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notices and features - Date published:
9:49 am, July 7th, 2014 - 11 comments
Categories: election 2014, labour, Politics -
Tags: vote positive
Labour’s Congress meeting over this past weekend was inspiring, and hugely energising. This post is going to be a bit more evangelical than most on Polity, but that’s how I feel this morning.
We heard a superb set of politics emerge about education, always a core theme for Labour. I’ll post on this separately, but the choice New Zealanders face is very clear – would you rather invest more into paying top principals like corporate CEOs, or put that money into a smaller classes for our kids?
We had the chance to compare notes with fellow activists around the country, getting ourselves set for the 11 week sprint to the election.
We got not one but two treats in the form of speeches from our leadership. On Saturday, David Parker gave a real tub-thumper1 on the egalitarian ideals of Labour. And the leader’s speech on Sunday was a superb call-to-arms from David Cunliffe, sending everyone home in exactly the right spirit of both pride and optimism.
We also saw for the first time our campaign slogan, which will soon be plastered up and down New Zealand. Vote Positive.
This is a very nice slogan, and it cuts to the heart of the Labour project. Labour has big, bold solutions to offer on the big, serious issues facing New Zealand. The contrast with managerial tinkering could not be more clear.
When voters see “Vote Positive”, it cues their impressions of Labour’s ideas – our plan – which we know are highly positive in most areas. We now have the battle of the slogans (and hashtags etc) all set. The battle is a team with a star versus a team with a plan.
So no more Labour proclaiming crisies then? You know the manufactiring crisis, the immigration crisis, the forstery crisis, the boat building crisis, the housing crisis etc etc
Too many people leaving NZ then too many people coming back to NZ
Whos going to muzzle T. Mallard?
“The battle is a team with a star versus a team with a plan.”
The battle is a team with a major star and some minor stars versus a team with no plan.
Stop the press! Right wing shill finds fault with Labour Party! Has talking points! Talking points, I tell you!
So no more snide references to Nick Smiths mental health then as well?
Its an interesting idea but can Labour change what they’ve been doing (oh so successfully) for the last 6 years?
I don’t think Labour know how to be anything other than negative
Personal responsibility means you construct a false narrative, then pretend that false narrative is solid ground from which to launch a negative attack.
Tom Jackson
Link fail. Nothing negative there, just two MP’s pointing out the reality of the National Government and the hypocrisy of their leader. Being positive doesn’t mean ignoring the failings of the present Government, something you and WO don’t seem to get.
You also don’t seem to get that Labour’s campaigning is not actually based on what you deem it to be. Your perception won’t be our reality.
At least you read the link which is something most here don’t so well done for that but I’d say that National selling our souls is not exactly positive
Dead right! Like you, I think National selling our souls is not exactly positive 😉
Da its not negative to point out that this Government have no policy and their ministers talk shit constantly. Key is always negative he has spent the last few months saying black is white especially if Cunliffe has said white is white.
Its the economy. We’ve lived with a trend of cheaper high density liquid non-renewables under which simplistic leave it to the market policies, practices and philosophies looked like they worked. They didn’t, all they did was corrode, compel and co-opt wealth from the lower and middle income earners into the hangs of the financial elite. The GFC collapse exposed the mess, the market failure in part due to environment and resource limits, but mainly due to the financial web of global indebtedness, become undeniable.
So we are now need to redress the imbalances of thirty years of poor government, under government, and excessive compelling government. Take three strikes, less justice more prisoners and longer sentences; i.e. increased costs on society (from family dis-function by loss of breadwinner), the economy (less employees, and consumers), and government (high prison costs).
National represent this bad governing philosophy.