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notices and features - Date published:
5:13 pm, September 6th, 2017 - 11 comments
Categories: election 2017 -
Tags: debate, The Spinoff
tonight https://t.co/7AOregqvjy
— Morgan Godfery (@MorganGodfery) September 6, 2017
WARNING – viewers will be exposed to Paula Bennett’s abhorrent politics.
But the rest look interesting,
Kelvin Davis, deputy leader of Labour
Marama Davidson, of the Greens
Shane Jones, of New Zealand First
Marama Fox, co-leader of the Māori party
David Seymour, leader of ACT
Gareth Morgan, leader of TOP
They will speak on whatever we ask them, with particular emphasis paid to transport and housing, via the Spinoff Auckland editor Simon Wilson and Māori issues, via former Mana editor and current Kaupapa on the Couch host Leonie Hayden.
“You can say whatever you like,” said Toby Manhire, looking flustered, when asked for a quote for this announcement.
As we get closer to the election the two main parties are breathing in all the political oxygen, leaving the minor parties gasping. This will be a rare opportunity to see all the fish, big and small, on one stage – savagely spiking one another in a desperate attempt to get some coverage. It will be very good, that’s something we can almost promise.
Live from The Spinoff’s Facebook page (good luck with your connection NZ).
Kelvin doesn’t seem together at all in this debate – he seems lost.
Marama’s are great.
Paula is odious.
edit – Awesome chatting amongst them all – so good and great humour.
Yes glad I watched though lost connection for a while.
Paula was odious, strident, and fluent. The audience clapped her support of the Joyce hole. (Stacked audience?)
And yes Kelvin was out of his depth, sadly. Hope he doesn’t have a head to head with Paula. She has plenty of experience and would crush him.
Seymour was pretty fluent and expressed himself well – damn him.
Marama D was very credible and has a warmth.
Gareth was OK but I think his ideas are way ahead of this era.
Marama Fox shouty interrupting but clear on her aims.
Kelvin did get better when prisons were gone over but Paula was laying into him a lot and he was close to losing it especially when fox started ribbing him from the other side. I really enjoyed the format – they all looked uncomfortable to some degree and all did pretty well and got their talking points out there.
Psychopaths tend to be very personable people.
Actually, from what I can make out, his ideas are 18th century stuff. Of course, that’s still better than the 15th century stuff we’re getting from National and their clingons.
I think Bennett and Davis were equally poor, to be honest, and easily the least convincing of any of the politicians this evening. Generally, neither seemed to have answers to the questions posed.
Bennett’s problem was that she simply tended to waffle about anything that came into her head. She seems not to have a filter that interprets the question and then sifts out relevant information that she can provide. Instead, she seems simply to have a conviction that anything she says which is interesting to her must be very important to anybody listening. That is an advantage in terms of putting a lot across and presenting herself confidently on television. However, it is a disadvantage when it comes to debating in the usual sense of the word.
Davis’s Problem is that he seems to respect the question and want to give a proper answer, but be unable to come up with points and supporting facts (either at all or just quickly enough fora televised debate; it’s impossible to tell). Therefore, he seems hesitant, and tends to change tack several times before finishing a sentence.
It’s difficult to know which of the two would come out better off in a head-to-head in which they both had time to answer questions fully, and set their own agenda to a degree. I feel, though, that a head-to-head between those two would be one of the less productive debates for voters in this election.
For potential coalition partners the open hostility between Fox, Davis & Jones is pretty awful to see.
I’m liking Marama actually, haven’t had much chance to hear her speak previous to this campaign.
Its so hard to understand why they have been propping up Nats…
Bennett is just such a dbag.
Davis was pretty meh, hope he improves over time.
The downside of Labour finally getting round to sweeping out the old guard I guess.
Easy fix for his complaint about the size of his Electorate is to let Hone win 🙂
Seymour has such a weird twisted view on a lot of things, not the most important but most immediately false was his claim he couldn’t vote during 5yrs in Canada: Aside from oddly implying that Canada is like a prison, thats at least 1 possibly 2 NZ elections he’d have been 100% legally allowed to vote in.
Jones comes across as a loud douche & didn’t change my opinion he’s no great loss for Labour.
I like Morgan a lot, would like to see him get into Parliament or at least hope he continues pushing from the sidelines.
Davidson a bit quiet, seemed to have some issues hearing the questions but made good points when she got full sentences in.
Kelvin seems to be a poor performer in this campaign in terms of when he has Deputy hat on, as opposed to electorate.
Good to know that bennett thinks only 7 people are in prison for cannabis offenses – lol – she must think we are all as thick as her.
No need for their new benes on drugs programme then. 😉
Why are the Greens putting Davidson out instead of JAG?
Julie-Anne is a great speaker and more experienced that Marama Davidson.
there seem to be an all out stampede with parties offering the world, here are a couple of promises from national we will sort out Petrol prices…..after the elections (this was from a couple of months back) prices have slowly crept up money being offered for transport… but still no promise of what is happening to the Manawatu GORGE After the elections said national..closing schools…now national throwing money out to have more schools