TV One News – oh shame you pakeha palangi

Written By: - Date published: 9:01 pm, October 31st, 2007 - 11 comments
Categories: Media - Tags:

Following a perfectly sensible Cabinet reshuffle story tonight, TV One News must have had this weird rush to the head because they sent an English (really silver spoon English too), white, tie wearing suit to interview the good people of South Auckland to find out what they thought of Labour’s Cabinet reshuffle.

Is it me or do other people think too that… um… that was a bad choice of interviewer? And that perhaps, the locals might have opened up just a tad more if they suspected that this was NOT the first time ever that the media guy had EVER EVER EVER been in South Auckland?

And I bet he had a bodyguard too. Double shame.

11 comments on “TV One News – oh shame you pakeha palangi ”

  1. gobsmacked 1

    From the TVNZ website:

    “Because of the role south Auckland voters played in the 2005 election – when things were looking rosy for National until the votes came in and swung Labour’s way – ONE News headed to the streets and asked, what do you think of the reshuffle?”

    That clip showed how little One News (and most MSM) understand their own country. They’ve learned nothing since election night. You could almost hear them saying “Who are these people? Can we get A White Male Political Commentator in to explain them for us?”

  2. the sprout 2

    yes that story was abit bit lame alright. both the networks went large on the re-shuffle but public interest really didn’t seem to warrant it (although it’s hardly the first time the media’s agenda has been different from the public’s). i guess it was a light news day and vox pops and stand-ups make for cheap copy.

  3. TomS 3

    Don’t get me started – the media is sea of white middle class faces talking to other white middle class faces about issues that obsess white middle class people – tax cuts, house prices and mortgage rates. Watching TV in this country would lead you to conclude we are ethnically only slightly less white than Iceland.

  4. tom-tom 4

    TomS, near namesake, try watching te pouaka whakaata Maori for news and views of a deeper hue.

  5. djp 5

    The fact that you think that an “English” looking person cant interview in South Auckland says a lot more about you then One News my friend.

    Yes.. keep the English folks right away from the Polys. It boggles the mind….

    Reasonable Polynesian people will talk to any interviewer (white, black or in between).

  6. Tane 6

    djp, go look at the piece – it’s up on the TVNZ site now. What’s remarkable is how utterly out of touch many in the media are from ordinary people. Through all the media’s obsession with the reshuffle, most people didn’t really know or care. They seemed genuinely astounded that the people of South Auckland weren’t as wound up as they were, and why they weren’t too keen on opening up to a pommy guy wearing a suit.

    More than anything, it showed how utterly disconnected the media are from everyday life.

  7. djp 7

    Tane you may be right that the people in South Auckland dont care much about the cabinet reshuffle but that did not seem to be the main thrust of this blog post.

    Just read the title “TV One News – oh shame you pakeha palangi”, it seems to be about how white people should not interview brown people (or for some reason is an insult?).

  8. Tane 8

    I didn’t write the piece, but I imagine it was tongue in cheek.

    As for your accusation about white people not being able to interview brown people, have another read:

    And that perhaps, the locals might have opened up just a tad more if they suspected that this was NOT the first time ever that the media guy had EVER EVER EVER been in South Auckland?

    The point was that TVNZ sent the wrong reporter with the wrong angle. If they were smarter they wouldn’t have sent someone so utterly culturally alien and so out of his depth.

  9. djp 9

    how do you know if the guy has been in South Auckland or not?

    it just sounds as though you fellas are picking on this guy because of his style/background/whatever

    but wrap it whatever way you want…

    “And I bet he had a bodyguard too. Double shame.”

    Yay, ending with a bit of prejudice.

  10. Policy Parrot 10

    “Worst Interview EVER!”

    The mystical voters of South Auckland were keeping mum yesterday as they were interviewed by a junior ONE News investigative reporter. When quizzed on the cabinet reshuffle, viewers were treated to phrase-varying but a consistent message: “Couldn’t care less” probably portrayed the mood most accurately. These are the people who get out and vote in droves to return worker-friendly government, and then get right back to work and their lives.

    Good on them, and shame on ONE News for acting so aloof as to pose the question in a manner “who the hell is denied us a National-govt?”

  11. insider 11

    Given that the single largest ethnic group in Manukau is Pakeha, I would have thought it was entirely appropriate to send a white guy.

    Why do you want to ghettoise journalists?