a visible minority, then maybe you’d understand why what PH said was actually distasteful and downright disgusting.
[let this through, so we can remember the true face of a good part of the Right]
What life-less losers you are. Nothing was racist, I suggest you look up the words meaning. He said something offensive (if you’re an over-sensitve yutz), but he never in anyway suggested anything about inferior or superior race.
If you want to get pissy about someone, focus on that racist prick of an MP, who is genuinely racist and is one of this bloody countrys politicians! I cannot believe that this country is so full of faggot assed precious fuckedheads and reverse racism is so extreme that we let one of our countrys politicians say blatant racist shit, and is fine, yet a T.V personality says something that is marginal and this is more of an issue. I do’nt recall any protesting about Hone at all.
Get a fucken life
If it is not racist, perhaps you’d like to scoot over to the times of India website or the BBC and see what the international community is thinking of NZ at the moment (http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/New-Zealand-sorry-for-comments-against-Sheila-Dikshit/articleshow/6705700.cms or http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-11490699). Maybe you are the racist, rather than us being the “faggot assed precious fuckedheads”. Alter your world view because, clearly, for want of a better word, you’re an idiot. Paul Henry was hired by TVNZ to shock and bring the ratings in for their Breakfast ‘magazine format’ show, so I don’t know why you think what he said has an ounce of balanced credibility. Of-course, when he hosts serious programs closeup and the like; he’s a totally different, and better, interviewer/presenter. Then again, it looks like that’s never going to happen again after what he did to his credible reputation. There’s only a few words to say to people like you. GROW UP!!! Paul Henry was trying to be an immature prick, which at occasions is funny, BUT the FACT is the FACT… he overstepped the line. Just because you and many others are devoted PH fans, I was one, doesn’t mean you have to circle jerk each other and jump to his rescue every time he does something DAMNED disgusting. People make mistakes, face it, and this was one those. You and your bunch of pre-pubescent posse should grow the hell up…
Stop gibberering, and learn how to spell “fuckin'”.
You *are* an American, right? Your loathsome hate-filled post is filled with Americanisms. though ‘fucken’ is pure Kiwi.. Yuck!
paul henry is swt as, if u cunts cnt handle him dnt wtch
Illiterate swear-boy, grow up!
Justin, stop being such a limp arse PC junkie, its lefties liek you who are ruining this country!
I’m here to tell those who allege that Paul Henry says what we are all thinking: in the deathless words of John McInroe, ‘You can NOT be serious!!’ He certainly does not say what I’m thinking – not even close. In any case, one often thinks things that are better left unsaid: that’s called tact (among other things). Not this boor, though. Look, there is no courage in being boorish – ask any drunk. Now I know why TVNZ keep him on; as they did Paul Holmes well past his use-by date. Whatever the audience really thought, the sponsors seem to like him and stump up vast quantities of lucre. Why, I can’t think. TVNZ should fire his ass, and wipe that smug self-satisfied smirk from his face.
New Zealander with a brain, which includes everyone except Paul Henry, can feel a little less proud this week
Think of all our NZ taxpayers dollars spent on portraying our good image, in tourism, exports and sports
This guy is costing NZ many tens of millions of dollars, but more importantly our hard won international reputation
Free speech sure but without consequence? Isn’t there a law to protect a proud country and our efforts from intentional slander by association with a dik-head?
He should be sacked without hesitation, exported elsewhere if possible where he can live with the notoriety of his international small minded reputation – we don’t want to!
Paul Henry IS THE COOLEST BESTEST ROCKIEST TV PRESENTER EVER ilove Paul Henry and sure he sometimes goes over the top but its who he is and FYI NObody is forcing you to watch him so if you dont like it change the chanell its easy. i think your totally OTT and need to calm down and resolve whatever is going on in your life that is causing you to over react.
See the below Facebook pages, they are quite good for venting PH hate……or love :